
Reincarnated as a Fish but I can become a Dragon

When I woke up, I was in the shape of a fish in the river. Why did I look like a fish, and who am I in the first place? While leaving only the memory of being human in the previous life and being puzzled by the loss of all memories of himself, the days of hunting for prey to live in the world to live have begun. And it seems that this small fish can become a dragon as it evolves. When I heard that from the skill of the “voice of heaven” and had the purpose of living, I went to enjoy this world. This story is about a small fish aiming to become a dragon.

_novel_Fan · Fantasie
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56 Chs

Chapter 56

As long as I don't know where the enemy is, it's not good to randomly move from here.

For the time being, I decided to use [Haze Manipulation] to find the position of the enemy.

First, I can sense where I was with a fan-shaped formation of onis, and then expand my search range.

I thought there were no enemies because we were deep in the forest.

While controlling my [Haze Manipulation], I was finally able to grasp the enemies position.

Apparently it's far from where we are, and if we keep our distance from them, there's no need to worry about them finding us.

Their number is a little over 20 people.

In terms of superior strength the onis is on the upper hand, but I don't think the oni want to cause any casualties as much as possible.

That's why we are trying to hide and pass them quietly.

It was good to know the enemy's position, but … I don't know what they look like because I only know their silhouette.

To see what the enemy is, I used a golem to spy on them.

It's shaped like a snake, so if they discover it, it won't be suspicious.

The color is like soil, I also activate [Assassination] while I'm at it, so the snake golem won't be found out easily.

I close my eyes and link my current view from the golem.

It looks perfect and I can move the golem's body the way I want, everything is good so far.

I will move the golem to the enemy's location that I found earlier.

I should be careful when moving on the grass so I don't make as much noise as possible.

If I make a little noise, the enemy's line of sight will turn to where the sound is.

Then my whereabouts are discovered.

I don't want to do anything flashy as long as they haven't found my golem.

When I approached carefully and came to the enemy's place by using [Haze Manipulation], it seemed that the enemy was still there.

There were three armed people who seemed to be wary of their surroundings.

Everyone carries a longsword and wears equipment made from leather that seems to be light and easy to move.

Just from the looks, they seem weak, but I shouldn't underestimate any enemy because they have a weapon.

Even from the outfit, they doesn't look like a slave to me.

I'm wondering if they are really linked to the slave trader, but … I don't know because I don't have anything to prove.

I might know a little if they had a carriage, but since it's in the depths of the forest, they can't bring it.

But somehow I want to know their identities.

Is there anything that can be used as a landmark?

"Hey. How long should we do this?"

"Until there is an order to move."

"Aww really? Aren't we just for a lookout? I wonder why there are so many escorts even though we just make a map … seriously."

"Yeah man. It's more fun and profitable to hunt demons instead."

"That's right. I received this task because it seemed easy by looking at the guild quest and it was a request with a good reward, but … After all, the wages are lower than the demon beast subjugation."

"Should we stop accepting escort requests in the future? We follow the pace and that was a waste of time, and the worst is if we don't have to do anything, we'll just get bored."

"I agree with ye."

"You guys! Don't talk and watch your surroundings!"


The three of them were talking about something, but the other one got angry and became quiet.

I might have got some information if they could talk a little more, but … I can't help it, let's give up.

However, I was able to obtain such information.

It was helpful that they were dissatisfied with this request.

But, mapping?

These guys are very enthusiastic to go deep into such a mountain just to make a map.

There have many escorts, probably because the map makers have poor fighting ability.

It sounds like an insane person for ordinary citizens who have no fighting power to draw a map in the woods where demon beasts are supposed to appear.

Perhaps it is a measure for wanting to ensure one's safety.

There seems to be some dissatisfaction …

Yes. These guys are unlikely to be a threat.

However, once the both sides meet, it will surely be a battle.

If I try to make some noises, the uncontrolled adventurers will come towards that noise.

"Hey. Let's move!"

I heard a small voice from a distance.

The people over there are probably the ones who are making the map.

The adventurers heard that voice.

Well, they seem to be moving out, and it doesn't make sense for me to stay here anymore.

I cancel the [Golem] skill and transform it into just mud.

It doesn't leave any traces, so I thought it was a very useful skill.

This will be useful when looking for Satella.

By the way, I've never used attack skills in this state.

I really want to try it …

When I opened my eyes and checked the surroundings, it seemed that the onis were still hiding.

Everyone is holding their breath.

The opponent has just begun to move, so it will take some time to leave.

The direction these adventurers were heading was the opposite of ours, and if we were hiding for a while, they wouldn't be able to find us.

A few minutes later, the onis stood up all at once.

Perhaps he received the report by [Command Reception].

The princesses also stand up in the same way and proceed toward Zenki-village.

However, the princess seemed a little tired, probably because she wasn't used to this kind of thing.

"Fuh- …"

"Are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm okay … We didn't have to fight."

"Yeah. Your skill is special, so you should never overdo it when you fight, right?"

"Mother … You are the last person that I don't want someone to say that, mother …"

"That's good then"

Hmm? Did they do something when my concentration was fully on my golem?

I don't know what she did, but … I also think I don't want to fight too much.

Well that's normal.

She is still a little girl.

On the other hand, Shimu is motivated.

She is humming something.

Shimu is a little out of tune because her words and actions don't really match.

The tone is graceful, but … why is she so masculine?

At least be biased to either side.

"Princess. Lord's wife"

Uchikage broke in, interrupting the conversation between Shimu and the princess.

I was a little surprised because I didn't activate the [Haze Manipulation, so I didn't know where he came from.

Perhaps she noticed that I was surprised, the princess glared at Uchikage.

I don't know his expression because he's blindfolded, but … He doesn't seem to know why the princess is angry.

Well, only the princess who was nearby noticed that I was surprised.

I was also surprised that she didn't have to stare at him so much …

Uchikage is still tilting his head, but he seems to have decided to return to the main subject.

"It seems that the enemy soldiers passed by without noticing us. It will be safe for a while. But it will be night soon. We have just made preparations for the camp a little earlier. I'm sorry for the princess and Lord's wife, but … We are going to sleep outside tonight, but we'll be as careful as possible with our surroundings, so don't worry. "

"... Can't we reach the village by the end of the day?"

"It will take at least one more day."

"What about my futon …?"

"I don't have the capacity to carry it. It will stand out."

"A bath-..."

"Because the river is not nearby … Please forgive me."

I don't think he should apologize that much.

Besides, he doesn't talk very much.

I think this kind of character is a reticent person who talks only about the minimum, isn't he?

She became so quiet, Shimu too, what kind of luxury do you want in the middle of the forest anyway.

And … just as I guess, the princess was kind of selfish.

As expected huh.

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