
They Say The More Party Members, The Better? Yes Please!

This girl, no, a young beautiful lady, she's what I would define attractive in a literal sense of ageless godly beauty because she had been there for me when my other god self merged with me.

Her tied down long beautiful sky blue hair and attractive matching orbs that spoke of gentleness and care every time we train and bond together all over those years before I left for exploration and adventures to understand the society a bit, not the time I go by "Balin Regalia", combined with her personality, were what would give a picture top ideal waifu at its finesse.

Her clothing, her aptitude, and her personality, she's what I would say a "warrior-strategist" because of her priestly scholarly clothing and presence of enchanted light clothing, in the colors of blue and white with a white hair ribbon tying her hair.

Before I was summoned at that time, she had no name. But when the fuse was complete, I gave her a name, "Aurelia" because that's how I thought and my impression of her.

To this day, Aurelia's right here in the Guild, which for reasons I don't know, looking for me?



From normal expression to happy, from happy to worried, from worried to happy, those were what I am seeing until...

"Ar- Balin-kun!" this literal goddess suddenly glomped me right in front of the girls, my party mates!

"There, there. I am not going anywhere." I half-joked with a smile.

"No, " Aurelia said. "I wanted to see you because I am bored~"

"Bored?" I asked as I playfully ruffled her hair which she enjoyed. "You got things to do 'there' unlike me here having 'someone' to give those unique combinations while being free and experience life."

"Mou, that's what I am here for - I would like to spend more time with you than being stuck in one place."

"Well, you may if you have permission," I replied as I reminded her of that and being careful not to mention 'it' here in this guild branch. "But did the old man approve your request?"

"Yes." happily replied Aurelia as she let out a smile of her own. "Anyway, I am under your care Balin-kun."

"Likewise, Aurelia."

"Hehe ♪"

Releasing me from her hug, Aurelia smiled and looked over behind my back.

"Balin..who is that?" the voice who I knew of, gave me a feeling of 'uneasiness' because of my situation changing quickly or fast.

It might be my own delusions but I'll take it head-on and whatever happens in the future or someday, I'll be decisive.

Turning my attention to Akari, she looked curious. Really curious alongside her 'cousin', Suzuka, and I haven't forgotten about the guild staff member Celie who remained in her station, watching us.

'Aurelia's there before that time ...so I know what to do. Of course, I'll be telling them the truth in the future.' I smiled a bit as I introduce my party members to Aurelia, "This is Aurelia, she's my childhood friend who looked after me. Starting today, she'll be joining our party."

As I finished her introduction, Aurelia elegantly bowed before my party mates.

"Akari and Yui, right? I'm under your guidance and care."

"Same here." "Same."

My two party mates, soon to be three, welcomed Aurelia with a warm reception as they started to chatter and discuss.

Seeing the sight of them having fun as they get to know each other, I nodded in satisfaction.

- -

In the same forest that we took on our first quest as the party, with the blood-stained sword in hand, I casually walked through the on-going battle like "Oh, don't mind me, I'm just a 'harmless' guy passing by." with the girls engaging the quest targets.

"HAH!" a beautiful blade made a clean decapitation cut on the tiger ape's head without the blade itself getting dirtied by blood.

"Such elegance and skill," commented Akari. "Aurelia-chan looks beautiful with her blade on the battlefield."

"I second that," added Suzuka.

"Girls, please there is no need to say that. You are all beautiful in your own way," humbly stated Aurelia who was done wrapping things up for the quest submission in a form of 5 pieces of tiger ape claw.

With the way things right here in the battle or should I say a test run in a form of "Tiger Ape Hunt" quest, there's no need for my 'mini commentary' and 'telling things' because it's way obvious to tell it's overkill.

Long story short, it's a one-sided massacre of 6 tiger ape claw with Aurelia at 0.01% because she's the one who helped me adjust to my 'new conditions' and 'new body' after the fuse.

We were meant to collect 5 tiger ape claws in the first place. The extra guy only made it better for a souvenir for Aurelia's first day as a member of our party.

Oh, didn't I forget to tell you that they became friends fast already? I had no idea how it went. But since it's Aurelia, she should be able to make friends with Akari and Suzuka.

"Somehow, our team became better in moments of time. What do you think, Balin-kun?" asked Aurelia with a knowing smile.

"Well..I..." Looking at my other team members, the 'cousins' looked happy with today's performance. "Yeah, we improved a bit with Aurelia-chan added in our party. But I think we need to continue training and improve ourselves further than today's performance."

"Hehe," chuckled Aurelia as she gazed at our two members who have smiles of their own. "Balin-kun is the same Balin-kun I met. He is right though."

"Then perhaps we'll train later after we turn in the quest to the Guild," said Akari as the reincarnator herself smiled at me which I smiled back in return while Suzuka agreed.

I clapped my hands. "Okay, everyone may train whenever they want after we turn it in..I'll be back at the [Fourth Leaf] later though."

"Eh? Why?" asked Aurelia.

"Because I have to buy food at...for our dinner." I replied as I let out an embarrassed smile for mentioning food. I knew [Fourth Leaf] got fine food and all but people from my former self's world may get tired of eating the same thing if they keep going to the food establishment every day.

Thinking about it, made me long for having a family in this world. I missed my family already.

"Can we join?

"Yes," I replied


'There's nothing wrong with having beautiful companions in a form of party members, right? They're my friends in this world. I only have to take care of it.' I thought before placing the warp.