
Sweet and bitter

The company's warehouse was big a place filled with endless shelves and boxes. Accessories were at the left and costumes, fabrics, and shoes were at the right.

I came there to take some fabrics for making Freedom flags. I needed red, white and black. Simple right? Not at all!

Guard, the small man with a frown face, let me in and just left leaving me there to manage by myself. I left a sigh

- Ok I can do this...how hard could it be to find fabric? Turning right, I was walking among tall shelves, stuffed with all kinds of cloth.

- Ah there it is!- I saw colors that I needed and pushed tall ladders so I can reach for them. Pulling the first roll, I let it fall down because it was big and heavy. The second one, black color, was smaller and I took it with both hands going down but my leg slipped at the end and I sat hitting other shelves with my back. Stuff from there started to fall on my head and I covered my face. When all stop I looked around, it was a mess! Luckily I wasn't hurt but tears started to stream down my face and sobs came out.

All hit me suddenly and flashbacks started to appear before my eyes: Jun and Stella kissing, her words, they're arguing, Jun's father kneeling before me... I was crying so hard not being able to control myself anymore. Hugging myself with both hands, rocking back and forth in that endless pain I was feeling. " I'm here to beg you to let go Jun..."Jun's father's voice echoed "He is my only hope and only solution. He must marry Stella to save our company, to save our workers. We have almost a thousand workers whose lives depend on us! What would they do if the company close? They will end up on the streets... "- man had tears in his eyes and I was looking at him speechless. What could I say? Did I have the right to say anything? The truth hit me so hard. I felt pain in my stomach, in my heart, in my whole body.

How can you suck all the love spread in your veins? How can you dig all the roots seeded in your tissue? How can you kill emotions when every heartbeat of yours depends on them? You can't! But I had to... I had to do that for the greater good. I was small and significant, having no right to destroy other people's lives just to steal pieces of happiness from this world. So I said "yes"

- Yes I will let him go...

My whole body was shaking from crying. Until now I held myself, never shed a tear. Also, I didn't tell to anyone what I have decided, not even YunRea. But at that moment my brakes loosen so I cried and I cried until I had no more tears...

Holding one of the fabric rolls I get up slowly and took others leaving the warehouse. Guard looked at me with wide eyes, I guess I was looking horrible but who cared for that...My life had to go on and I have to learn how to live with that.


"FREEDOM CONCERT" big letters were glowing high up there. I was standing at the future scene of Freedom's concert. Workers were adjusting the lights and one of them asked me to stand in the middle. All around me was dark, only that one ray of light was pointed at me.

- Move a little to the left, please! Man yelled from above and I made one step on the left

- That's right! Just stand still I need to connect these wires!- But suddenly all become dark and I heard one angry voice from above. I smiled figuring that he connected something wrong.

I'm not sure how long I was standing there in the dark when I felt someone's hands wrapping around my waist and warm breath touch my neck.

- I missed you baby..- he was whispering in my ear, sending chills down my spine. I turned around and his lips found mine kissing me with passion. My heart was pounding and I felt tears in my throat. How I missed him! His touches, his kisses, his smell...

I closed my eyes, only feeling his lips and his tongue.

-If the world should end let me be in his arms at that moment!! - But he let go of me and I blinked at the lights, standing there alone, realizing how my future will look like from now on...Alone...

I went behind the stage in Freedom's changing room to search for Jun. I needed to see him at that moment, I needed to make sure that he was really there in the dark. Entering, I heard laughter. They were teasing each other looking so cute and careless.

- HyeMin come to see something!- Bobby was calling me and showed pictures on his phone. It was a selfie of him and Henry but behind them, Charlie was making funny faces. I smiled- He look like a jealous kid trying to draw attention to himself from his mom and dad.

- Wah!- all three of the shouted- That was not funny!-Charlie was frowning pouting his lips

- I'm 17 and I'm not a kid!- I smiled

- Of course, you are not I was just joking.- He smiled too and his cute dimples appeared

- You are funny!

-HyeMin- Jun called me and I met his eyes. He just came in holding clothes, He was wearing a black t-shirt and black pants...all black...my black angel. My heart was bleeding seeing him so gorgeous, so lovable..so not mine...

He came closer showing a leather jacket

- I think something is not right with this jacket- I lifted my brows

-What seems to be the problem?

- He shrug-Don't know that is why I need you to tell me.- He took my hand and pull me outside. We were walking down the corridor somewhere deeper in the building. That part had no lights and he stopped throwing a jacket on the floor cupping my face. His hands were warm and gentle

- I will go crazy HyeMin , I didn't see you for two days! I miss you so so much- he was whispering sweet words. I hold myself to them like the person who is drowning and desperately wanting to save his own life. Was my decision right? Can I endure this all? Can I kill my love for him? Questioning myself for who knows how many times. But there was no solution, there was no hope...only those moments I stole from my unfortunate destiny and I knew it will crush on my head soon.

- HyeMin you are so quiet...What is wrong baby? Did I do something wrong?

- No Jun, you did everything right.... - I felt his lips softly brushing against mine

- Why do I miss you so much, you are so ugly and clumsy?- I hit him in the chest

-Hey! - He laughed hugging me

-But I love just the way you are! Don't ever change baby!

- That is impossible, people change all the time...- He covered my mouth- Ah shush! Let me be romantic for ones you will not die from it I promise!- I giggled

- I'm sorry..-He brushed the hair from my face- It's your fault I'm the happiest man in the world, so you take responsibility for that young girl!!

- Ok Jun!- I salute but his lips cut my words kissing me with love and longing. Those moments were frozen in my heart. I decided to preserve them in my memory. I wanted to take that piece of happiness and keep it locked just for myself...

Soon Freedom concert started and I was standing behind the curtain once again, looking at the crowd, looking at him smiling so bright. He will be alright without me. He had his career, his friends, he will forget me eventually... Then one idea appeared in my mind. What if I steal a bigger piece of happiness from my destiny?! I smiled

-That is exactly what shall I do. I'm going to give all and take all and after that....after that, I will vanish.


A/N: While you read the last part play this amazing song: wanderhouse-sugar

It was past midnight exactly one minute. My birthday. Standing in the elevator I looked at myself in the mirror. The white dress was sparkling whenever I made a move. It was THE white dress! The one June bought me. Why did I dress like that only I knew. I didn't tell anyone where I am going or what I'm planning, or better to say wanting to do. The elevator stopped and I get off, walking straight. Before I pushed the bell button I took one deep breath and exhale. The door opened after a while. Jun looked at me with sleepy eyes and messy hair

- HyeMin?- I smiled hugging him, not giving him any time to think

- I missed you...- my whispering voice made him pull me inside. He took my hand looking at me

- You are so beautiful in that dress but what is the occasion? Did I miss something?- I touched his face

- You are the occasion. I wanted to be beautiful just for you- then I kissed him lightly. He circled his hand around my waist

- Not gonna say I'm against that baby- he was smiling while his black eyes had sparkles

- Ah!- he moved a little- Tomorrow is your birthday! You thought I don't know right?- he winked and I smiled

- Correction! Today is my birthday!- He looked at his watch

-Ah stupid me. It's past midnight, but I was sleeping and I...- I cut him pressing my lips on his, kissing him slowly, intertwining my fingers with his, leading to his room. When we entered he grabbed my shoulders

-HyeMin?- My eyes met his and I showed him all the love I was feeling at that moment. I let go of my feelings to explode in front of him. In his eyes, I saw the whole universe, with every single star in it carrying my name. His fingers touched my lips, my cheeks, eyes...like he was seeing me for the first time like he wanted to remember every curve, every shape of me. We kissed again but that kiss was different. It was beyond this world. It was pure emotion, it was heaven...

I took the hem of his shirt but he grabs my wrists

- Are you sure baby/- I nodded smiling

- I love you and I want to be yours tonight.- He was serious

- I don't want you to regret it after.

- I will not! Never!- He nodded

-Then let's do this properly.- He kneels in front of me

- HyeMin you are my all, my whole heart belongs to you, every heartbeat belongs to you, every breath belongs to you. If you feel the same then please be my wife. Let me spend the rest of my days holding your hands like this, looking into your eyes, kissing your lips. I love you, baby.- I had teary eyes

- I will...I want to be your wife now and forever!- He took the ring from his finger and put it on mine but it was too big- I smiled and put it on my chain

- Here is safer.- He lifts me up and spun

- You are my wife now!-I cupped his face

-Yes I am! -We kissed hugging each other. Then his lips brushed my cheek, jawline...all the way to my neck. My eyes closed and my arms wrapped around his neck. Sweet shivers shook my body but sweeter kisses made my heart beat faster. I felt his tongue between my lips sliding inside my mouth, playing the seductive game, making me lose in those feelings. I was melting under his touches. He pulled my dress up tracing every newly discovered part of my skin with his kisses. My fingers raked through his black hair wandering all over. He lift me up and laid on the bed.

- You are making me go crazy- his husky whisper lit the fire inside of me.

- What have you done to me HyeMin , my heart wants to explode!-He rested his forehead on mine closing his eyes

- Jun I'm all yours...
