
Reincarnated as the Moon Prince (Harem x Cultivation)

All my life, I’ve been a loser. I never lost my virginity even as a 20-year-old because I was an ugly ass boy. However, one full moon day… my fate got twisted into something entirely different. I was reborn as a baby. Not just a baby. The son of the Moon Goddess, Chang’e. On the night of my rebirth, the Moon Goddess took me in her arms and foretold my future. I would become a beautiful young man. I would become the one who shall change the fate of Xian. Many women would fall for me… even my own mother. I would become one of the greatest cultivators to have ever existed. At least that’s what my new Mom told me… And after living in Xian for quite a while, I wonder if she was true after all. //Author’s note// (Warning: There’s incest in the fic. Reader’s discretion is advised.) Schedule: 7 chapters a week Chapter length: 1000 – 2000 words There won’t be any NTR and MC’s women won’t get stolen or cucked by anyone else. More Power stones/Support = More daily chapters! If you want to contact me, here’s my discord: Din#4556 This book is a light read. [The cover art is not mine. Feel free to ask me to take it down if it belongs to you!]

The_Dark_Fox · Fantasie
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19 Chs

Chapter 5: Real Mom

"Um, young man… what are you doing exactly, awake so late in the night?"

That voice, this feeling. My legs freeze.

The scope of the birdwatcher suddenly blurs with a milky pale, and something snatches it from my hand.

I gulp, my eyes slowly shifting above.

A tall naked pale figure is standing right in front of me, her entire body glowing blue.

"Ah –" I let out a yell from the sudden shock, stumbling backward. I fall on my ass, wincing as a sharp pain erupts in my butt.

I had messed up. I hesitated and let out a scream unknowingly, and the outcome –

I turn around only to see Chao Mei rolling on the bed, ready to open her eyes.

"Oh shit –"

Her eyes are gradually opening! She's waking up!

If she figures out that I know she isn't my real mother, she'll know something is wrong… and there won't be any excuses for squeezing peaks if she knew the truth about me being a reincarnated 20-year-old.


Suddenly, the ethereal beauty holds out a hand towards Chao Mei above my head. A spark of blue light escapes her fingers and darts towards Mei.


It hits Mei and she suddenly seizes all of her movements. Seconds later, she begins to snore. It seems she's under a sleeping spell of some sort now.

'Thank God,' I whisper to myself.

"Come outside, Xin," she calls out to me.

I turn, and the Moon Goddess leaps down from the roof into the garden. I follow her outside, hopping off the window into the roof.

Glowing in a radiant blue, she seats herself on the bench near the pond. Her glow is the only thing needed to light up the entire garden.

I gaze down at the height of the ground, and for a second, I hesitate.

This height wasn't something I couldn't reach when I was 20. But now that I am 3, it seems as if I was looking down from the rooftop of a tall building.

"Don't hesitate, Xin. Jump… Trust Mommy." The Moon Goddess calls out to me reassuringly upon seeing me hesitate.

Her words erase my fear. She is my mother. I must trust her.

I jump.

As if the laws of gravity did not apply to me, I float down to the ground deliberately like a feather.

I land, and I look down at my feet, mouth agape.

'How did I just…?'

"Surprised?" She giggles at me, crossing her legs. "You do have my powers, kiddo. So you shouldn't be surprised that you can fly and do stuff like that, you know?"

I gaze at her, and for a second, my gaze fixates on the Goddess. It's not every day you get to see a Goddess, and it's not every life that one becomes your Mom.

Her entire body is naked. The only thing covering her silvery breasts is her long white hair that reaches down to the very floor. She's crossing her legs, so the sight of my birthplace is not visible to me. She gazes back at me with her blue eyes intently.

Then, I talk.

"Well, to be completely honest, I am not that surprised," I begin. "This world is filled with magical stuff anyways."

"Indeed," The Moon Goddess grins. "I've been watching over you for many days, Bai Xin. And I know you became a little genius in this world. I'm proud of you," she says, smiling at me tenderly.

I smile back at her, climbing onto the bench right beside her.

"So, you know who I really am?" I ask, gazing up at her.

"Yes, Bai Xin from Earth. And now, my son…" she says, patting me on the head. Her hand is cold as ice. It's a chilling feeling like no other.

Suddenly, I remember the things I've done for the past few years. Unethical shit like squeezing my guardian's boobs. My cheeks flush.

She sees me going red, and a smirk draws on her lips.

"Oh, and I know all the little things you've been doing for the past years… Don't worry. After all, you are my son, and it's my fault for not doing the summoning ritual correctly."

"Summoning ritual?" My face turns to a confused expression.

"Yes, that's how you came to my womb. You know, Goddesses don't have children the way humans do. We summon a soul to our womb – and I messed up midway while summoning you. As a result, your memory of your past life stayed. And because of that, you are the way you are… more mature," she explains.

"Not that there's anything wrong. I am used to the obscure of this world and I love it, to be honest. That's why I love you too."

She pats me on the head and pokes my nose.

Now I know why my memories are still here. Though, there are many questions yet to be answered.

"I see," I respond. "It certainly feels strange like this, because all of you felt like strangers at first…" I begin.

Upon hearing me say it, the Moon Goddess frowns.

I frown too. "Did I say something wrong?"

She shakes her head.

"No no, it's nothing."

I recall my words and wonder what had hurt her. Of course, how stupid of me. Which Mother wouldn't be hurt when her son calls them "Strangers."

"It is my fault –"

"But, after knowing you now, I felt rather closer," I add.

She smiles. "Hm, come to mommy."

Suddenly, she holds me by my waist and lifts me, taking me to her lap. I go red in the face as she does this. Her peaks are only inches away from my nose.

"Hm? Breasts, huh? Are they beautiful?" she bites her lip.

I nod.

"Oh, you! My lewdness had been passed down to you too… Well, it's my fault. Now my child is entirely like me," she says pridefully. I gulp. I never expected my 'Mother' to be such a woman, and then… I remember what she had told me the day I was born.

"My little love, many women will fall for you down the line. One day, even I shall fall for you because of your naughtiness. Or…."

'Even I…?'

Only now do I figure out what she meant there.

"You wanna touch me, don't you?" She asks me without any hesitation.

My face flushes.

"You know, I'll give you some advice," she says, keeping me on her lap. "A man should never hide anything from the ones who they want to receive love from. I mean, I never hide my true self from anyone. The more you tell the truth, the closer they get to you."

For a moment, I realize what I have done throughout my past life was wrong. I always hid my true self.

"Xin, whatever you are. You are a human in this world. What you truly feel from the bottom of you're heart, say it, ok? Trust me… People will accept you."

That sure is a weird quote, but she is a Goddess who had lived many more years than I have. I nod, accepting her advice.

"Good boy."

She suddenly pulls me to her and hugs me tightly, pressing me against her breasts. Her hair falls back, revealing her breasts.

Of course, I cannot hold back anymore. My dragon rises from its small cave.

It presses against her stomach, and she bites her lip.

"I – I'm sorry!" I apologize. "I can't help it –"

"Ayo, it's natural dear. Leave it like that."

She keeps me in her embrace for a long while. I too, wrap my hands around her waist, hugging her back. This feeling seems natural, and so warm no matter how cold our bodies are.

Then, I remember some things from my past life. It bothers me, and my arms tighten around her.

She caresses my head.

"Hm, is it weird to be hugged like this by a 23-year-old man stuck inside a child's body?" I ask.

"No. Cause even if you are a 23-year-old, you'll still be a baby compared to my age."

"Huh? How old are you?"

"I'm more than a millennia old right now."

I gulp. 'Damn… millennia? She must be truly experienced then.'

I look down, and my smile slowly fades away. My past life's mother's only scratch of memory comes back to me.

"You know…" I start my confession. "My past life was the actual worst. I was a mere loser, and my Mom left me to rot with my dad. Now that you and Chao Mei are here, I can free myself from that solitude. But – in time, you will leave me too…"

I don't know why I said that, but a pain erupted in my heart. I wonder if I have become an actual child now.

The Moon Goddess holds my cheeks and lifts my head to face her gaze.

"You are truly a sweet child, Xin. Just like Mom…" she kisses my forehead. "Then, to erase your worries, my sweet child… I need to tell you the path you shall walk."

"Path? How'd that help?"

"Hm, listen listen…

If you are a cultivator, Xin. You can become immortal. And I am already immortal, to begin with. But if you reach the seventh gate of Cultivation, you can surpass human limits. And if you reach the Heaven's gate, the 9th gate, you can give immortality to anyone you want. Now only then, you can decide that I and your Chao Mei would stay with you forever."

I listen to this intently. I have heard of such stories, and in the news, I have seen a few cultivators in the world who had reached this so-called "Seventh Gate."

But, I haven't seen any who've reached the "Heaven's Gate."

At least on the internet, I haven't.

"Then… I have a few questions for you," I announce. The Moon Goddess nods at me.

"Go ahead, Xin."

"How come you can only visit me at full moons?"

Her gaze directs at me. "Hmm, dear. I'll have to tell you my story then. Listen closely. Even if you're 3, I know your mind is able to understand. So let's knock it off."

//Author's Note//

Leave a power stone, if you need more chapters and want this book to continue! I hope you enjoy the stuff I wrote… plus, leave a comment and a review. It makes my day.