
Regartha the Scarlet eyes

A young dragon was told that he's apart of an ancient clan who mysteriously disappears and the only way to find them is if he learns and master the six primary elements.

Kvng_Khatyal · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Regartha Act 5: The Seal of Wrath pt.1 We’re so fuck’d aren’t we?

Narrator: As we left off a dangerous creature named Gravestone has transformed all but a handful of students and faculty into crystal statues. However, one of the faculty, Ancestor Silver had asked Ashura to bring back his nephew Wrath in order to unleash his powers to defeat Gravestone.

Wrath: So Unc.. What were you talking about needing my power?

Silver (sighs): I was going to tell you this when everyone has lifted for the summer. But there's no point of me holding off anymore.

Rex: This seems to be a load of bull…

Asami: Rex don't you dare finish that sentence.

Rex groans

Rex: Fine. (Sarcastically) please do go on good sir.

Wrath walked towards Rex and punched him in the gut knocking him out.

Wrath: Go on Unc.

Silver: Of course. Let's start with the fact that you're not my nephew. Your parents found you in the forbidden forest.

Wrath(softly): What?

Silver: Yes. Your mother… your mother had found you when you were just a dofus. Of course, your father was against it at first. However-

Wrath: However, my mother was very persuasive like always.

Ashura: Which makes sense. I mean ever since-

Sapphire: Please! Don't bring that back up Ashura. Please.

Ashura: Fine.

Silver: If I'm able

Giving all of them a smirking look.

Everyone: Sorry

Asami: Silver can you please just get to the point of why this boy is so important.

Silver: I'm getting to that. Look as you all should know when dragons hatch their powers imitating their bodies until…

Wrath: The Am'rai.(Ammolite and Soul)

Silver: Yes.

Ashura: What the devil's curse is that?

Wrath: It's a ritual. A very powerful and even dangerous one if everything is not done correctly.

Silver: That's correct and your power was that of legends but because of that… There have been some difficulties. Which leads to this. Your father had to seal away your true power and there was only one thing that could handle it.

Wrath and the others were thinking of what his parents used to seal his power away. However nothing came to mind until.

Wrath: The sin of Wrath.

Silver: Yes. At first your mother was against it but-

Wrath: Enough. I don't want to hear anymore. The only thing I want to know is what can I do to get this damn seal off of me to use my "true power".

Sapphire: Hold on. Don't you think they had a reason for it?

Wrath: I. Don't. Care.

Ashura: Wr…Wrat are you ok?

Ashura was about to try and comfort Wrath. But his body began to be in flames. The flames continue to slowly intensify by every second. To the point that it had reached all the way to one of the crystallized students and without any kind of worrying the crystal began creaking.

Gasp in shocked

Racheal: Wrath please stop!

Sadly Wrath wasn't listening and the creaks continued spreading all the way until the whole body was full of it. And then…

Crystal shattering

Female student: (Gasp) W-What happened?

Sapphire: Di-did Wrath's flames free her?

Ashura: But how?

While everyone was still in shock about what happened. They completely forget that Wrath is on fire. But Racheal slowly walked in the massive flames. Despite her getting burned she continued to move forward. And when she was close enough she placed her hand on his shoulder. Forcing him to look at her.

Seeing the evaporating tears from her eyes, Wrath's flames began dying down. And only six crystallized creatures had been freed.

Wrath(groans): What… What the hell happened?

Racheal(sniffles & Laughs): You kinda went off as usual you psycho.

Wrath: Oh sorry.

Sapphire: Ancestor, is this what you mean by needing his true power?

Silver: Yes in a way. This was only a demonstration of his capabilities. However his powers can't fully be awakened until…

Loud explosion

Rex: What was that?

Large Footsteps approaching

Asmai: I think our friend has come back for what it's looking for?

Wrath: Wait what did you say?

Asmai: That beast said it wanted something from us in order to free everyone but we didn't know what the world it wanted. That is until… now.

Wrath: Me?

Rex: Well that makes sense. We can just give that bastard Wrath and it will free the others and leave us all alone.

Sapphire: And how do you think that will work out all nice and simple. I mean what's going to stop it from killing all of us and taking Wrath regardless.

Jack: We don't have time for this! That thing is still coming!! Why don;t we give Wrath to it and we can all escape.(laughs scariedly)

Everyone arguing

With everyone who hasn't been crystallized and are extremely weak. They are busy arguing on if they should hand over Wrath or not without knowing that he had already lifted.

2hours later

Silver(thinking); This is ridiculous how long are these mor... Wait, where's Wrath?

Silver had finally noticed after 2 hours of arguing that Wrath had lifted the infirmary.

Silver: Hey…(louder) hey…(louder): HEYYY!!!

Everyone quiet

Silver: Where the hell is Wrath?!

Everyone looked around and there was no trace of Wrath. In that instant and strong low rumbling began shaking what felt like an earthquake or giant footsteps.

Gravestone roars

Rex and the others: Oh Sh—

Asami: Don't you dare finish that sentence. Also Silver, do you have a back-up plan on dealing with that monster?

Silver: I don't because I know Wrath will come back.

Sapphire: Are you…

Rex: Let me handle this woman. (clear throat) ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE YOU DAMN DIRTY!!!

Before Rex could finish his sentence Sapphire knocked him upside his head. Leaving him unconscious on the ground.

Sapphire: Now that the moron is incapacitated. Please explain to me why Wrath is so important?

Gravestone closing in

Silver: Well since we don't have that much time. I might as well tell you. Wrath is not an ordinary dragon.

Ashura: What are you talking about?

Silver: Wrath is an extremely rare breed of dragon known as a fury.

Rex's gang and Ashura: A what?!

Sapphire: This just continues to show that you boys don't pay attention in any of our classes. Furies are types of dragons that are very powerful and dangerous. But not much is known about them. Not even what they truly look like. So ancestor how do you know for certain that Wrath is one of these furies?

Silver reached into his coat's inner pocket and took out a small book. Then handed over to Sapphire.

What's this ancestor?

Silver: The answers you asked for.

Rachael: May I see Saph?

Sapphire: Yeah of course.

Both Sapphire and Rachael skim through the book. Each page has in great detail about each different kinds of fury dragons. Their wingspan, jaw strength, height and that's it. Sadly that's all there is about them.

Rachael: Ok a ton of these do explain Wrath in complete detail. His wings are 50 to 60 feet…

Silver: 50 feet 5inches when he goes through the change. But for right now it's about 20.5 feet.

Sapphire: Ok… Well what can we do without him?

Rex groans in pain

Jack: Sapphire knocked you out cold. And apparently Wrath seems to be more important than we thought.

Rex(groan): How so?

Gravestone roars

Rex: Ahh yeah never mind. So (chuckle nervously) what do we do now ancestor?

Silver: We have no choice but to split into two teams. Team one will sneak out of here to go, find and bring back Wrath. While team two will make our stand to keep that bastard at bay til team one gets back.

Rex: That sounds like the…

Asami: best option we have thus far. Unless anyone else have a better idea.

Rex Raised his hand

That doesn't involve us leaving everyone that has been crystallized to get smashed to pieces.

Rex put his hand down with an angry expression.

Rachael: So how do you decide who's in which team?

Silver: Asami, Sapphire, and Rex you three are going to head out and find Wrath. While as for me, Rachael, Ashura, and Jack, we are going to stay and protect the students and facilities.

Ashura: shouldn't I go with Sapphire and then? Since I'm better with being stealthy then ALL of you.

Silver: That's the point, Ashura. Because of your specific skill sets. We'll need your help here with us helping with building traps…

Silver stands up and walks towards Ashura and whispers into his ear.

(Whisper) and also this is the only way to keep Rex and Jack in place instead of them trying to run like a bunch and pussy ass bitches.

Ashura sighs hardly

Ashura: Yeah that makes sense. 'Ight let's just hope you guys find him quickly.

Sapphire: But first we need to find a way to get the hell outta here.

Asami: There is a way out. Rex, Jack, I need you two move the shelf.

Ancestor Asami points to a bookshelf on the far right of the nursery. Rex and Jack turned around and started pulling it as much as they could. Once they were able to fully move it. They saw a strange pattern on the wall but before they could touch it.

Asami: Thank you gentlemen. I got it from here.

Asami walked up and pressed the wall in synchronized placements. Once she finished the mark of healing, that one center of the floor began to glow. The floor began descending into stairs.

Asami: These stairs lead to an underground passage.

Sapphire: But…

Asami: I know you all have questions and I will answer them all when we get rid of that abomination.

Everyone looked at each other then nodded with complete certainty.

Sapphire: Let's go and find that lizard boy.

Rachael: Before it's too late.

Crystal creaking softly