From Homeless to a rebel leaders daughter? if you told me this before I would have just stared at you for the longest time I could. but that's not the case now, after getting ran over by a damned truck I woke up in a room that smelled of lavander and rose wood, the sweet and strong scent lingered in my nose. I stood up from where I laid, noticing the fancy color and material of the bedding I wanted to cry. it was almost the same as the bed I slept at the old haunted house just moments ago, It was a matter of fact they both felt and looked awfully similar, I swallowed and began backing away to look for the exit. I didn't know what was going on but I was sure, This ain't the streets. as soon after I opened the oddly wooden sliding door, 2 men in historical armors bowef their bodies 90° with smiles at theie faces "Goodmorning, My lady" yep, someone knock me out now pls.
I have a mission.
A mission, to ruin the 4 kings.
Adrian McDovell
Louise Harved
James kyle Rocksons
Philip Drover
4 kings of the four lands, Known for their extreme rulings, skills and good looks.. but for me all I see are murderers, my mother, died under their rule while she was performing for them when they took power. Now, I've come to their lands with vengence.
But somehow...
"Don't be afraid." King louise, held my hand, rubbing soothing circles.
"Just stay here." King Adrian pulled a blanket over me
"We're here." King James said unsheating his sword
The banging of the door and yells became more violent and loud, I looked up at the four kings as they stood infront of the bed I sat on, Unsheating their swords and preparing for a battle.
"We'll protect you." The four kings said in unison, even the silent king philip has spoken
I stared at the 4 mighty kings of the land, the 4 kings that I swore to kill to avenge my mother, the 4 kings that suddenly wanted to protect... me.
P.s this is not a childrens book so it aint all that clean.
This is a little pg13 as there will be a little mushy kissing scenes were innocent kids ain't allowee to see. I am not responsible for losing your innocence please 😂