
CH 6

"Why are we having a family meeting?" Sayu leaned into the table, looking at her father curiously. "There's only 3 days' before the new year."

"Quiet, Sayu!" Mom scolded.

"I don't want to tell you this..." The mand took a deep breath in. "but you'll find out sooner or later anyways... I'm currently the head of the Kira case."

"Really?" Sayu took it in stride. "That's really cool dad!"

"Listen, 12 FBI investigators who were in Japan died yesterday." He spoke slowly.

"...Killed by kira?" Light questioned.

"It seems that anyone who chases kira will lose their lives... It's because of this that the investigators under me are resining one by one." Dad said solemnly. "The cruelty and danger involved in this investigation is unprecedented, i couldn't think of any reason to make them stay."

"Dad. Don't do it then!" Sayu looked at her father in worry. "I don't want you to die..."

"that's right." Mom looked at her husband. "Your life is more important than your pride. You should resine too."

"No, I'll never give up." He looked up from his cupped palms. "I will not back away from any crime."

"Dad..." Hikaru took a deep breath.

"...dear." Mother looked at her husband in disbelief.

"...I support you dad..." he looked up at his eldest son. Light got up from his chair and jestered for his younger brother to follow. "But if anything happens to you... I'll personally find and end Kira.

he vaguely heard the 2 women of the household call out to light, not to get his attention but the rather try and understand what he said. Hikaru followed after him, all the way upstairs.

"I'll be beside you; you know." Hikaru whispered. "You won't be doing this alone."

"I know, and I'm sure as hell going to be careful." Light sat on the bed, looking to the ceiling.

'Damn you... kira.' Hikaru looked out the window.


"Kid's! Help me with the winter cleaning!" Mom said as she vacuumed the carpet.

"Why? This place is always spotless." Hikaru complained.

"He's right mom." Light followed.

"Yea!" Sayu cheered.

"R-Really." mom happily looked at her kids before going back to cleaning.

"What are these Tv stations thinking?" Hikaru looked over, confused. Light straitened the newspaper so that he could also see. "It's all about Kira or L, nothing about Kouhaku."

"Really?" Hikaru looked over his shoulder. "Ah, It's really true."

"You say that now!" she narrowed her eyes. "But I know you're going to end up watching it! Also, there's no way i'm going to skip watching Kouhaku so go watch your kira stuff in your room."

"Naw, I'm going to watch 'bob Sapp vs. Akebono." Light countered.

"Oh, that..." She gave her brother a side long glance.

"Aru-chan, tape "super emergency broadcast" for me." Light tapped his sisters head with the newspaper before heading out with his twin trailing behind him.

"Ep! I knew it!" She yelped.

"Now for our pitiful selves to study until supper." Light sighed. Hikaru Perked up.

"Hey, where's dad?" He looked around the room.

"He said 'police don't have new years'." Mom just passed by with her vacume.

"They let him have it off last year!" Sayu grumbled. "It's all about that jerk Kira!"

'I personally don't mind dad being gone.'- hikaru messaged.

'I don't either, but sayu...'- light

'he'll be able to catch kira, He's working with L you know.'- hikaru

'I have a feeling that this case will take a lot longer than we think.' - light


"Sayu! takes these clean clothes to your father." Mom walked over with a checkered colored bag in her hands.

"But I'm going out tonight!" Sayu complained.

"Then Leave early." Mom countered.

"We can go." Light stood up from the chair, Hikaru who was mentally playing an intense game of Tetris froze and looked over, pointing to himself. "Yes, You too."

"Wah! Thanks!" Sayu cheered.

"Are you sure both of you should go? Midterms are coming up..." She asked.

"Yeah, it's a lot more interesting then practice exams anyways." Light walked over and grabbed the bag.

"Before you reach the station remember too..." She looked to her 2 sons.

"Yea, yea we'll call dad!" Hikaru gave his mother a quick hug before following light out of the door. "We're leaving!"

'Do you think we'll learn anything?'-Hikaru messaged.

'No Idea.'- light

'Oh, can we stop by the cake shop?'- Hikaru

'Can you get off your sugar based diet? it's not good for you.'- light

'Hah! as if that will stop me.'- hikaru

Light rolled his eyes and boarded the subway.

'Want to play Tetris?'- Hikaru

'Sure.'- light

Hikaru quickly started a mental game of tetras. The scene soon changed to an interstellar space station with 2 large glass containers. above it was a generator where the shapes come out of. Around them was a plethora of cheering aliens.

'What is with you and space theme?'- light asked.

'It looks cool'- hikaru

as an engineer, Hikaru had the advantage. However, light wasn't a push over. They both battled it out until their stop, feeling both irritated and satisfied with the ending tie.

"Call dad." Hikaru chirped. Light got out his phone.

'Leave a message at the tone...'

"Oh? That's strange." Light mumbled.

"Is he in an important meeting?" Hikaru asked.

"We'll find out when we get there." He stretched. "I'll leave dad a message."

They both walked into the station, chatting about menial things like what deserts and candy he should buy or how sweets aren't good for you.

"No matter what, I gave to speak with the investigators." A woman with dark hair and a leather jacket looked to the people in the front desk desperately.

"I already told you, there's nobody at the headquarters from the kira case right now." the receptionist looked at stood up, trying to convince her to come some other time.

"I made an appointment yesterday, aren't they here?" She asked.

"To tell you the truth..." he hesitated.

'Light! it's our chance!'- hikaru

"I'm Yagami Souichiro's son, light." Light walked to the desk. "So, he's gone? I'll just give these to you then."

"Oh Light? Long time no see." The receptionist moved the bag to the side.

"Oh?... I'm sorry I don't know many of the receptionist." Light apologized.

"Well, there are a lot of receptionists here, I was there last year when you helped solve the insurance case." He waved off the fact light didn't know him and pulled out the check in paper.

"Really? Sorry then." he looked down. "So just sign here?"

'Light? what are you doing?'- hikaru messaged.

'Just watch.'- light

"Do you have any ideas for the kira case?" The receptionist asked.

"Well, if my guesses are right, I could have outsmarted L." Light put the pen down. The receptionist looked at the woman, who was still standing there.

'Light I did an analysis on her, She's Naomi Misora- Raye Pember's fiancé.'- Hikaru messaged.

'She used to be an FBI agent as well, but she retired.'- hikaru

'Good to know.'- light

"Trust us, even if we're not investigators, we'll pass the message on." The receptionist helplessly explained.

"Um..." Hikaru looked at the 2 of them then to light.

"Our father is the head of the investigation." Light brought up. "I can pass it on for you if you don't mind, but I can't reach him on the phone right now. so, it might take a while for him to get the message. I can let you call him using my phone."

"Can you do that Light?" The receptionist asked.

"If this involves information on the Kira case I can." He answered. "I trust her, she's smart and quiet- and she figured out that the FBI may have connections within our department, so she wants to speak to them directly."

"..." she silently watched on.

"I'll give my father a message and wait for him to get his phone back, you can talk to him then." Light reassured her. "Of course, if you don't trust either of us, theirs's nothing I can do about it."

"..." She looked at boy Infront of him and asked. "Are you sure?"

"I can't tell you my father's reception, but it's better than nothing." he shrugged. "If you can't get through to him threw phone, then make another appointment."

"Thanks." She bowed. They all sat down on the couch to the side in order to wait for the call. Hikaru Awkwardly sat to the side.

'What do I say?' Hikaru messaged.

'here's the plan...' light

"..." Light leaned forward and spoke in a loud whisper. "I think that... Kira must have some scary supernatural powers."

"..." She froze and frowned at him. "I noticed that too, that's why I came here."

"Um... I don't think we should talk about this inside the station." Hikaru whispered. "You know, with Kira having inside information..."

"Let's go outside." Light agreed. The 3 got up, and she silently followed behind them. It was only until they left the front of the station did light begin speaking again. "I don't want anyone else to hear this... I hope you don't mind."

"Don't worry about it." She kept her head down, walking forward.

"I think kira..." He looked over, eyes narrowing. "what's your name anyway? Mines Yagami Raito."

'That's so sus.'- hikaru messaged.

"Mines Maki Shouko." She responded.

"Kira can do more than just kill his victim, He can control their actions." She jumped and looked at him in shock.

"Ju...Just what I was thinking." She said insidiously.

"Oh? you were thinking the same thing?" he looked at her.

'Was this a waste of time?'- hikaru

'Just be patent'- light

"To be able to control the victims actions before they die... not only that but if my predictions are correct." She pursed her lips. "Kira can kill people with more than just heart attacks."

'Wait, as if they don't have a heart attack but just plain ol' die by an accident or something? without heart frailer?'- hikaru messaged

'If her theory is correct... that changes things.'- light

"Even if nobody notices it yet, we might be able to catch kira sooner with these clues." She said firmly.

"To be able to kill using something other than a heart attack... I've never thought of it." He focused. "It that's true, kira would have used other methods to kill who he really wanted dead."

"Yea." She nodded. " I have a friend who may have found kira."

"Really?" Hikaru looked at her shocked. "Nii-chan if that's true."

"If that was true, if you told the cops that you found kira none of them would believe you." Light looked at her.

"That's why I wanted to speak directly with the investigators to explain everything." She spoke.

"Why not ask your friend that contacted Kira to speak for themself?" Light asked.

"My friend is... dead now." She whispered. "He was one of the FBI agents that came to Japan."

'No way, that means... Kira is someone near us.'- Hikaru messaged

'This is huge news, Hikaru, try to find when Raye may have been compromised.'- light

"She was going to be my bride's maid." She clenched her hand.

'Wait, not Raye?'- hikaru asked.

'It seems she knew more than one FBI agent.'- light

"She got involved in a bus jacking, if I'm right on track, kira was also on the bus." Both Yagami's stared at ger in shock. "what's wrong."

"This... This is vital information." Light stuttered grabbing a piece of paper from his pocket and writing using the nasoid pen. "Here I'll directly give you my father's number... but your friend-"

"That's why i would never forgive Kira, all I want now is to catch him." She grit her teeth.

"What made you think she was on the bus with kira in the first place?" He asked.

"The Hijacker was the same one that attempted to rob a back 2 days ago and he was hit by a car." She explained. "And 8 hours before the incident another robber died from a stab wound in a convenience store that he was robbing. these happened on the same day. And they both died of accidents, doesn't that strike you as strange."

'I-I don't get it.'- Hikaru messaged.

'It's fine, leave it to me.'- light

"8 days after the high jacking incident, all 12 FBI agents Died. And in the past 8 days, 20 lesser criminals have died of heart attacks in the city. After they died, these incidents seem to have slown down..." Her eyes slowly darkened to what the both of them seen as malice. "My friend, the robber, the hijacker, they were all... just part of Kira's plan to kill the FBI agents. That's what I think anyways."

'Why the hell did she retire.' - hikaru messaged

'If my guess it's right, it was for her fiancé.'- light

"You could say that the convivence store incident was staged for the hijacking and that the hijacking was orchestrated for kira to get information from the FBI." She concluded.

"Since both the robber and the hijacker didn't die of heart attacks, you predicted that kira has many methods to kill someone." Light summarized, mostly for his little brother.

"Yes." She looked back.

"Isn't that farfetched?" He asked.

"No, in fact I believe the robber was controlled by kira before he died." She sighed. "Ever since she told me about the hijacking I've been bothered. Sometimes when she wanted to talk, even if she didn't tell me his name, she told me that she was forced to show her badge to someone on the bus."

'Kira's pulling out moves, He isn't dumb.'- hikaru

'Good thing we ignored Raye,'- light

"Because this is supposed to be a secret investigation, our orders were to keep our identities a complete secret. Even to me she was trying to hide that fact." She sighed. "That's why, it must be because she revealed that the FBI was in Japan."

'Her friend isn't good at keeping secrets if she told her that much, at least it worked out in our favor'- hikaru

'Indeed'- light

"So, you're saying that in order to make him reveal his identity, kira staged the high jacking?" Light contemplated. "And the high jacker died in an accident, this is why you think he has more than one method. with this information you have and the will to avenge your friend, you came up with these predictions... sadly they are only predictions... for now. These can help the investigation greatly, currently the investigators are completely lost but with you there might be a chance."

"Ye-yeah." She nodded.

"If your conjectures are right then, it will definably kick up the investigation." light slowly got more existed as he looked at the woman. "And that means, the person who saw your friend's ID must be Kira!"

Light brought out his phone and tried to call his father again. Only to be put right to voicemail.

"Come on, Dad! Right when I really need something..." He grumbled and tried a couple of times. "If you get in contact with my father first, please message me as well. I'm following this case as well, however if you don't trust me, it's fine. Just get this to the main investigation."

"Hm." She nodded.

"it'd be best if you made a few documents, it'll make it easier to follow along." He suggested. She nodded once again.

"Let's chat again." She nodded as they went their sepret ways.

'Hopefully she gets to them soon.'- Hikaru messaged.

'I believe she doesn't want to wait.'- light


"Did She message you yet?" Hikaru asked.

"No, she's been silent." Light sighed and took out his phone. "I'll give dad a call and see if she told him anything."

'Yes?' Dad answered. 'Is anything wrong Raito?'

"Did you come in contact with a woman who had information on the Kira case?" Light asked. "I met her a few days ago, and she didn't keep contact-"

'we've... Never met her.' He spoke.

"That's, I gave her your number." light said. "it's ***-***-****."

"I do have a few miss calls... is this important Raito?" he asked.

"Very Important, you'll understand when you talk to her. I met her at the station, she said she made an appointment." Light pressed. "Tell me if you contacted her, I'll leave you to it."

"...Do you think..." Hikaru took a deep breath.

*At L's Apartment. *

"Ryusaki, my son... said he met a woman with important information to the kira case." he spoke to the ragged detective carefully.

"Name?" he asked. "Could she be... Watari Open the surveillance to the station."

"...So, he really did meet her." He mumbled.

"Does this mean we are still putting cameras in the Yagami Household?" Aizawa asked.

"We are, but we need Yagami-san's son to spill the information Misora-san told him." L Looked at the phone. "Without him knowing that Misora-san is dead..."

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