
Regressing with Another Being

Vote for me and add this book to your library. This book is participating in the Webnovel Spirity Rewards contest. - - - - - - What would you do if you had regressed? Most would answer that they would use their memories to reap the rewards and become the strongest. I agree. That is a great idea. But what if it wasn't.. just you who had regressed? What if someone else who you were close to had regressed with you? And they were trapped. And had worse circumstances. And, perhaps, could've never had anywhere as much strength as you did. It's logical to say that you would help them right? I agree. I helped that person too. Or at least tried to.. You see, when you are stuck in this constant struggle to get stronger, there are a number of things that you worry about: - Friends - Power - And, family. When you have a family, you would fight for them. That's what I did. Currently, I'm fighting against time to get stronger and adventure the horizons. But I can't just leave my companion can I? That's why... I'll constantly adventure and reach the peak level of power to free my friend while adventuring through the horizons while communicating with them. Come join me on this adventure while I look for a cure to free my companion from their curse while getting stronger, meeting new people, overcoming struggles and more! - - - - - - Details:

Love_MartialArts · Fantasie
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2 Chs



Beginning stats:

Health: 100

Stamina: 100

Maximum Mana: 50

Current Mana: 0

Defence: 5

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Speed: 10

Vitality: 10

Intelligence: 10

Wisdom: 10

Charisma: 10

Luck: 10

Beginning Power Stage:

Physical aura: Beginner stage.

Magic Tier: 1st tier.

Hidden stats and traits — Not unlocked.


I opened my eyes and found myself tied up in a cave with what sounds to be a group of goblins just barely out of earshot.

"Hey. You goblin fucks."

I stare at the goblins with a pissed off expression.

"What are you looking at!" One of the goblins yells at me, his eyes wide and teeth bared.

"Ha. Do you seriously think you're superior to me? Don't get your fucking hopes up. I may only be 12, but I can easily take any one of you on by myself."

"So, just because you grouped up on me, don't act like you're above the heavens."

"Hahaha, a kid like you? I doubt that, you look like you'd be barely able to wield a sword without dropping it." The goblin laughed, his friends all following suit.

"Fucking weaklings. Try me."

My eyes glared into his soul.

"In fact, I have a deal for you lot. How about I have a one-versus-one fight with the strongest goblin here and you let go of me? Deal?"

The goblins all looked at each other and started grinning.

"Of course, we would never turn down a chance to beat up a weak kid. Why even ask?"

They all laughed.

"But before your slaughter, we want to know your name."

"I'm Krokob, who might you be, little one?"

"Shut the fuck up, Koo-Koo bird. I don't care about your name, especially when you're about to die in this fight."

I smirk at them.

Krokob grins, also offended, and looked to his friends. "So, what say we have that fight now?"

The goblins all nodded, and laughed some more. "Well, little one, I'd love to see just how good you are."

"Then, untie me you cowards."

Krokob laughs, "Oh, you want us to untie you so that you can run away? Not falling for that, little one."

The goblins all laughed, all of them clearly thinking this fight is guaranteed a win.

"I said. Untie me. Or are you too afraid that I'll slaughter all of you when I get released?", I grin wickedly.

Krokob grinned, while his eyes twitched.

"Fine. I know we're going to win, so why not get it over with?"

One of the goblins comes and unties me. The goblins surrounded me, clearly confident that they will win, some even start laughing. They were laughing like bullies, making fun of me and my chances at winning.

"Okay then."

"Koo-Koo bird.. Let's have a one-versus-one."

I get into stance after picking up a small knife which they threw at my feet.

Krokob stared me down, not breaking eye contact with me for a second.

He clearly tried to look intimidating, staring at me down with his lips pulled back, and teeth bared.

He grinned, and then rushed forward at a burst of speed and swung his sword at me.

"Too predictable."

I easily dodged and cut the goblins neck.

Killing it in seconds.

The goblin's head flew off due to the force of my swing. A few drops of blood splashed near my face.

The goblins look stunned, not believing that someone smaller would stand a chance.

"Who... Are you?"

Krokob asks as his eyes widen.

"Who am I? Didn't I tell you already? I'm a twelve year old kid who has been hiding his strength."

"I let you capture me on purpose just so that everything wasn't boring for me."


My lips curled into a arrogant leer.

"Seeing how weak that guy was, I wouldn't get my hopes up. All of you.. come at me at once."

Suddenly, the goblins all started grinning and seemed to regain their confidence. They all started running forward, some with their swords, others with their spears. They charged at me in a group, trying to overwhelm me.

"No coordination at all."

I slash all their necks while ducking under their feet and over their heads.

I finished them one-by-one and then finally, the last one was In the corner, shaking.

I swiftly killed the rest of the goblin group without any trouble. The last goblin was shaking and sobbing, clearly terrified of me.

"Oh? Someone's scared? Too bad. I was having some fun~"

I stabbed his forehead and blood leaked out like a pipe bursting.

The goblin screamed in pain for a moment, before dying. The goblin's blood splattered against my sword.

[Your strength has increased by 4]

[Your agility has increased by 2]

[Your speed has increased by 3]

[Your Vitality has increased by 1]

[Your wisdom has increased by 1]

[Your defence has increased by 1]

"Not bad..", I grinned at my stats.

I see my stats updated as my strength, agility, and speed increased. I also felt my vitality, wisdom, and defense increase.


Current Stats:

Health: 100

Stamina: 100

Maximum Mana: 50

Current Mana: 0

Defence: 6

Strength: 14

Agility: 12

Speed: 13

Vitality: 11

Wisdom: 11

Charisma: 10

Luck: 10


"Now.. let's get our thoughts rearranged."

"Since, this isn't my first time doing this, I'm not that surprised."

If truth be told, this was my second life.

Yes, I had in fact, regressed.

But not in the way you'd expect.

I sat down against the wall. The thought that I'm in a second-life crosses my mind.

The thought reminded me that I'm here for a reason—I was given a second chance, a chance to do things right.

In your previous life, I struggled. I was forced to make hard decisions all the time, and eventually lost people.

Some of those wounds might still hurt, but now I had the chance to change the way I live.

A new life, new choices.

Do I know why I was brought here?

"In fact, my previous life, in this exact moment, my friends had arrived to save me, but died in vain."

"These goblin bastards fucking killed them because I was too afraid. I was a coward."

But not now.

"Dan! Where are you?"

I hear voices, or more precisely, familiar voices.

'That must be them..'

I get up and walk out the cave, heading towards the familiar voices.

I hear a voice outside the cave calling out to me. I recognize the voice as belonging to my best friend, Hale. The same voice you heard yelling at you through the cave.

As I walk out of the cave, I see Hale, along with a few other familiar faces. As soon as they see me, they rush towards me and wrap me in their arms, giving a group hug.

I see that the other faces I recognize belong to my other best friends, Lith, Will, and Zuqa.

"We thought we lost you!", Hale exclaims.

"Hey, Hale. How are you feeling?"

Hale smiles. "I'm fine, how are you-"

He saw the blood on your hands and looked horrified. "What happened to you?!"

Will also looked at my bloodied hands with concerned eyes.

Lith and Zuqa also gave looks of concern.

"I'm okay. Don't worry about me. I just awakened the system."

The faces of my friends lit up as I said that.

"Really? Can we see your stats?" Will asked excitedly.

Hale also looked excited. "I've always wondered how the System works and you're living proof."


'Usually, everyone awakens the system at the age of 12. But I guess I'm the earliest out of everyone here.'

I showed my status window to them.

"Wow, your stats are incredible." Will said as she looked at them in shock.

"That amount of luck is hard to believe, I've never seen anyone with stats as good as those." Zuqa said in amazement.

Hale also looked impressed, along with Lith.

"No. The average stats usually start at 9. I'm just a little better than average."

"Starting with 12 and above is what I'd call genius which commoners like us will never begin with."

"But all your other stats are so good too. Especially your strength and agility." Lith commented.

Will revealed a nod, and Zuqa clapped his hands, clearly excited.

Hale smiled. "Now that you're awakened, you can finally help me with what I've decided on doing."

"And, what's that?", I looked at him, not guessing what he would say.

"There are some goblins that have been attacking our village for a while. I finally decided to take action and kill them once and for all."

Hale then gave me a stern look. "But this isn't an easy task. Do you think that you are capable of helping us?"

"Hale.. of course I'll help you. But note this, we're still 12 year old kids. We're not even anywhere near as strong as the adults."

"Shouldn't we let the adults take care of this?"

"Well, it will be dangerous, but this is the only opportunity we have to take care of that goblin group. They've been killing our villagers for months now."

Hale felt determined, and looked at me sternly. "We have to do this."

Lith and Will nod in agreement with Hale. They looked concerned at your age, but know how important this mission is.

"Okay.. but I will go alone since none of you have awakened the system yet. Is that a deal?"

Hale paused. He's clearly hesitant about letting me go on my own against a group of goblins alone, especially since it could mean my demise.

But he swallowed his pride and then nodded. "Okay. I'll let you go by yourself. Do you have to get anything before you go?"

Lith and Will also nod. They were concerned, but know that this is the only chance to get rid of the goblin infestation.

"No. All of you just go back to the village and stay safe. I'll take care of this."

Hale nodded. "Alright. Just be careful."

Lith and Will also have looks of concern. They seemed upset that I'm going off by myself. However, at the same time, they were relieved that I'd be taking care of the goblins.

Hale is about to say something else before he shakes his head. "Just, please come back. And quickly."

"Sure, friend.", I smile warmly and they walk away, leaving me alone.

"Huuu.. but before I take care of the goblins..."

I grinned while stretching my arms.

"..how about I use my past life's knowledge for something else important..?"




I walked into a part of the forest.

The forest leaves covered a stone cube which nobody could see at first glance from now well it blended in.

"Now.. I guess it's time to meet you again.. Silvia."

I cut the leaves open and found the ancient scriptures on the stone.

"Let's be careful.. I can die if I pronounce even a single syllable wrong.."

I focused and began chanting.

"Dyan hye gotta nhr zæ mack ki.."

The scriptures shined and slowly moved to reveal stairs underneath.

I find the ancient scriptures hidden in the stone cube. The scriptures seemed to be filled with an ancient language and a strange magic.

As I began chanting, I saw the scriptures begin to glow. I heard the sound of rocks moving, and a set of stairs become visible.

"Sonta ca!"

It felt as if a hidden cave had revealed itself before me.

I looked at the stairs, wondering what lies within.

Will I enter?

The chanting seems to be done, and now is a great opportunity to explore the cave.

"Silvia.. wait for me.."

I had already decided what I would do and stepped down the stairs.

The stairs led deep into the earth, as I descended them.

I entered a dark cave, where my footsteps crunched against the rocks underneath me. At first, the cave was pitch black, but the moment I descended past a certain point, I felt the light.

There seemed to be a light coming from the bottom of the cave.

As I reached the bottom, I saw a massive opening. Through the opening, I see a room with golden light coming out of it, along with what looks like an ancient library. It seems that someone was waiting for me there.

I walked into the room to meet a beautiful white-haired elf, and saw her staring at me with suspicion. She seemed surprised to see me. She tilted her head, seemingly assessing me.

Silvia then spoke, "You feel.. familiar. Why have you come to see me?"

She spoke in an ancient tongue, but when she does, my mind automatically translates her words into my very own native tongue, so that I could understand her. It was a useful feature included in the system.

"I don't want to leave you alone again. You see my uniqueness, right?"

"Seeing how you saw my strings which are intertwined instead of being straight.

Silvia tilted her head, and looked curiously, almost as if she was trying to understand what I meant.

She seemed to remember my uniqueness, and let out a nod. "Yes, I do see it. Your strings were intertwined, rather than flowing in straight order like everyone's. You were unique in that regard."

"Yes. That could only mean one thing and you know what that is."

Silvia pauses. For a moment, I see as if she starts remembering something, but then it slips her mind. As if something was preventing her from remembering it.

She then said, "No, what are you talking about? What is this 'one thing' you mean?"

'Does she not have her memories..?'

I think attentively but look back at her face normally.

She then tilted her head again, seemingly confused and curious.

"It means that I regressed."

Silvia paused again. She then gasped as if she just heard the words she's been fearing, and then looks at me, still confused with that same look in her eyes.

She then says, "You regressed? But... how? Is that something even possible?"

She suddenly looked concerned, as if she was worried about me.

"I'm not sure how it happened, or why it's even possible."

I look at her eyes, smiling warmly.

"I'm just happy that I could see you again in this life.."

Silvia also smiles warmly at me.

"Me too... huh? I-I mean, I didn't mean to say that.."

She then goes silent, thinking to herself.

She then nods. "Regression... So, are you back to your usual age then?"

She then tilted her head. "Or maybe are you even younger than before because of this regression?"

"No. I'm twelve currently."

"But don't worry, I can wait for the proper age."

Silvia nodded, seemingly relieved at that.

She then let a few words slip out of her mouth like they meant nothing, "Of course you can, you've waited thousands of years, what's an extra few decades?"

She said with a smile.

She then pointed at a massive book on a nearby table.

"You don't remember much after regressing then, do you?"

"No, I do. I remember all of my past life. And I remember the times we spent together, even the explicit ones~.."

Silvia's eyes widened. She looked down on the floor and her ears brushed red. She was clearly embarrassed.

She then blushed as she whispered, "Oh my, I didn't think you'd remember those sort of things."

She then quickly composed herself, and then starts to laugh.

"Oh, this is so embarrassing."

"Haha.. anyways, I'm ready. After all, it was also you who regressed with me."

Silvia then laughed some more, smiling while displaying a nod.

"Yes, that is true. But I must admit, as long as we both regressed together, I'm not unhappy about that."

"Even if I don't remember anything.."

She then looked at me and smiled, "Ready for what?"

"Ready for the lot of things you have to tell me. After all, the future, currently, is very grim."

Silvia stopped smiling, leaving a sigh, feeling tired.

"Oh, I could tell you so much. But where to even start?"

She then looked around the room and said, "It was always a dream of mine to travel these ancient libraries and see the hidden knowledge hidden within these sacred walls."

She then looked at me as if she was about to tell me something else.

"So, where shall we begin? Is there anything I can do to help you first?"

"Give me the Dragons technique."

Silvia thinked for a second.

"Oh, right, the Dragon Technique."

She looked around, then picked up a scroll laying on one of the shelves on the wall.

Silvia then opened the scroll and read something. After a couple seconds, she closed it.

She then smiled and tells you, "Okay, here's the Dragon Technique."

She placed her hands together and waved them, as she said, "The technique of the Dragon! With this technique, the user can become one with the dragon and use its power to slay their enemies."

"Yes, it's dangerous but I'm willing to take the risk."

I looked at her with a serious look.

But to contrast that, Silvia looked at me with a warm and encouraging smile.

"I knew you'd say that. The Dragon Technique is quite risky, yes, but I know you always like to push your limits, my dear."

She then looks concerned, and says, "But, are you really ready? This is not some technique to be learned lightly."

"I am ready. I've always been."

"But before I begin learning that.."

I walk up to Silvia and lift her chin up.

"I can't let you be stuck in this library for eternity, can I? Even if it's your fate."

Silvia's face lights up in surprise, and her ears go red again.

"What do you mean?" She asks curiously.

She then shakes her head. "No, you misunderstand me. I am content here. I love being around all this ancient knowledge, learning new things every day. There is no happiness like it. Even if it's my fate, I'd be happy to spend eternity in this library."

She then sighs. "But your destiny lies out there, in the world. How could I ever deny you your happiness?"

"I understand. But this is a curse."

"Even before our regression, you have been trapped in this library after a demon cursed your ancestors."

I look at her with compassion.

"I will get strong enough to let you see the outside world. Don't worry.", I kissed her cheek.

Silvia, once again, is surprised by your actions. Her face goes red, and she looks away as you kiss her cheek.

She then thinks about something. "A demon... did you say a demon cursed us?"

She then looks concerned, as if she just heard some new information that she was not aware of.

Silvia then looks at you, and says, "So, you can help me? That demon's curse has plagued the past generations of my family for hundreds of years. How can you help me?"

"I can. But, you need to wait at least 7 years. Are you okay with that?"

Silvia smiles, and nods.

"Of course I would be willing to wait that long for such a thing. I've waited for hundreds of years, I can definitely wait for a few more."

She then looks curious and excited, as she asks, "So, how will you help me get rid of that demon's curse?"

"That's.. something I can't tell you yet. I'll tell you when the time comes."

I begin walking away.

"Then.. I'll see you.. Silvia.", I gaze at her while maintaining my face of joy.

Silvia smiles back at you, somewhat confused at how excited you were acting.

Silvia then says, "Alright... I suppose you really can't tell me yet. But you'll come back when you have something to tell me, right?"

Silvia looks at you and smiles, "I'll be here. Please, come back when you're ready, my dear."

"I will come back soon and spend time. Don't worry.."

I leave the ancient library and walk up the stairs.

I chant the scriptures language and close the stone. Once it's closed, I notice the light suddenly disappearing from the room.

I then turned around and walked up out of the room, and found myself outside of the cave again.

I looked around and noticed that the goblins were gone, along with their fire and the mutton they were eating.

'Hmm.. I guess that Silvia regressed with me but only has the minimum amount of memories..'

"But at least she isn't hostile to me, probably because of my 'strings' that are different and my attitude..'

I also noticed that the light seems to be almost completely gone, but also feel a strange sensation, as if I were being watched.


Other novel only 2 ch :(

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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