
Buried Alive

Darkness: heavy and pressing in from all sides. Panic as all attempts at moving seemed to lead nowhere. He was trapped. He being Naroku Uzagami, a student of the blade and anime enjoyer. But now his blade was god knows where and he literally couldn't move, not even a wiggle. Hours seemed to pass in the darkness and finally as his panicked brain slowed down Naroku was able to piece together some memories, flashes of light, pain, strong emotions, struggles for breath. He had died, and now he was here, in hell, unable to move, presumably forever.

He started to sob, and as he did he realized he couldn't, or didn't think he could. He had only focused on his inability to move or see and not on his other senses. His body was different. it was more irregular. Again he couldn't move, but he tried to spread his awareness around and through his body. Again he discovered the irregular shape but also something else at the edges of his body. There was the pressing earth but also something else touching him, something that felt a bit softer. He continued to examine it. His senses were quite dulled from the constant pressure so it took quite a bit of mental effort, but he was eventually able to trace the connection points between him and this other non-earth thing. It formed a web-like pattern of tendrils of varying thicknesses reaching out to each other, some of them belonging to his body, some to the other "body". They seemed to perhaps be the same, perhaps the hell they had been sent to was for similar reasons. What had he done to justify burial as a tendriled irregular mass?

He had basically just been a guy, wasting a lot of his time, sure, but nothing egregious. So maybe this really was a more mild version of hell, it's not like he murdered anyone or stole anything super valuable or anything like that. 'I am insane. I am going insane. Okay, communicate, that's what we should try.' He tried to mentally send "hello" and "help?!?" messages to his fellow tendril, but as far as he could tell he was unsuccessful. More time passed. He didn't seem to hunger or thirst, which was nice. This was actually the perfect situation to practice meditation like his favorite nine-tailed rabbit anime hero.

There was a slight problem in that he didn't need to breath, which is often an attention anchor for meditation so he did a body scanning meditation. He had sort of done it before in trying to feel the extent of his body but now he tried to feel all of it at once, his awareness spread evenly, his thoughts mostly vacant. More time passed. Thoughts came and went. Soon he sunk very deep into meditation, so deep into simple awareness that he didn't register the change when it happened but only after. 'My body is different now. What happened?' And as he questioned, the delicate state he had arrived at was broken and he slipped back into his state before. He felt...smaller now. 'Okay, I did something, great. Let's try that again.' Progress at last. Perhaps this was a hell that could be beaten, or at least had some progression. He seemed to have all the time in the world to find out.