
Dark Queen

He woke up feeling groggy. Moving his arm, he heard something snap. There were chains holding him down, when he moved he accidently snapped one. His pokéballs and belt were on a nightstand far in the corner. He laid on a stone table in the middle of a ritual circle. It was interesting to say the least. Bastion decided to wait and see what happens.

Not long after he woke up 5 pokegirls walked in dressed in their finest. By the horns or wings on their heads, bat wings on their backs, and the occasional pointed tail, he concluded they were succubus. "Are you ready girls, lets dominate this powerful tamer and then we can begin the ritual.

"How do you plan to humiliate me?" Bastion snapped the other chains and stood up. They looked shocked but then the leader regained her composure.

"You are Bastion the one who defeated a widow and captured her after she evolved into a dryder. Rumors about you are everywhere. A tamer for a few weeks and you've becomes so strong. Her eyes flashed to cast an illusion. Bastion's sharingan saw through it easily.

"I only see one pokéball there where are my others." Bastion said and sat up on the table. He looked over the five unfazed. They were full of dark energy and must have been in the high 60s. He could sense a lot of power from them.

"They've been devoured, we needed full stomachs for this ritual." One of the succubi proclaimed proudly. Bastion stopped all motion and turned to the succubus that spoke out.

"If that's true, I'll kill you all." Bastion said with certainty. He handn't felt this angry in a long time. Suddenly, he wasn't feeling well, he fell forward. A dark blade appeared around one of their arms and they held it to his throat. She pushed him on his back whatever was in his system was messing with his chakra control. This wasn't good.

"You were powerful but now your vulnerable weak." They ripped his pants down and one leapt atop him. "I love that look anger and helplessness. That's the face humans should keep. He felt his member plunge into her tight wet channel. Every nerve misfired, he shouldn't have drunk so much.

When she began to move it felt great, addictive. "The drug we used will last for hours yet. When we finish with you we will be long gone before it wears off." Bastion focused on using medical ninjutsu. He scoured his body looking for any trace of the drug and eradicating it. It stuck to his nerves and bunched up in his blood vessels.

While the succubus pounded him the other four held up dusk stones. She started to power up the darkness from the dusk stones seeped into her and a small fraction of that power entered Bastion. He could sense that her energy levels were rising, she was about to become one of the most feared pokégirls, a Dark queen.

Bastion felt his dick get squeezed by an even tighter vagina and could feel the drug finally leave him. His power was back, and green chakra covered his body. The succubi looked at him shocked by the sudden transformation. Bastion stood up his hands wrapped around the dark queen's thighs. He raised his hands to the cross sign and made 20 shadow clones. Five each grabbed the succubi and began dominating them.

The dark queen looked up at him in shock then grinned at seeing the gang bang. "Even when you think your winning you only help us. You are such a sad tool." There was an intelligence in her eyes that wasn't present before. She was analyzing him between strokes as he pounded her. His dick felt like it was bathed in velvet and every pump hurled him closer to some unforgivable sin. It was great.

"You're joining my harem. No, you don't have a choice in this decision." Bastion said as he pounded her with growing force. She was a solid girl and could take it when he twisted his hips and went after her deeper spots. He was slowly falling in love in a way a man does for a woman. She glared at him imperiously.

"I'm a dark queen the pinnacle of my evolution. Worship me." She hissed and glared at him with shiny eyes. He nipped her nose and her head shot back in shock. Bastion grinned lifted her hips and braced his knees to really get at her deep spots. A bit of chakra extended his member inside of her. Her eyes widened in shock and a low growl shot out of her. The dark queen blinked in surprise at her own action.

Bastion watched her tits bounce in her loose bra as he pounded with abandon. He had come close several times but forced it back this was about dominating this entitled bitch. A clone stepped over her and she opened her mouth to accept his member. She moaned with her mouth abandoning her contemptuous stare.

He went slow at first as he was prone to do and picked up speed. His clone popped after filling her throat and he lifted her in his arms. Her bouncing soft titties crushed against his chest as he smashed her against a wall. She cackled as he smashed it to bits while force fucking her. Dark energy gathered around her and shot out at random digging deep trenches in the walls and ceiling. He was enjoying himself despite how they met, he was having a good time. Not the best way to get to know another but he accepted it for a chance encounter.

Bastion flipped her over it was time to enjoy something a bit more personal. He yanked his member from her swollen pussy and positioned his member at the entrance of her black cherry. She looked back at him in shock then grinned before wiggling her behind to him. "I planned on sacrificing you and drinking your blood as a celebratory drank at my ascension. But the the way you gang banged my supporters beautiful." The dark queen said. Bastion smashed his member into her ass giving her no time to prepare. She opened her mouth and Bastion shoved his fingers into it giving her something to suck on as he fucked her ass.

"I needed this, I felt like I was in a rut. I thought I was looking for a fight, and I still am but no what I needed was an evil bitch like you to kid nap and rape me. A reminder that the world isn't pretty. After crushing that widow, it should have been obvious. But I was bored. Thank you." Bastion said before burying himself deep in her and unleashing a thick load in her sinister ass.

He stayed there feeling her ass grip his member and her pussy quiver against his balls. Her pale skin seemed to glow in the darkness. She still sucked on his fingers as he held her there. The room was a mess chain links were stuck in the walls and torn. The shackles on his wrist were left in the floor far away. Half the wall leading to the next room was gone. Pulling his cock out made a popping sound and he was a little tired afterwards.

Powering down his green glow vanished. She looked up at him her eyes slowly turning golden. "So, what did you do with my team. I'll need a pokéball for you or you can just travel around with me and pretend to be a tamer." Bastion said.

"You are a cocky one. Haven't you heard of the warnings concerning a dark queen. We are not to be fucked with ever. In every situation we become the masters over the tamer." She said.

"What's your name by the way? I'm Bastion." Bastion said. Her raven black hair made her golden eyes shine even brighter. An aura of fear radiated from her and she seemed truly at a loss.

"I'm Angel, the dark queen, well if you are to be my tamer, then we should make it official. But could you stop raping my girls." The succubus around them were still getting gang banged by his clones. Most weren't very reactive anymore. He dispelled them all getting the memories of what the girls like and he knew so much.

"You team is upstairs along with my mistress. In the off chance you escaped and defeated us, she would subdue you." Angel said. Bastion nodded and stepped up wondering if he would get a good fight or just a boring weakling.

The pokégirl was sitting in a chair reading a book. His sharingan detected traps all over the floors meant to paralyze and restrict his energy. This Hild wasn't particularly strong. He could sense the limits of her power. Her Infernal release in pure CP would only be around 100,000,000cp relative to his power but not close. Making a cross sign he sent out shadow clones to spring all her traps.

Her book closed, and she glared at him while Bastion dispelled his clones. She waved her hand and a dark scythe appeared. Her blond hair covered one eye and her skin was ebony. There was little distinguishing her from a normal female tamer.

"So, I'm guessing you're the ring leader. Angel is mine now, so what will you do?" Bastion said. He sensed his pokéballs in the kitchen. There were more traps inside.

Green chakra covered his body like a cloak. He loved the trick, it was only possible because he had a ton of chakra. She teleported beside him and swung her dark scythe. He ducked the slow blow and she launched a few dark bolts.

She teleported away before he could stick a kunai through her skull. Force bolts appeared and shot at him. His sharingan easily tracked them. They were made of chakra he couldn't use. They condensed air and fired at him. The condensed air exploded when it hit something. He danced around the attacks, they were too slow to bother with even if they hit, he wouldn't feel it.

He decided to test her abilities. Launching a rasengan he let it smash against a wall shattering that side of the house. She didn't glance back or look shocked. The Hild narrowed her eyes and continued throwing force bolts while siphoning energy from somewhere else.

In a sense she had infinite energy but couldn't muster a strong enough attack to matter. He continued dodging hoping to see where this would lead. Would she eventually stop receiving energy or would she grow desperate?

Funnily enough, she started to copy his movements but failed to match his speed. She used levitation to hover over the house. "You, worthless human how are you so powerful? Well, I'll have to up my game." The Hild said. Her voice was cold almost emotionless. It was like hearing the voice of a puppet.

Her body was consumed by multiple auras as her dark chakra increased in activity. He could see dark strings of chakra wrap around her and her hands formed together dark energy gathered into a truly colossal shadow ball. Bastion remained where he was as it fired. To his sharingan it moved at a crawl. Holding up his hand he charged a rasengan added earth chakra and then a hint of fire. The ball became denser and hotter. Then it jumped in size becoming massive. With a burst of chakra his rasengan fired shooting at the bloated shadow ball.

The condensed chakra easily ripped through the shadow ball and exploded. The hild flashed with purple lightning and shot thunder bolts at him. She still couldn't hit him he moved before they fired.

He knew channeled his chakra just as she did and unleashed a powerful thunder bolt. It struck her in the chest and she fell. He figured he had seen everything she was capable of. A lightning release technique was a good addition to his arsenal.

"Why did someone like you appear?" She asked as he bound her arms and legs. Then tossed her over his shoulder like a sack of corn.

"Its not my fault that your weak. You lack training, your moves were sloppy. I assume most would have fallen for your illusions well before you attacked. Those who hadn't most likely couldn't dodge your force bolts. But if you attack can't hit, then their worthless." He could kill her anytime he wanted but that wasn't his goal. If he went around killing, then he might not learn a thing. If he embarrasses her just right, she might come back with some crazy new attack he can learn. "Well later thanks for the succubi and the dark queen. Hope whoever you're under will be understanding about losing the subordinates.

Bastion turned around and walked back. He reclaimed his pokéballs and found Angel. She was dressed in a black dress with her hair up. An umbrella lay over her shoulder and a smile that neared cruelty flashed across her face.

"Alright let's go. He tossed a pokéball at her and she didn't resist being caught.

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