
(8) Troubles Brewing...

*Third Person*

The sun sets, as Kuriki and Rio walked down to a military outpost. Walled off and guarded by two armed guards with archers patrolling the top; Both guards saluted when Kuriki walked in front.

"Captain Kuriki" said one of the guards.

"Good evening gentlemen" Kuriki replied back.

"An envoy from the capital has arrived ma'am"

Kuriki Nodded and turn towards Rio

"Feel free to wonder around, in the mean time I have to file some paperwork." Kuriki walked off as Rio is alone... again for the third time in a row.

Kuriki could be seen jogging towards a tent. Inside was a hooded figure holding a cane, wearing blue white trail robes covering her armor. and two elite guards from the capital.

Kuriki looked at the group and asked surprised " Rasuda, I was not expecting you"

Rasuda smiled and took off her hood "I heard there was a siphon bat problem?"

Kuriki nodded "yes me and Kida went inside to find them sleeping in the boss room. It completely overtaken the room."

Rasuda close her sapphire eyes "I also heard a strange silver bird In this city. Rumors saying that it is a divine creature, or a unique bird creature that has not been discovered before."

Kuriki shrugs "well I do not know, we just found it in the stone dungeon." covering the fact Rio can telepathically talk to anyone.

Rasuda hummed "well I assume you sent a squad to the Stone dungeon beforehand?" Kuriki nodded

"Yes I already sent a squad but tell me why they sent you. You are an SS ranked adventurer I asked for an S ranked adventurer"

Rasuda quirk her eyebrow "well considering there is some disagreements between our nation and the lizards territory... almost all the S ranked adventurers are trying to dispel a Hydra problem. So in the process I got a letter that I was needed at Iron Haven."

Kuriki looked up in deep thought and sighed "What is going on over there?"

"As far as I know, our nation is getting to that point of a war brewing, especially with the cult being very active lately, raids from convoys and piracy over seas. Not to mention the other nations are being affected as well." Rasuda explained

"Do you know where my father is posted at" ask Kuriki

"No I do not, but I heard...." Rasuda could not finish her sentence as a loud explosion was heard.

Both Rasuda and Kuriki then saw a guard shouting.

"All available squads to the Library. The cultist leader is making an attack to secure the Sacred book!"

All the guards in the vicinity heard the command and rush towards the Library.

Kuriki Rush towards the lieutenant that shouted "lieutenant what is the situation?"

The guard looked at Kuriki and saluted briefly "The cult are making there move towards the Library. They also brought in a high level demon with them."

"A demon?!" Kuriki asked suprised.

"yes ma'am, many are injured in the process"

Kuriki looked at Rasuda with a meaningful face "Well looks like they are intending to take the sacred book, and also glad your here"

Rasuda Smiled "well let us go help them shall we" Kuriki nodded.

*Rio POV*

The sun slowly sets as I am currently under a tree resting, until a loud explosion went off in the distance. Looking around I saw guards running towards the noise, I wonder if it is a monster breach.

"Rio over here" I heard Kuriki called me. I turned and saw Kuriki with a women with Blonde hair, with sapphire eyes and wearing a decorative robe with blue out-lines.

"So this is what all the rumors are talking about, what a cute bird" she smiled at me.

So how do I respond to this? Easy... just stare and not say anything.

"Rio...Hey Rio" she snap her fingers at me, to which have no effect on me. She then proceed to grab a bucket of water from somewhere and splash it onto me. Which in the process, I voice my displeasure of being soaked in water.

"That is what you get for not hearing me, This is Rasuda an SS ranked adventurer. Come on we need to get to the Library as soon as possible" she commanded me.

I saw Rasuda put a hand on Kuriki shoulder "Calm down Kuriki, you drowned the poor bird."

Kuriki looked at Rasuda then back to me and sighed "Sorry about that"

Rasuda looked at Kuriki questioningly. Kuriki looked at me and nod to Rasuda.

I sighed 'Rasuda right?'

I saw her jumped in surprised that I can speak to her.

"You can communicate?" she asked

'Yes, names Rio by the way' I chirped.

Rasuda giggled and petted me on the neck, which feels amazing. "nice to meet you Rio, you have already know but names Rasuda an SS ranked summoner"

SS ranked wow first time I seen a pretty SS ranked summoner.... wait what did I just thought about just now?

"Alright enough chit-chat we need to go" exclaimed Kuriki.

I deadpaned 'I am soaked with water'

"So just shake it off" Kuriki said simply.

I grumbled and shook. resulting in both Rasuda and Kuriki getting wet in the process.

"Alright" Kuriki said as she hopped onto my back.

'Hey' I voiced out 'who told you to ride on me without permission'

"Rio can we please ride on you, it would help get us to our designation faster"

I sighed 'Fine...'

*Third Person*

*Chaos at the Library*

Smoke rises from the Library building, As a group of guards are seen facing off a High Tier Demon.

This demon has one eyeball with sharp teeth around its eyes. It also has the ability to levitate off the ground and fly. Inside the building are cultist summoners, aiding the Demon. Chaos ensues as the demon itself fires death rays to a group of city guards. Cultist summoners who are also aiding the attack with a spell or two and keeping the demon alive. Inside the Library one may see many knocked out guards, with a lizard evilly negotiating an elf. The elf pointed to a bookshelf indicating where the item is being kept. It was at this day the stolen ancient book, containing the black arts of necromancy, and illegal potion creation were kept secret... Until now....

Happy Hanukkah Day Everyone! 12/23/19

The_Cheesecreators' thoughts
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