
My new job

I was sitting in an armchair with folded legs wrapped in a big warm blanket laid head on my arm watching shimmering lights on the streets of Seoul through the window. Outside was cold but still without snow. The whole day I spend in this room, sitting like that...

YunRea and her father were not in town so I was alone but that didn't bother me. Having bigger problems in my head I had no time to feel lonely. I had issues with myself, with my unexplainable behavior the other day: What was that? Why did I react as I did? Why Jun?.. Things like that...

I left a sigh closing my eyes. A picture of him appeared in front of me. His attractive face, black eyes.. his lips...

I opened my eyes shaking my head

- Stop it already!!- Throwing away my blanket I went to the kitchen and turn on the stove to make some tea. All that made me angry

- He is just a rude and arrogant boy! He doesn't deserve my attention at all !!- I shouted and my voice echoed through the room.

While I was reaching for teacup I heard the door opening and YunRea and her father came inside.

-Ah it is so cold outside I'm sure snow will cover everything soon- she said smiling at me

- How are you HyeMin? Are you feeling better now?- I nodded

- Yes, I don't have headaches anymore.

Mr.Park smiled- Do you have some tea for these two frozen penguins?- I laughed

- Yes I do! You both just sit and I will bring the cups.

We sat together in the living room. They were talking about the trip and I stayed quiet.

-Actually HyeMin I have some good news for you. You said you want to work and I think this would be great for you.- My eyes widened

- Really? What is it?

-You see yesterday I had a meeting with some people from the music industry and It happens that my good friend Yang, the president was there. I remembered you so I asked him does he need part-time workers and he gave me a number of his staff chief there. - He gave me the card and smiled.

- You can call him, president Yang promised me that he will arrange all.

-Ah thank you so much for this Mr.Park !!I'm really grateful- He patted my shoulder

- You are welcome but you don't need to work at all I told you that first day you came. Your staying here means a lot to me and especially to YunRea. - She came and sat next to me hugging me tightly.

- HyeMin you are like a sister to me and you know how much I love you.- I nodded hugging her back

- I feel the same but I would like to have my own money and I'm grateful that you both understand.

Mr.Park smiled- It is very nice to see a young girl with mature thoughts that is why I helped you.

The next day I called the staff chief and we arranged the meeting. He was a small middle-aged man with little black mustaches, dressed in a black formal suit, looking like a real gentleman. Mr.Ken was his name and he explained what would be my new duties. I suppose to take care of all orders in the building when it comes to food supplies, props, or anything else they need. Of course, I would be just an assistant to the real person in charge. At first, I was surprised to get such a responsible job considering I'm still a student without any experience in this area. But I guess YunReas's father had a good connection with the president and I got this job.

When somebody knocked on the door I looked up and saw a beautiful young girl coming in. Mr.Ken smiled at her

- Mira dear you already arrived?- She was smiling too and kissed his cheek

- Yes dad I'm coming straight from the airport.

He looked at me- Let me introduce your new assistant HyeMin.- She looked at me with curiosity.

- This is Mira, my daughter and you're supervisor .- We greeted each other.

She was a very beautiful girl with long black hair, dressed in a white formal suit with a mini skirt showing her long perfect legs. Perfect makeup, baby pink nails, nice perfume... all that made a good impression on me... All except her smile... She acted nice with good manners but somehow I felt she doesn't like me and a few minutes later, standing in front of her in her office, I knew I was right!

After her father left we came to her office but she changed her attitude towards me completely. Her face was strict and serious and her eyes pinning me while she was giving me instructions.

-You have to be available 24/7 no excuses!! I'm expecting you to do things fast and on time. I don't take "No" and "I can't" for an answer. Are we clear on that?- I smiled a little

- But I'm still in school I can't be available at that time... - Make yourself available or don't do this job at all. Knowing president Yang doesn't give you the right to be sloppy and lazy!

-I'm not like that! Just I have my school duties...- she cut me again

- Don't make me regret taking you for my assistant. If you can't do your job during school time then you have to do it beforehand. If you are not serious about this just say it now and I will find somebody who is!

-No, no, please! I want this job and I will do my best!- She nodded

- All right then- she turned -take this arrived mail and deliver them to our artists.- I looked at the big sack she pointed. It was stuffed with envelopes and small packages

- I'll do my best!- I said and she left the office while her high heels were knocking on the floor and long hair viewed in the same rhythm. The door slammed after her and I left a sigh

- Just great! I got a witch boss and she is the same age as me.. some people really have luck in life...

I lifted sack and empty on the table starting to separate them by the artist names. - Oh so many letters for Freedom! They are so popular! My friend Susan like them so much, maybe I could meet them and ask for an autogram- I smiled- She would be so happy.

Leaving the office I went to the cafeteria. It's the best way if I ask somebody there where am I suppose to put all this mail.

When I entered, a middle-aged woman smiled at me

- Oh I haven't seen you here before! Are you our new trainee?- She asked me

- No, I'm helping with orders and Miss Mira is my boss.- She rolled her eyes

- Ah her... good luck on that !- I shrug my shoulders not understanding what she meant by that and asked when can I put Freedom's mail.

-You go to the second floor and you can leave them in their recording studio. They don't come often these days but eventually, somebody will pick it up.- I nodded

- Thank you!

Heading to the second floor I had mixed feelings, something was bothering me but I didn't know what. I just felt uneasy but I thought it's all because of my nervousness about today's job meeting and all.

I took a deep breath and stepped from the elevator heading through the corridor, looking for the recording studios. There were no names on the doors

- How am I supposed to know which of them Freedom use??- I opened one by one searching for some traces of them. The first two were empty but near the third, I heard music playing inside. I knock first then open the door entering. It was dark in there but I saw a small light in the recording cabinet. Somebody was there singing:

"It's love, it's love

Even I forget it was love

Though I pushed you away

You're always living in me

You're the only one, The only one

Whom I cherish and want

I fell asleep looking at

Your picture that I missed.... "

I heard his voice and I came closer. My eyes widened in surprise- Jun was standing there and sang that song!

Because it was dark in that part he couldn't see me so he just continued singing like I wasn't there. I stood there just watching him while his voice filled with emotions wrapped around me softly. I remembered the first time listening Freedom song "I'm sorry" I felt the same hearing that voice. I had no idea he could sing like that, even though YunRea mentioned something about it. My eyes closed and I let music fill me... but suddenly all stopped and I opened my eyes only to meet Jun's right in front of me

- What are you doing here? How did you get in?

- Through the door... - He rolled his eyes

- In this building?!

- I started to work here today...- He folded his arms

- You surprised me I didn't expect somebody here- I nodded

- I supposed to deliver fans mail here...- My hands were full of envelopes and I held two bags with small packages.

He took all that from me and put it on the table.

- So you are mail girl now?- I shrug my shoulders- I guess I am and God knows what else... - He lifted one eyebrow

- Ah ... so you met Mira!- that was more connotation than a question.

Jun moved forward and sat on the chair showing me another one to sit.

- What do you think of my singing I need an honest opinion?

- I like it .- He was watching me directly in the eyes

- Just that?- Shrugging my shoulders I looked away not being able to stand that direct look

- That is what I think, what more you want me to say I'm no expert in music. Jun stood up and went to mixette, soon the same melody started to play but this time without his voice.

-Do you like this melody?-

I nodded-Yes I do but it's better with voice... I mean when you sing.

He smiled- Wow first compliment I got from you! I thought this day will never come!- I looked at him in a confusion

- What do you mean..?- He just shook his head

- Nothing...

I stood up to wanting to leave suddenly felt how my heart beat fast. I turned towards the door but he pulled me holding my wrist and I hit on his chest

- Don't go... he almost whispered and I looked up only to meet again his black eyes.

We just stood there in silence, looking at each other surprised by this sudden contact when some loud voices brought us to reality. We parted quickly and I left the studio in a hurry. My face was burning while my heart wanted to jump from my chest. I went back to my boss's office still confused maybe even more...
