
(11) A Giant Worm Vs SS Rank Adventurer

*Third Person*

The moon shifts slightly, making way for a sunrise. Rio can be seen running towards Iron haven. Slowing down, Rio walked towards the entrance while being ignored by the guards. Rio walked down the semi-empty streets. A lot more guards patrolled the streets due to the cult raid of the library. For the most part Rio is lucky that the guards Ignored him. The streets are peaceful, as Rio continue to walk towards his destination...


As far as I know the library is useless. I wonder if the dwarf has a map for me to use. I guess I will find out. While walking towards the armory, I walked pass an adventurers guild building. Since I heard a lot of cheers and laughs. Before I even left the noise, I heard the door open. I turned around and guess who I saw. Rasuda, the SS ranked Adventurer with a farmer wearing a straw hat. I then saw her turn her head towards me. She smiled and waved. Well I might as well see whats going on with the duo.

Walking towards them Rasuda petted me on the neck.

"Nice to see you again Rio, I also see you got the armor that Kuriki bought for you"

'How you know about that?' I questioned.

"Well imagine her surprise when she went to the smith, telling her that you already took the armor"

'What did she say?'

Rasuda thought for a moment "I think she said something along the lines 'that is what I get for being so forcefully', Rio I knew her very well, she adores anything that she can ride on. especially since you are a bit too huge for a normal size bird"

'Figures' I said with a chirp.

'Anyway what you doing?'

"Well the farmer who is already going to his farm, has a Worm problem."

I tilted my head 'A Worm'

"Well more like a Giant Worm"

This might be a great opportunity to gain more levels. Might as well, I am not in a rush anyway. I wonder if she has a map. Better yet she is more approachable then Kuriki, not too forceful, I might as well travel with her.

I looked at Rasuda 'I can help'

Rasuda giggled at me "very well, follow me"

I followed Rasuda to the farm...

(Location: Farm )

Well this is a mess... Broken fences, pot-holes everywhere... How is this even okay! better yet what type of worm is this! and how can we fix all of this mess.

The ground tremors as the farmer hides while Rasuda took out her staff and entered a combat stance. An enormous red worm, with horns featured atop of its head, sprout out of the pot-hole. Alright a big worm I wonder what it is.



[Name] Devil Worm

[Level] 183

[Health] 98563

[Info] Devil Worms are rarely found on the surface. With its immense body, it can withstand Physical attacks, but it is weak to fire elements. Devil Worms are commonly found in the Dead Island, They are also able to dive as far as 100 meters into the earth.

Uh...excuse me Level 183 you are joking... Well at least it is weak to fire, I have one fire spell... which I should have upgraded great... I saw the Devil worm charge a beam of darkness. I do not know what that spell is, but I saw Rasuda cast some sort of shield, I just hope it holds....Oh who am I kidding she is a SS ranked adventurer.

*Third Person*

Rasuda cast a light shield to defend the Devil worm Void Beam spell. Void Beam is a very dangerous spell that can cause a person to go blind permanently. Once the Shield is cast, the Devil cast its spell at Rasuda. The spell connected against the shield, making the entire envelope with smoke. Rasuda wasted no time as she cast another spell, Inferno. Blazing hot flames came out of her staff and onto the Devil Worm making it stagger and retaliate with a Shadow shock spell. The Devil slams its tail, making the spell activate and send spear like darkness at Rasuda. Rio on the other hand dodge the deadly spell with ease. Rasuda dodge the attack and conjured a familiar. Rasuda summoned a Fire golem which she ordered to attack. The Fire golem is then seen punching the Devil Worm. The worm screeched as it fell down defeated. The worm then disappeared into dust.

Rasuda Fire golem disappeared as well. As Rasuda pants heavily. Rio who watched the entire fight amazed on how powerful her spell were. Rio came over to her making Rasuda look at Rio and smiled at him. She ruffled his feathers, as they walked towards the farmer.

"Thank you so much, how can I ever repay you"

"No need, I am just glad to help." Rasuda yawns

"Oh you must be tired, come, come, It is the least I can do to treat you and... your friend"

The farmer lead Rasuda and Rio to his home. Rasuda walked inside as Rio nervously looked at the farmer.

The farmer looked at Rio "Do not be shy now I do not mind"

Rio redundantly walked inside the house slowly. Once Rio went inside he saw Rasuda on a red sofa. The house is fairly normal. A rug on the ground, Light crystals that are hanging on the ceiling, sadly no television or a radio. Rio found a place aside the sofa as he began to doze off.

Rasuda sighed as the farmer went into the kitchen.

"So who is your friend over there Ms. Rasuda" The farmer asked

"Please Rasuda is fine, his name is Rio."

"Hmm strange bird, never seen one of that nature"

"He is a special case" Rasuda lays down with her hands across her head.

The farmer walked out of the kitchen with his cup of tea and kettle, while placing the kettle on a table, then took a seat nearby.

The farmer took a sip of his tea "How special?" He asked

"Well... He can communicate telepathically"

"I see, that is why you stopped to talk to your friend there"


The two continue to talking about Rio.

Meanwhile, Rio; who is laying beside the sofa, sleeping peacefully for the first time...

All typos should be fix!

The_Cheesecreators' thoughts
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