
Reincarnated as a Bow

(Updated Version) *In a different universe 'Aaghh... Am I alive? Did Ozzie die?' Bramson Tried to speak but realized his voice didn't seem to work. He quickly stood up, and looked at himself... And realized he couldn't see himself. He didn't even seem to be able to move forward or backward. He felt like someone was watching him. As he looked around, he suddenly saw a gargantuan head, with its huge mouth that was easily the size of a football stadium opened. "You are my final resort... I leave this world in your hands and my power in your friends... Goodbye." A voice resounded through the abyss. 'Who! Help! Who are you!' Bramson tried frantically to yell at the voice, but try as he might he could not speak. Slowly, his thoughts started to fade, his vision dimmed, and his consciousness left him. Authors Notes: Heavily Inspired by I Reincarnated as a Shinia No Harem Or Romance 1500 Words/Chap, 1 chap/day unless sick/out of town. MC Will use people, not be used. (Spoiler) His friend who died with him is the system, but he won't know for some time. First Novel, Sorry for grammar or flow errors. Please do point them out, so I can fix them. (First Novel I actually try on)

ThatWritingDude · Fantasie
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24 Chs

Chapter 4

After about 5 hours, Basmon finally left the tree he was hiding in. He went in what he assumed to be the opposite direction of the bird, from what he had heard from its call. Right now, all he wanted to do was rank up. He needed more mana, and badly.

First, he needed to complete the aim quest. 'Instinctive Archery, archery without sights... I heard that term in my past life as an assassin... although a bad assassin. Train' He thought, going to the training room. This time, he found the book on top of a treadmill. First, he learned about the 2 main types of instinctive shooting. Gap shooting, also known as conscious aiming. This is what most people would do. If you give a small child a bow and tell them to shoot at something, chances are they will close one eye, and align the arrow and target. This is known as "Gap Shooting".

Some people consider this as true instinctive archery, whilst others believe only subconscious aiming is 'Instinctive archery'. Gap shooting is generally better when you are shooting in a straight line with no obstacles, whilst the opposite is true for subconscious instinctive archery.

After finishing the book, Basmon got up, summoned Spectral Body, and started to perfect his aim to a beginner's level. First, he made sure his body was 90 degrees or so from the target (Perpendicular). Next, he made sure his feet were aligned correctly. As someone who was right-handed, this meant that the outside edge of his left foot should be directly in line with the target. He made sure his feet were a bit more than shoulder length apart, something he had learned whilst practicing his stance. In fact, there was a lot of overlap.

He made sure he was not gripping the bow too hard and did what he had learned whilst learning how to draw. This also had a ton of overlap. He made sure his hand positing was correct, and released. From what he had learned, aiming was just natural talent and practice. Lots of practice. For most people, years. Which is why it took Basmon 9 hours to get down the basics perfectly.

After learning this, he was able to consistently hit the red ring (Second Innermost Ring) on the target.

<Quest Complete: Basic Hold and Aim: Reward: 20TP>

'No New Quest?' Basmon had been expecting some sort of new quest, but he did not get it. After thinking it over, he decided it must be because he needed to complete all his current quests to rank up, then get new ones.

The first quest he completed was the <First 200 Arrows quest>, which didn't take him to long due to the amount he had already shot.

<Quest Complete: Fire 200 Arrows: Reward: 20TP>

'Wonderful. So my prediction was correct.' Basmon thought this to himself while wondering how to get the other quests done. First, he decided he should probably do the death quest. This time, however, he decided not to target something that strong.

This time, he would target small rodents, things not even on the ranking list. It took him almost no time to find a couple of small rodents, and try and kill them. In the end, he had to use fire arrows to burn them to death because he missed most of his shots.

<Quest Complete: Death: Kill 20 living creatures: Reward: 40TP>

Basmon now had 80TP. Now, he needed some sort of skill to finish his final quest. The only problem? He had no idea where a human civilization was, nor how to 'Bind' to a human for a week.

'System... Do you at least know where a human civilization is?' He asked the system, hoping it would know.

<Unable to answer>

'... How can I complete this final quest then...'

Basmon started to go along in one direction. Along the way, he noticed a slight feeling of being watched. Whilst feeling this uncomfortable feeling, he started to move less and started using invisibility a lot. He flew up extremely high in the air, and almost touched the ground, but nothing worked. He genuinely could not figure this out.

'Who... Are you?' A voice interrupted Basmon's thoughts, making him jerk up, as the sound felt like it came from his own head. Basmon had no idea how to respond to this. He activated invisibility and hid under some leaves on the ground. There red, yellows, and browns should hide him once his invisibility wore out.

'You know I can still sense you. Hiding like that's not going to help...'

Pretending not to hear, Basmon activated invisibility once more and hid under a larger pile of leaves. The bow shooked slightly... As if something was scaring the bow...

'Do you not know how to communicate?'

Basmon shook to the left and right, hoping he would understand a nod, after all this was a different world.

'Oh... Well, try to draw your mana into a skinny path towards me. Ill reveal my location' The other thing suggested.

Basmon pulled out a small amount of mana, and then looked for the voice. After a while, he noticed a random sword on the ground. He connected the small string of mana to it, and tried to transfer his voice through it.

'Yes! You got it kid! The voice responded,

'Are you this sword?'

'Yes... Did you think you were the only item that could think?'

Basmon was slightly surprised, but at the same time, it made sense.

'Where are you going?' The sword asked.

'No clue. I am trying to find a wielder for a week...'

'Oh? Did you find a teleportation circle yet?'

'No? What's that' Basmon asked.

'What? You don't even know that... A teleportation circle is how they summon items from here into the wielder's world.'

'What!!! For real?' Basmon's mind started to clear. This actually made sense. No wonder he couldn't find humans, and the system said it couldn't asner. Because it wasn't in this dimension!

'Yep... How old are you?' The sword wondered... It had small chips on it and was slightly rusty.

'Me? less than a month...' Basmon said slowly.

'What? And you are already ranked? Impressive! But no wonder you are so ignorant.'

'Sorry...' Basmon said quickly.

'Oh no, you're fine. Would you like some tips?' The sword offered.

'No, thanks, but do you know where a summoning circle is?' Basmon asked, hoping to figure out how to go to the human world.

'Yeah... There's a massive large-scale summoning going to happen pretty soon, not far from here. The problem is that you will have to fight for positions.

'Oh, that's perfect. Could you bridge me there? Also, why do people want places there?' Basmon asked.

'Oh? You don't even know this? It is because the sole way to rank up is with humans, who can make us stronger. Of course, this also depends on your basic tier of weapon. For instance, a rare tier weapon will probably never make it past D Tier... Like me, I am an epic rank, so I can probably get to the A rank... Awesome, right?' The sword over-explained.

'I guess... Can we go to the mass summoning?' Basmon asked.

'Sure... Follow me.' The sword responded, starting to fly up. Basmon quickly used bow control to follow the sword.

A couple of hours later, they saw a huge glistening purple magic circle. The middle was covered in a little trap door, with different items standing on them. In some places, 2 items were fighting over a spot.

'Should we get spots?' Basmon asked.

'I'm not going to be summoned, but I can help you.'

The sword helped Basmon, and as an epic rank, they were easily able to get a spot.

*Somewhere in another dimension

"Congratulations Students! As a reward for finally having passed the 8th grade, tomorrow we will conduct an item summoning! Remend, should you get an epic rank or higher we will buy it for much more than the market price! Please sell to us!" A large, balding man said, standing above the crowd.

The crowd of 16-year-olds cheered, everyone excited to summon an item. They, of course, had done it many times, as it wasn't rare, but it was still fun to see if they could get some good item with this ancient method of summoning.

"Remember, anyone who already has more than 10 items CAN NOT participate, nor can you if your teacher has reported you for more than 3 disciplines!" The man called out, before wadling off the stage.

Some of the students moaned, wishing they had been a bit better, maybe then they would have gotten this extra free chance. Who would pass up something free, no matter how cheap?

* Far, far away.

"A cursed item has been sensed in the items world? How... we can't even figure out how to go there yet..." An older man cursed to himself. "Because there was a huge outburst of demonic mana whilst a summoning ceremony was going on, and we were able to sense it...' A young man in his early 20s said quietly, bowing.