
Reborn With A Doomsday System

[ Novel is Under Editing.] Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · Urban
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109 Chs

CHAPTER 66: RUN, RUN, RUN! Red Eyes Everywhere

{ 2rd Nation }

Mrs Shan slowly stood up after the earthquake subsided, she looked around at her shadow guards and said.

"You all felt it right? What Leo said finally came to pass, now my order is spread around the first city and kill anyone with red eyes and burn their bodies, no question ask just kill. I don't care If it's your relatives or friends you must kill them for the sake of humanity."

"YES!!!" They all shouted.

"Now go!" She said and Turned to her family, her grandson and daughter-in-law was busy crying over a middle-aged man with red eyes.

"Leo said it will take one hour before people started having red eyes but you are different." She said calmly and with a look, four shadow guards move forward and dragged her grandson and daughter in-law away from the scared man.



"Am sorry son but It just have to be done, I lost your father and now am losing you too, I don't know why the world is against me but I need to do this."

"I know mom, just do it and end this." The middle-aged man said in a sorrowful tone.

The old lady looked at her son and crouch down, giving him a motherly hug.

"I'll miss you son"


Both Shanghai and his mother shiver hearing the gunshot. The next moment the woman fell down and fainted on spot.

"MOM!!" Shanghai shouted.

"Don't worry, she just fainted." Mrs Shan said standing up, wiping off her tears.

"Take her to her room." She said calmly.

"Yes head!!" The Shadow guards said, carefully picking up their dead master wife carrying her to her room.

Shanghai stood there not knowing what to do with tears streaming down his face, next moment he turned to his grandmother. "Grandma... why?"

"It had to be done or would you have prefer if he turned to those flesh eating monster." Mrs Shan said slowly tossing the desert eagle to one of her shadow guards.

"But... What about your shadow guards then?!!!" Shanghai asked with pure rage.

The old lady didn't care about her grandson state of mind and said calmly. "Half of my guards have red eyes, they will just have to meet their end."


"Please Take my grandson to his room and take care of the body, burn it."

"Grandma why are you so heartless?!!" Shanghai yelled as He was being drag away by the shadow guards.

"Am not heartless, am just giving us a chance to survive." The old lady said with resolve.

{ 3rd nation }

In a majestic hall, a beautiful red hair woman sat on a throne looking down at hundreds of women all putting on hoods and masks.

"Report!!" The red hair woman said in a cold voice sending shivers down the women present.

"My queen, we lost the 4th and 5th guardians, they both got red eyes and 30% of our force also got red eyes, they have all been killed and their bodies burned." The first guardian said in a sad tone.

Scarlett nodded calmly and gave her order "these proves Leo words, now we need to do one thing and that's kill anyone with red eyes and burn their bodies. Even if it's The governor or commander, kill them if they got red eyes." Her eyes move around the crowd and she slowly stood up.


As she shouted all the hell guardians stood up straight. "Guard all the normal people to our base and kill anyone with red eyes, I'm giving you the order to kill. Now go!!"


They all shouted and walked out of the hall.

{ 4th nation }

A man was standing at the top of a tall building which appeared to have cracks all over the surface.

"I thought this tower will collapse after that earthquake."

"What should we do now my king?" The second man who is also the 2rd heavenly king asked.

"What should we do...?" Suden repeat slowly dazing down at the hundreds off-road vehicles with thousands of men all armed with different firearms.

"it Easy, spread around town and kill anyone with red eyes and burn their bodies, bring any normal humans you find to the base. We must save as much people as we can."

"Yes my king" the two men bow and walked downstairs.

" *Sighed* It look like the sky is charging." Suden said with a sad smile looking at the clear sky."

{ unknown island }

"I told you Hades, time to prepare." Hemsal said with a smile with the blood princess beside him. Hades frowned slightly and turned to sun his first elder.

"My lord we lost both 9th and 10th elders, eight guardians and 40% of our men, we now have a total of 530,117 men and 10 guardians."

Hades face turned more ugly, you mean we lost at least four hundred and something thousand men, that's a Hugh blow to us."

"Don't worry, It's even better don't kill those with red eyes bring them to my lab, I want to experiment with them. You don't mind right?" Hemsal said calmly.

After thinking Hades nodded "Fine you can do as you please, but they shouldn't eat my men"

"Don't worry they'll always be in their cages." Hemsal said with a smile and added. "It's time to start the plan."

"Yes, my elders will take people to the city to start face one of the plan" Hades said with a smile.

"Good." Hemsal said with smirk.

All these scenarios were happening around the world, whether issued by governors or commanders or leaders, but the only thing in common is kill all those with red eyes and save the normal ones, well... apart from skull organization.


{ back at A-city }

"What!!" Everyone yelled taking a step back.

Janet looked at her uncle whose eyes are blood red completely speechless.

"Katrina you too!" Marisa said pointing at Katrina.

"No, No way it can't be, P-please no" Katrina said trying to bring out her pocket mirror, because of her nervousness the mirror mistakenly fell to the ground breaking into different fragments. She didn't care but snoopped down and pick the biggest shard, seeing her eyes she almost scream but closed her lip with tears running down her cheeks.

"Troy you too!!" Garrett said loudly.

"What...?" Troy said looking down at the glass shards seeing his eyes blood red.

"Oh no we've a dead man with red eyes and two people with also red eyes, we need to kill them and burn their bodies.!!" Marisa said trembling with fear.

"Marisa!! They're till our friends and that is my uncle not a random man!!" Janet roar at her trembling friend.

"Friends? After a hour they would eat us like chickens?!!" Marisa wasn't giving up.

"You!!" Janet was speechless.

"Forget it Janet, she is right, you guys are not save around us." Katrina said with tears in her eyes.

"No!! We're friends forever, Tyson let take them to the hospital they might have a cure." Janet said with a little hope.

"Cure? Where can you find cure in the hospital?! No way am not going with you!!" Marisa said sitting on the couch hugging her knees close to her chest.

"Fine by me" Janet said calmly

Tyson looked at the two girls, seeing Janet determined look, he sighed "Ok let check out the hospital." He said picking up the gun ginlang used to kill himself.

"You're with her too!!" Marisa was almost running crazy, she calmed down and said. "If you are going, please take this body from here."

Tyson looked at Janet for her approval. After some thought Janet nodded, Tyson and Garrett finally moved ginlang body to the next room and locked the door.

"That's more better." Marisa said calmly her body till trembling. Seeing her like this Garrett turned to Tyson and Janet:

"You guys can go I'll stay with her."

The four looked at each other and nodded walking out of the apartment locking the door from outside.


After running for 20 minutes they got to the hospital, well what look like it. The hospital in Front of the group was pack with people with one similarity all have red eyes. Asking for the doctors to help them, the doctors in question was no where to be seen.

"What should we do now?" Katrina asked feeling anxious.

Janet looked around and saw countless men walking towards them with different weapons in hand from machete, axe, knifes, baton, some are even with fire-arms.

"Oh no, this is not looking good!" Tyson said with a frown.


A gunshot sounded and a man with red eyes dropped down dead.

"Someone got shot!!!"

"Who're these people?"

"Everyone run!!"

"What are you people doing, we're all humans here!!"

"Humans? Don't make me laugh!!" A muscular man with a short gun in hand let out hearty laugh. His next word was filled with coldness.

"Forty minutes from now you all won't be humans but flesh eating monsters and it's our duty to protect the humans so you all have to die, KILL THEM ALL!!!"

The people didn't have time to think as all the men attack them all fully armed with weapon.


The dead will rise in the next chapters, prepare for blood and horrors.

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°Fuck off!!

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Stay safe, much love😂

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