
The beginning

Valyria breathed in the cold Maine air. Loving the smell of the forest as she hiked up the mountain. The sun started to set as she reached the top, she smiled. The sunset was especially beautiful that night. Valyria was nervous, but that was to be expected. Tonight was the night she had been preparing for, for years now. She never had parents and tradition was that your parents would help you through your first transition. The whole pack spread rumors, and talked behind her back saying things like 'she won't make it' and 'she will definitely die doing it all alone, she's so fucking weak it's pathetic really'. Valyria knew she could do it by herself, she wasn't as weak as everyone thought she was. She was already one with her wolf, already had a relationship with her... and that was something never heard of. That was something she kept to herself, though it's not like she had anyone to divulge the secret to. She was completely alone in the world, all she had was herself and her wolf. Valyria never had the feeling of being apart of a pack... she never had that comfort. They treated her as a freak. Her mother died in child birth, and her father killed himself only a week after she was born. The whole pack said it was her fault, and Valyria believed it... because if she never existed the pack would still have its rightful Alphas. Yea, her parents were the Alphas of the pack. They were the most powerful, and loved Alphas that have ever existed.

Valyria sat down on a rock and started crying, it was all to much. The beta of the pack, John Blackston her uncle, told her after she shifted she would become Alpha. He told her she had no choice, and that she needed to suck it up. Valyria didn't know how she could lead a pack that hated her, and shunned her.. especially one that thought she was so weak that she would die on her shift. She was so lost in thought that she didn't even realize the full moon, lite up now in the sky at it's peak.

Valyria felt her bones starting to break, sweat poured out of every pore on her body as her screams filled the night sky. She fell to the ground as her limbs twisted into places they weren't supposed go. The pain was unbearable, and she saw darkness trying to take her over. "NO!" she screamed into the night "I WILL NOT DIE!" her voice echoed around her, giving her a newfound strength from within. Valyria ripped the clothes from her body as her skin started to tear revealing black fur. Her transformation was almost complete. Her face contoured into that of a wolf's, and the pain left her body. She stretched, and shook her fur getting comfortable in her new form. She howled at the full moon loving the sound that filled her ears.

Suddenly she heard twigs snapping, and the sound of a heartbeat. Not just any heartbeat... a human's. Her vision turned red as bloodlust threatened to take ahold of her. She ran faster than she ever had before, the forest past her in a blurr. Valyria wasn't going to stop until the bloodlust was gone. She slowed down, now that she was far enough away. Knowing she had herself under control, she stopped and assessed her surroundings. The night was truly beautiful, and smells of the forest flooded her nostrils. She heard a deer in the distance, and decided to hunt. Hoping that would get her bloodlust under control.

After she was done eating, Valyria trotted her way back to the pack house. When she arrived the sun was just starting to peak over the horizon. Valyria shifted back into her human form and walked through the doors of the house/mansion that the unmated pack members lived in. It was 10 stories, with 5 rooms on each floor besides the top floor which was Valyria's now that she was Alpha. She walked through the doors, and heard shocked gasps from pack members, when they saw her. She just ignored them and walked up the stairs, not wanting to sit and have a long conversation while she was naked and bloody, and covered in dirt. No, wolves were not shy about nudity, but that doesn't mean they walk around naked all day.

Valyria opened the doors to her penthouse, and saw her uncle sitting on the couch with coffee in hand reading the newspaper. "I see you survived" he said while glancing her way. His eyes lingered a little to long for her liking, so she let out a warning growl that her uncle quickly responded to by looking back at the paper.

"Yes, thrived actually" she said smugly "now leave my residence uncle, dont make me challenge you... you know you won't win"

John's eyes darkened as he stood, setting the paper on the coffee table. "I see your new found power suits you well, of course I will go. I don't want to cause trouble, Alpha." John said while walking towards the door "but need I remind you, I taught you everything you know little one"

Valyria's anger rose as he closed the door behind him. She always hated that nickname.

The shower called to her, and she answered happily. the hot stream of water soothing her body from the transition. her black hair fell to her waist, and clung to her curvy 6 foot frame. She was the tallest female in the pack. Her features made all the other girls hate her out of jealousy. She had naturally full lips, big green eyes, long black eyelashes, naturally straight black hair, olive skin, a size triple d cups, an hour glass figure, a full round ass, and thick thighs. All the women loathed her, and all the men lusted after her. She hated it though, she wished she could just have a small body then maybe she could just fade into the background and go unnoticed. Unfortunately wishes dont come true. She washed herself off, and stepped out of the shower. Only to met by a male that had no business being there.

"Damn" said the man while rubbing his crotch outside of his pants "That body is something else" his eyes were black with lust as he licked his lips, and lunged for her.

Valyria stepped to the side and grabbed the man on the back of his shirt, throwing him like a rag doll against the wall. He left a good sized dent in the wall, then fell to the ground.

"You fucking bitch! you'll pay for that!" he said in a booming voice, letting his dominate vibes come off him in waves.

Valyria laughed and said "That's all, aw poor puppy didn't know what he was getting himself into" she let her alpha vibes go at full force then, suffocating the room with pure dominance. The man wouldn't make eye contact, and struggled staying upright. Valyria walked a few steps forward. Forcing him to his knees at the mere proximity of her. The man let out a whimper, showing his neck in full submission.

Valyria extend her nails into claws on her right hand, and swung. Leaving ugly claw marks across his face. "Now everyone will know you're a pathetic excuse of a man" she turned and walked back to her bathroom to dry herself off, knowing he would leave. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled ~Ok this might actually be fun~ she thought to herself.

Sorry about the change in story. I wasn't feeling the other one, and decided this plot seemed better. Hope you all enjoy!

Moonlightlovercreators' thoughts
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