
Reincarnated ( Percy Jackson )

Summary: Life isn't easy when you are reborn as the twin of Percy Jackson. Especially when you know his fate. Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson, I only own Diana and some of the plot. Also, I'm sorry if I don't post that often, I have major procrastination problems. Notes: Please Note: 1) I am human and make mistakes like any other person. If you see any problems, please tell me. Constructive criticism is mighty helpful! 2) Comments are appreciated. They let me know what you are thinking. I understand if you don't like something, I won't be mad at you for telling me you don't like something. 3) I might make comments in the story to expand on something or clarify. When I do, they will be in bold. 4) This book will not make sense if you have read the Percy Jackson and The Olympians series by Rick Riordan. It will also have spoilers for the Heroes of Olympus series also by Rick Riordan so make sure you read those two before reading this fanfiction. I won't go into Trials of Apollo though. The story is not mine it’s from “orphan_account” and I wanted to share it with you . Author If you want me to delete it pls tell me and I will do it

IAmGOD · Bücher und Literatur
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Chapter 3: An Unexpected Visit

It's been a few months since our birth and I've got to say, our mother is not given the credit she needs in the books. I mean, they say that she is kind, but it doesn't give it the emphasis it needs. She is super nice, every day she plays with Percy and me and never once does she complain about Percy being loud or waking up early in the morning.

I usually try to play with Percy during the night when he wakes up so that mom doesn't have to. But sometimes I fail because you can't do much when you are only a few months old. I also have been working on building up muscles so that I can start crawling and walking soon as well as build up my vocal cords. I know that ignorance is bliss, especially when you're a demigod but if I want to be able to help him I have to be able to help him as soon as possible. Besides, I already know about the mythological world so what's the point?

I hear a knock at the door. Strange, mom normally doesn't get visitors. Mom opens the door and a man comes through. He is tall and has dark hair but I can't see him properly as his back is facing me.

"Sally, I came to visit the children and to talk about their safety. With one child of the big three, you are going to have a large scent but with two? Monsters are going to be crawling them when they get older. Maybe sooner than expected with a normal demigod." The man says. He turns, and I get a good look at him.

Oh, he's our father. Who just happens to be the Greek God of the sea. Who happens to be under an oath to never have children again and yet he does. And we happen to be his children who can be killed just because of our parentage.

"I know. I don't want to send them to camp though. Not so early." Our mother replies a bit sad. To cheer her up I give a little giggle from where I am in the corner of the room. It seems to work and she comes over and picks me up.

"My little girl. Oh, you will not have a good fate. But I will protect you, for as long as I can." I turn myself and hug her to the best of my ability. She starts cooing. I mean, I know I am a baby but is everything I do cute? Seriously. Or is it just that babies are cute because they are so ignorant. Oh, wait, that doesn't work in my case.

Percy starts waking up, opens his mouth and cries. Mom picks him up and rocks him in her arms as well. Our father walks over and puts his arm over mom's shoulders to comfort her. Just for the record: me calling sally mom does not mean I don't care about my mother from when I was Lucey Brown. I am just resigned to the fact that I won't be able to get that life back.

"You know they will have to go to the camp sometime." Poseidon starts. Camp Half-Blood? Or Camp Jupiter? I honestly would prefer the greek camp, just because I will have a higher chance of surviving and having a good life. What am I thinking, of course, we'll be going to Camp Half-Blood! Not only in Poseidon greek in himself, and not well-liked with the Romans, but in the books, Percy originally goes to the greek camp, not Camp Jupiter.

" Not now. I will not be sending them now when they are so young." Mom says in a determined voice.

"Just, keep them safe. I'm going to have to make sure my brothers don't find out about them."

"I will." She sets us down. " Come now, we don't want your brother finding out." She ushers him out.

"Bye, Sally. I hope you will stay safe." And our father walks out of the door.

He walks out of our lives for the next 12 years.