
Chapter 10: Practice

Even though the participating members are excited about going to another world. They still needed to get used to their new ability.

Especially, Ethan who obtain [Geppo], [Soru], [Haki] White Beard Experience, and [Devil Fruit: Tetsu-Tetsu no Mi].

After looking at their quest, he farewell to the members of Group Chat and then leave. He put his phone in his [Inventory] before going outside to head to the block 20 areas where people don't go because of the creepy atmosphere when going alone or even with a group of people.

He runs for 10 minutes. Arriving at the place, he rests for several minutes because he wants to practice full of stamina.

After resting, he then practiced the first thing he wanted even before he join the Dimensional Chat Group.

Yes, it's the Armament Haki because it's only the Haki he can use in his current power. After all, the other two needed training for example [Observation Haki]. The person needed to cover his eye with the blindfold while dodging projectiles, and [Conqueror's Haki] because he can't practice it with someone he knew.

Well, he can practice [Observation Haki] later with a rubber bullet machine gun that has the same speed as machine-gun bullets after he gets used to [Armament Haki].

Ethan connects his willpower in his right hand to do [Armament Haki]. His right hand turned black that wrapped in his right hand. After 10 seconds, the black in his right hand back to normal.

(A/N: Intelligence can increase mental power which is willpower the same thing.)

Even though it disperses the [Armament Haki], he is still satisfied with the progress, and he knows this will improve over time when his intelligence is high.

Waiting for his willpower to be replenished, he then practices [Soru] which can be achieved in his current stats.

He kick the ground ten times in 2 seconds suddenly he disappear from his position and then appeared 30 meters away from his previous position.

'Soru cost 60 stamina after moving in high speed at 30 meters away from my position.'

He said inwardly while putting his right hand on his chin as he looked at the screen right in front of him.

(A/N: 10 meters = 20 stamina, 20 meters = 40 stamina, and so on.)


[Name: Ethan A. Douglass]

[Title: Regressor, Guardian of the Earth]

[Level 0] (0/100 EXP)

[HP: 380]

[Stamina: 290] (20 Stamina/minutes)

[Mana: 100] (10 Mana/30 seconds)

[Strength » 38]

[Endurance » 38]

[Vitality » 20]

[Agility » 38]

[Intelligence » 10]

[Magic » 10]

[Luck » 10]

[SP » 0] (3 SP each level up)

[Abilities: Fire God Hammer]

[Skill: Armament Haki, Observation Haki, Conqueror's Haki, Soru & Geppo]

Success in his first time doing [Soru]. He then continues doing it before he gets used to the high speeds and controls his body when doing it.

After several failures, and rests like getting slipped on the grounds and getting hit in the head at the electric pole. He now gets used to it.

He used 1 and half hours to get used to the feeling of being moved at high speed or [Soru]. He now going to use his newly devil fruit power.

While he practices [Soru], he stops occasionally to practice [Armament Haki]. After his willpower is depleted, he then takes a small rest to restore his stamina, and practices [Soru] once again.

He put his hands on the ground and then activated his ability a metal spike appear on the ground which is sharp and you can tell because of its shine.

He return it where it came from to not get questioned by the people that work in the place he used currently because this place is not finished you can see a half-finished house that lacked color, glass, roof, and other stuff.

He then made his entire right arm into metal, and punch them right in front of him which made some small shockwave that flew off some rocks.

After testing the power when buffed by the metal, he then turns his entire right arm into a sharp blade that shone brightly due to the sun which can tell it's sharper than your typical cold weapon.


He then turns his entire arm like a shield that covers his upper body then he tried to make a laser cannon connected to his entire arm that looks straight in sci-fi fiction.


Even though he successfully made it, he still lacked the energy to fire off some laser, and if he have the energy to do it, he will never do it in a public place especially here.

He can do it in the future if situations call it. After that, he then returns his entire right arm to normal while looking at the screen before him.


[Name: Ethan A. Douglass]

[Title: Regressor, Guardian of the Earth]

[Level 0] (0/100 EXP)

[HP: 379]

[Stamina: 375] (20 Stamina/minutes)

[Mana: 100] (10 Mana/30 seconds)

[Strength » 39]

[Endurance » 40]

[Vitality » 20]

[Agility » 39]

[Intelligence » 13]

[Magic » 10]

[Luck » 10]

[SP » 0] (3 SP each level up)

[Abilities: Fire God Hammer]

[Skill: Armament Haki, Observation Haki, Conqueror's Haki, Soru & Geppo]

'So, I only waste stamina smaller when I used metal in my body but this method is currently dangerous for me.'

Noticing the HP drop, he then writes that down in his head when doing that method if metal can't be found or the situation is dangerous to do so.

He then absorbs some metal in the air with his [Devil Fruit: Tetsu-Tetsu no Mi] to replenish his stamina and HP.

Even though he can only absorb some little in the air, he still doesn't absorb the metal on the ground he gets a question which is trouble, and some government's attention will be placed on him if something supernatural happened.

With that, he returns home while looking at his watch on his left wrist which shows [11:27 AM]. At that time, he needed to return to eat because of his hunger due to the practice he do.

As Ethan returns to his house, at the dojo in another world.

One person, and one machine gun equipped with A.I stood at each other that are about to battle.

The machine that is right in front of the person is created by Tony when someone asks him for some favors. So, he created it while doing modifications like putting some A. To make the training efficient, the person standing in front of a machine gun is a woman who's named Saeko Busujima that are currently holding a katana while some blue circle is right in front of her eye, not far away from her eyes which looks like a magic circle.
