

Even after killing the pitiful girl, the assassins put her body into a sack as they were ordered. They were to hang the body in front of the palace for everyone to see the corpse burst into flames. Just like how they would burn a witch.

The next morning, the people in the capital went into a frizzy as the news of their great General and his family being executed for hiding many devious crimes behind their loyalty facade.

Many people were shocked as the Broans were the kindest people within the ranks of nobility. So they didn't know what to believe.

It was even more surprising to see the daughter of General Broan tied to a wooden poll in front of the palace. News traveled quickly and many people came over to see. They saw how the Young Miss Broan didn't move an inch even though she knew she was going to be lit on fire.

"Maybe they were guilty all along? Look she isn't revolting or speaking!"

"I guess they tortured her or cut of her tongue so she wouldn't to able to speak either way."

"Do you think she's dead?"

"You're right, she might be."

To the commoners, they felt like they lost an ally. But to the nobles, they have lost a strong threat that was lingering on their heels.

Among the crowd stood Leon and the Princess. Leon couldn't believe his eyes, he specifically took on this deal in order to protect her but now... he realized he was played with.

His eyes became red and his breath quickened as he looked at his beloved's body tattered and tied to the poll.

A guard heard a command and threw a torch into the pile of woods, making the stage burst into flames.

He regret it, why did he even take on the offer? Was he panicking too much that he forgot his logic and reason?

"You said to send her somewhere safe. I was raped by you and now you don't even keep your end of the bargain?" He said with a lowly voice, veins could be seen popping out of his neck.

"I didn't touch her, but someone else might have and that's not under my control" the Princess said nonchalantly as she looked at the burning body with delight. She hated the bitch that took her man, Leon was hers and hers alone. In order to get rid of Beatrice, the Princess joined hands with the Emperor to plot against the Broans.

She had offered Leon a deal where she would keep Beatrice safe in her kingdom while she gets to be his fiancé. At the time she was offering him some strong wine in addition with a rape drug she had put in. Leon was barely able to say yes before passing out, letting her to do whatever she wanted with him.

Now thinking back on Beatrice's last words to him, yes he did regret. He was a fool, why did he ever agree to it? Why did he go along with it? Because of his foolish actions, he lost the love of his life forever.

Now that he is engaged to this vixen, he will make sure to get revenge. But in reality, he knew revenge couldn't give Beatrice back to him. This was his road to redemption.


After the assassins have killed her, Beatrice's black vision suddenly became white as she opened her eyes to see clouds surrounding her along with an indescribable figure in front of her that claimed to be an Angel.

She had died. That fact was unbelievable to her, she was currently surrounded by clouds so she thought she was in heaven.

"Am I in heaven?" She asked the Angel.

"No, my dear. You are only half way, here is the place where you choose your path in your next life" the Angel responded.

Next life? She was surprised to hear that, it must mean she can reincarnate into a different life. So people can be reincarnated after their death, she wondered how many is the limit.

Seeing her in a dazed the Angel chuckled at how cute she was. "I am merely a messenger dear. Do you want to see what happened after your death? This might have a changing factor to how you will decide your path in your next life."

Beatrice thought about it and she felt the future wouldn't change that much, except the prosperity of two kingdoms coming together after her family's destruction.

"Actually dear, it isn't as peaceful as you thought it was" the Angel said as they read her thoughts.

As the Angel is a different being, Beatrice wasn't surprised that they read her mind. She only nodded and held out her hand signaling the Angel to guide her. The Angel took her hand and led her through the clouds floating downwards to the living world.

While they float Beatrice asked the Angel, "have you seen my parents and my brother up there?"

"I did, but unfortunately I can't let you see them as you wish. There are rules and regulations here that can't be broken."

She was disappointed as she couldn't see her parents and her brother. She felt sorry because they gave their lives to her, only for her to die within the same day as they did. What a tragedy.


Meanwhile on the living world, the Duke became the Emperor of the ally kingdom by marrying the only Princess/heir to the throne. With the power he held, Leon slowly destroyed everything.

He staged her death as she did to Beatrice, however he was even more ruthless then the Princess. By keeping her confined to only where he and his right man knew, Leon tortured her for many years to come. He set her on fire for a few minutes then poured cold water on her. He whipped her with the strongest iron whip he could find. He put needles under finger nails and toe nails. Leon did whatever he could, just not too extensively as it was too early for her to die.

He turned the Len Kingdom into a state of chaos before he send his troops to storm the capital and capture the Imperial family, specifically the Emperor.

"Y-you! We are allies! How dare you-" before the Emperor could finish the sentence, Leon went into a wild rampage punching the shit out of his so-called "uncle".

Leon killed the Empress and the rest of the Imperial family, as well as the officials and ministers. Inside the main hall of the palace, it became a massacre as Leon bathe in their blood to ease his guilt and anger.

He dragged the Emperor with him before setting the whole palace on fire. Of course, Leon took the Emperor to torture him along with the "Empress".

The Emperor is of old age, so he didn't last long like the "Empress" did. But not long after she bit her own tongue, committing suicide as she couldn't take the torture anymore.

With everyone who took his Beatrice away is dead, it was time for him to go as well. Leon knew it was a mistake on his part as well. After she had died, he had been having constant nightmares and the guilt had been eating him alive for the past years being Emperor of the kingdom.

One night, in the Emperor's chambers Leon was looking at the beautiful full moon. He smelt the air as he took a deep breath, tasted his last cup of water, held up the bottle of poison and drank it. His hearing slowly disappeared as his vision blurred out. His chest was in immense pain, but it wasn't as painful when he had lost her.

Lying on the cold floor spread out with blood, Emperor Leon took his last breath as he poisoned himself trying to atone for his grave mistake.

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