
Reborn With A Doomsday System

[ Novel is Under Editing.] Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · Urban
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109 Chs

CHAPTER 27: Modify humans

Nicolas brought out a pistol and a silencer from Joey handbag, looking lost after a while his face turned cold filled with anger and killing intent, at these moment Leo voice sounded.

"If you want to think of it, am the one who save you." Leo said with a smirk.

Nicolas turned to Leo and asked with gritted teeth "What do you want?"

"It's not about what I want, it's about what you want" Leo said.

"What do you mean by that?" Nicolas asked confused.

Leo stood up walked toward the desk and a map appeared In his hand, shocking Nicolas.

The map he took from the skull organization base controlled by black eye.

The map have 20 red dots which signify 20 base owned by the skull organization. Leo pointed at the dots and said seriously. "I want you to destroy these bases, they belong to the skull organization."

Hearing Leo, Nicolas walked up to him looking at the map, he was dumbfounded and asked suspiciously, "how did you get these map?"

"I destroy one of their base on My island, I took it from there" Leo said flatly. "Destroy one of their base?, on your island?" Nicolas asked stunned the next moment his face change dramatically and asked "are you saying you are the one who destroyed the skull organization base in celestial island?"

Leo nodded and said "I know you hate them too, for killing your families, so help yourself and the country, destroy these bases to protect the innocent people in the country."

Nicolas looked at Leo then the map, took a deep breath and nodded, "Yes, I will lead my platoons to destroy these bases, we will do it discreetly so others who have been bribe won't alert them."

Leo nodded and looked at the woman sleeping again and said with a smile. "Take care of her, she will wake up after 40 minutes"

"What about my men outside?" Nicolas asked.

"There are ok, just sleeping" Leo said walking toward the door, then turned to Nicolas and said seriously. "Don't disappoint me, we will see again" with that he left the room and disappeared from the hotel.

Nicolas fall in the chair, thinking about what the mysterious young man had said, he nodded in determination took out his phone and called his second in command passing an order, "Prepare all the men we are going hunting soon."

After the call, he took the map and kept it save Waiting for Joey to wake up to interrogate her.

40 minutes later

Her hazel eyes slowly opened. Joey held her hand feeling a little dizzy. 'What the hell, how could I fall asleep?' She asked herself looking around the room, seeing no one and remembering everything that happened she sat up straight, got up and quickly walked towards her bag and opened it. Her face turned pale seeing no gun in it.

"Are you looking for these?"

The voice startled her, making her turned around quickly seeing Nicolas holding the gun putting on the silencer.

She step back and say trembling, "I... I can explain"

"I don't want to hear those bullshits!, just tell me who sent you!!"

"ANSWER ME!!!" Nicolas roar seeing she didn't want to answer his questions.

Joey fall to the ground scared out of her wit. Nicolas looked at her pitiful appearance and said Flatly. "You must have heard of me right, I killed traitors slowly and with every second that past the pain increases"

Joey face turn pale like a ghost, now she was wishing to go back to sleep.

"TALK!!!" Nicolas shouted pointing the gun at her.

"I will talk, I... I will talk, Mr Hemsal told Mr to kill you, he said you are the only one he can't bribe and with you around he won't be able to carry out his plans."

"Mr Hemsal?

Hemsal, a mentally unstable scientist, that plot to turn humans into machines, And the only survivors among the scientists which explored the dungeon on celestial island.

"I thought he was killed by the Army, after kidnapping young men and women to be used for his stupid experiment!?"

"No he escaped and now, he had improved his experiment, he also had a group of men who worked for him, including some of your leaders. I have seen the strength of his first modify human he made, the rest are all unstable, only one. He also said he will make sure no one in the world can stop him after improving his experiment to perfection. Only that one modify human can kill 50 of your soldiers either armed or unarmed easily." Joey said with a smile.

"What...?" Nicolas was speechless.

Joey stood up, and the scared expression earlier was nowhere to be seen, she looked at Nicolas with a smile and said, "I am the first modify human"

"WHAT!!!" Nicolas shouted taking a step back, pointing his gun at her.

"Those are useless against me baby" Joey said walking toward Nicolas.

"We will see" Nicolas said and pull the trigger.


The bullet flew silently, breaking the sound barrier heading toward Joey with pure killing intent, If this bullet landed it will blow open her skull.

To the horror of Nicolas, she easily caught the bullet with two of her soft slender fingers.

"How..., Impossible" Nicolas said taking a step back.

"My dear, I said your gun is useless against me, oh I almost forgot, my name is not Joey, that's just the name I used to complete this operation. I told you everything because I know you will die here. I am known as the blood princess." As she was about to act, the door was pushed opened and 10 soldiers entered the room, pointing there rifles at the blood princess.

Blood princess looked at them and a smirk appeared on her face, because of her enhance body she was faster, stronger than any normal human. If you want to measure her speed and strength she will be at least at the peak of soul formation realm.

"Kill her!" Nicolas shouted.

Hearing his words, the ten men opened fire. Countless bullets flaw out of the dark barrels heading toward the blood princess like a demon from hell.

Blood princess didn't dodge but met them head on, out of nowhere a red sword appeared In her right hand.


With a slash of the blade, countless bullets fall to the ground, with closer look all these bullets were cut in half. In seconds, she appeared in Front of the first man, she plugged her sword straight to his chest, bursting his rib cage and heart in the process. The man dropped dead, before the others to react she disappeared from her location attacking the other man. With a slash the man was cut in half, and she moved to the third separating his head from his body with a swift motion. She was so fast that, the men only saw a blur. Even if each of them are war veteran, in Front of the blood princess they are like sheep ready to be slaughter.



"I want to live!, please No!"

The cries and scream of his men made Nicolas face turn ash, fill with hatred he charged at the blood princess. A cold smile appeared on her face and send out a whip kick with her right leg.

"Pu chi...!"


Nicolas sprayed blood out of his mouth and flew out crashing into the table in the room.

With the last man dead, the blood princess walked up to Nicolas with an evil smirk. Nicolas face was pale, looking at the blood princess walking towards him like the grin reaper to take his life.

"What's it Nicolas, don't you want to have me?" Blood princess said with a fake sad smile.

"You... You... are a robot"

"Robot?, No Nicolas we are not robots, it's just that am more advance than any human on earth, think of it as gene modification, our heart has been exchange with our chip, so we can't feel pain, joy, sorrow, pity we are hollow." Blood princess said and attack Nicolas planning to finish him.

Nicolas looked at the charging blood princess and thought. 'Is this how I will die, have not even revenged my family. Joy, kander, and Emily please forget me.' After that he closed his eyes to accept his fate.


At that moment the two heard a sound of gunshot. Blood princess face change feeling a life threat from this bullet, she dodged to the right but was a bit late, the bullet grazed her ear drawing a drop of blood. Blood princess landed touch her ear and brought her hand to her face, to her horror, she saw blood on her finger, her blood. He looked toward the direction and saw Leo leaning against the door.

"YOU...!" Blood princess said with gritted teeth.

Leo was a little surprised, because this girl dodged his bullet from his universal desert eagle. 'Potentate, I thought in my past life, hemsal didn't achieve these results.'

[When You reborn with me, the timeline has already changed, so some small changes happened to this timeline, not only the zombies, but everyone. These changes can sometimes be good while sometimes bad like these one you are facing.]

Leo nodded and said to the blood princess. "Am a little surprised, because you can dodge my bullet, how did you do it?"

"Because you didn't go for the kill" blood princess said with a gloomy expression.

"Your insight is superb, but I can't let you kill him, I till need him" Leo said with a smile.

"Hump..., do you really think I will leave him?, If you want to save him, you will have to pass me first."

"That's very easy" Leo said arrogantly.

"We will see" blood princess said with killing intent and charge at Leo sending a powerful punch planning to end him in one strike.

Leo face turned cold, and he said "Don't underestimate me" with that he threw a straight punch.