
Chapter 7: Embers of Power

Chapter 7: Embers of Power

Year 849

In the months that followed the attempt on Clive's life, the young prince grew in both age and power. As he turned four, his understanding of the mysterious forces within him deepened, and he delved further into harnessing his abilities.

Clive stood in a secluded courtyard of the Rosfield estate, his gaze fixed upon a towering wall of flames. His control over the eikon of fire, Ifrit, had grown significantly since the fateful encounter that had awakened his powers. With each passing day, he honed his skills, learning to channel the raw energy of hellfire and unleash devastating fire magic.

The flames danced and crackled in response to his command, casting an ethereal glow on his young face. Clive focused his thoughts, feeling the pulsating energy coursing through his veins. It was a power that surged within him, eager to be unleashed, but he knew the importance of control.

He took a deep breath, centring himself as he raised his hand. With a swift motion, he channelled his will, and a torrent of searing fire shot forth from his outstretched palm, soaring through the air before dissipating into sparks.

'Status', he thought to himself.

[Name: Clive Rosfield]

[Race: Mythos/Human]

[Titles: Mortal beyond Fate and Destiny (Unbound by concepts such as Fate, and Destin) ; Mythos (Ultima's desired vessel - Ultima will try to take over your body); Crown Prince of Rosaria (Respect from citizens of Rosaria and increased likability amongst bearers due to Elwin Rosfiled's policies), Dominant of Ifrit, Bearer of the Mark of the Eternal Flame (An undying and infinite will, greater than that of even GOD]

(Note: These Stats are in Human Form)

(As the Stats increase, the difference between each increment increases exponentially)

HP: F-

MP: C-






WIL: ?

LUK: ?

SP: 0 (Points that can be used in the System STORE to buy things)


{Language Comprehension (A) - Passive - (LVL MAX) - Able To understand and speak most languages}

{Fire Manipulation (C) - Active - (LVL 15) - Basic Fire Manipulation}

{Absorption (???) - Active - (LVL MAX) - Able to absorb the abilities of some stats of defeated or weaker foes. In case of absorption of an IKON, Dominant will regain access to the power of the IKON in time}

{IFRIT (S) - Active/Passive - ( LVL18) - Eilkon of Fire. Each Level will increase the efficiency of channelling power by 1%. At LVL 100, no Votalaty drain will affect you. More ifrit Related abilities will be unlocked as IFRIT is levelled up. At level 50, Phoenix Abilities will be unlocked.

Hellfire (A+) - Active - (LVL 12) - Flames that are said to be Hotter than hell itself. Increase control and efficiency as you level up. Destructiveness Depends upon WIL of user}

Mana Burst Flame (A) - Active - (LVL 2) Imbue Flames to anything. Can use it for temporary physical stat enhancement. Increase efficiency and longevity of enchantment as it levels up.


[INVENTORY] - 626,400 Gil

A satisfied smile crossed Clive's face as he watched the remnants of his power fade away. He had made significant progress in honing his abilities, refining his control over the flames that resided within him. The power of Ifrit, the eikon of fire, was becoming an extension of himself, an ally he could call upon in times of need. While practicing the usage of hellfire was difficult due to its destructive nature, he had no shortage of land as one of many perks he enjoyed, being first in line to the Dutch.

Anabella watched her son's display of power with a mixture of awe and pride. She had nurtured his abilities, encouraged his growth, and reveled in the progress he had made. Her gaze held a deep affection and unwavering devotion to her son. To the world, she was a formidable and shrewd woman, but when it came to Clive, her heart overflowed with love and a burning desire for his success.

Approaching him, Anabella's voice carried a gentle tone, laced with hints of excitement. "Clive, my dear, you continue to impress me with your progress. Your control over the flames is remarkable for one so young. You have the potential to become a master of fire, a force that can shape the world."

Clive turned towards his mother, a glimmer of admiration in his eyes. Her words fueled his hunger for knowledge and power, as he admired her own strength and influence. "Thank you, Mother. I'm grateful for your guidance and support. I want to use my powers to make a difference, to create a world where our ambitions know no bounds."

Anabella's smile grew wider, her pride in her son shining through. She subtly stoked the fire of his ambition, nurturing his hunger for more. While others might question her intentions, she had no ulterior motives other than Clive's success. Her love for him was unwavering, and she would do anything to see him rise to greatness.

"Indeed, my dear," she said, her voice tinged with a subtle excitement. "Your powers hold the potential to shape the world to your desires. Your ambitions can transcend the boundaries of Rosaria, reaching far beyond the horizons we know. I have no doubt that you will be a leader unlike any other, a force that will reshape the destiny of nations."

Clive's eyes sparkled with a mixture of determination and anticipation. He felt the weight of his mother's words, the significance of the path he was destined to tread. Anabella's belief in him fueled his own hunger for power, for a world where he could make a difference.

Anabella stepped closer to Clive, her voice lowering as she spoke with a subtle enticement. "Imagine, my dear, a world where every corner bends to your will. Where kingdoms fall under your influence, and nations quiver at the mention of your name. Your ambitions need not be confined to the boundaries of Rosaria. No, Clive, you have the power to reach beyond. To conquer and reshape the world as you see fit."

As her words hung in the air, Anabella could see the fire of ambition ignite within Clive's eyes. He yearned for more, hungry for the power and control that lay within his grasp. Anabella revelled in the knowledge that her son's ambitions burned brightly, matching her own desire to see him ascend to greatness.

Together, they would embark on a path of ambition and influence, driven by their unbreakable bond. Anabella's sole purpose was to see her son's success, and she would guide him every step of the way. Their legacy would be one that would be whispered through the ages, not for personal glory, but for the indelible mark they would leave on the world. As Clive's mother and most trusted advisor, Anabella's unwavering devotion and strategic guidance would ensure that his desires and ambitions were realized, reshaping the destiny of nations and leaving a lasting imprint on history.


Elwin Rosfield POV

Elwin Rosfield, the Archduke of Rosaria, observed the display of power between Clive and Anabella from a distance. His heart swelled with a mixture of awe and unease as he witnessed the profound connection between his wife and their son.

In the courtyard, Clive's mastery over fire was evident, his control and finesse growing with each passing day. The flames danced at his command, responding to the depths of his power. Elwin marveled at the untapped potential that lay within his young son, a potential that seemed to surpass his own.

Anabella, ever the guiding force in Clive's life, stood beside their son, her voice filled with subtle encouragement and hints of ambition. Elwin could sense the undercurrents of her words, the allure of power and conquest that she dangled before Clive. Though he admired Anabella's intellect and her unwavering dedication to their son, Elwin couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease.

As Elwin approached the duo, his steps measured and his gaze searching, he noted the deep connection that bonded mother and son. Anabella's eyes sparkled with a fierce determination, her influence on Clive evident in the fire that burned within him. Elwin marveled at the way his son mirrored his wife's unwavering resolve.

Clive turned his gaze towards his father, his youthful face filled with a mix of curiosity and a yearning for approval. Elwin saw a reflection of his own spirit in Clive's eyes, the spirit of a young boy who dared to dream beyond the confines of tradition and duty.

"Clive, my son," Elwin began, his voice carrying a weight that mirrored the weight of his responsibilities. "Your power and control over the fire is truly impressive. You have inherited a great gift, one that can shape the destiny of our land and its people."

Clive's eyes shone with a mixture of admiration and a desire for validation. He had always looked up to his father, yearning for his approval and guidance. Elwin, however, felt a pang of guilt, as if he had failed his son in some way.

"But, my son," Elwin continued, his tone tinged with concern, "remember that true strength lies not only in the power we possess, but in the choices we make and the impact we have on the lives of others. Power should not be sought for its own sake, but rather to protect and uplift those who look to us for guidance."

Elwin's words hung in the air, an unspoken question of whether Clive understood the weight of responsibility that came with his burgeoning powers. He yearned to impart upon his son the importance of compassion and justice, the virtues that should guide a leader.

Anabella's expression remained unreadable as she listened to Elwin's words. In her heart, she knew that her son had the potential to shape the world in his own image, to be a force that defied limitations. But Elwin's concerns struck a chord within her, reminding her of the delicate balance they must maintain.

Clive nodded, his youthful face serious as he absorbed his father's words. A determination burned in his eyes, a desire to prove himself not only as a wielder of power but as a leader who could inspire and protect.

"Father, I understand," Clive said, his voice filled with a newfound resolve. "I will use my powers not only to fulfill my own ambitions but to make a difference in the lives of others. I want to be a leader who brings hope, justice, and prosperity to our people."

Elwin's heart swelled with pride as he witnessed the depth of Clive's understanding and his commitment to a greater purpose. He knew that his son possessed a rare combination of power, intelligence, and compassion. It was a potent mix that had the potential to reshape their nation and beyond.


Anabella POV

Anabella watched from a distance as Elwin engaged in a conversation with their son, Clive. Her eyes remained fixed on the exchange, though her mind wandered to hidden depths. While Elwin's words were filled with concern and a desire to guide their son towards a path of compassion and justice, Anabella's feelings were far more complicated.

As Clive responded to his father's concerns, declaring his commitment to use his powers for the betterment of others, Anabella's expression remained carefully composed. She listened to the words that flowed from her son's lips, words that aligned with the façade he had crafted, a façade that would soothe Elwin's doubts and protect Clive from unnecessary scrutiny.

"Father, I understand," Clive said, his voice carrying a veneer of determination. "I will use my powers not only to fulfill my own ambitions but to make a difference in the lives of others. I want to be a leader who brings hope, justice, and prosperity to our people."

Anabella's eyes sparkled with a mixture of pride and quiet amusement. She knew the truth that lay beneath Clive's well-rehearsed response. Her son's words were carefully chosen, designed to manipulate and appease, presenting a false image that would sway Elwin's concerns.

She had taught Clive the art of deception, the power of playing one's cards close to the chest. It delighted her to see her son employ these tactics at such a tender age, fooling even a seasoned player in the game of politics. Anabella's pride for her son swelled within her, for he had not only inherited her cunning but also wielded it with skill.

While Elwin saw hope and sincerity in Clive's words, Anabella recognized the truth hidden beneath the façade. Clive's ambitions were far greater than bringing hope and justice to their people. He craved power, the ability to reshape the world to his desires. And Anabella, as his mother and most trusted advisor, embraced and nurtured that ambition.

Anabella's thoughts shifted to Elwin, her husband, whose concerns and values clashed with her own. She couldn't help but feel a growing disdain for his idealistic view of leadership and his desire to instill compassion and justice in their son. To her, such notions were weak and limiting, shackles that would bind Clive's true potential.

Her gaze shifted back to Clive, who now turned his attention to her. His eyes sparkled with a shared understanding, a silent acknowledgment of the intricate dance they played. Clive knew his mother's true ambitions, and together they would navigate the treacherous waters of power and manipulation, making the world their own.

Anabella approached Clive, her voice laced with warmth and a hidden undertone of pride. "My dear Clive, you never cease to amaze me. Your ability to sway others with your words, to present the image they desire to see, is a talent beyond your years. You have fooled even your father, a testament to your skill and intellect."

Clive's smile widened, a mischievous glint in his eyes. He knew that his mother saw through the charade, recognizing the true depths of his ambition. Anabella leaned in closer, her voice barely a whisper, shared only between mother and son.

"Remember, my darling, the world is your canvas, and your powers are the brush. Paint it with your desires, shape it to your will. Let nothing stand in your way. I am proud to be your mother, Clive, for you possess the cunning and strength to rise above all others."

Clive nodded, a silent affirmation of his understanding and commitment. Anabella's words resonated within him, fueling the fire of his ambition. Together, they would seize the opportunities that lay before them, manipulating the world and its players to fulfill their grand vision.


Evelyn POV

Chapter 16: The Loyal Servant

Evelyn observed the interaction between Clive, Anabella, and Elwin with a watchful gaze. Her eyes, sharp and perceptive, took note of every subtle nuance, every hidden intention that passed between them. As a loyal servant, sworn to follow and aid Clive in his journey, she understood the depths of his ambition and the intricate dance he performed.

While Clive's words had seemingly convinced his father of his noble intentions, Evelyn saw through the facade. Having lived for hundreds of years, her keen instincts and experience allowed her to see the truth hidden beneath the surface. Clive's ambitions were far grander than he let on, and his mother, Anabella, reveled in the depths of his desire for power.

Evelyn had pledged her loyalty to Clive, the master she was bound to serve. Her purpose was to guide and support him, regardless of the path he chose. Morality and ethics were but fleeting concepts to her, for she had witnessed the rise and fall of empires and knew that power and ambition dictated the course of history.

As Anabella whispered words of pride and encouragement to Clive, Evelyn's gaze lingered upon them. She understood the unspoken understanding between mother and son, their shared hunger for dominance and control. Anabella saw in Clive the potential to reshape the world to his own desires, and Evelyn would be there every step of the way, faithfully serving the one who would lead.

Evelyn's thoughts turned to her own role in Clive's journey. She was an instrument of his will, a shadow in the darkness, ready to execute his commands. Her loyalty was unwavering, driven by a bond that transcended morality. It mattered not whether Clive's path was deemed righteous or wicked; Evelyn's purpose was to ensure his success.

In the days to come, Evelyn would remain by Clive's side, an ever-watchful guardian and guide. She would use her centuries of knowledge and experience to aid him, to navigate the treacherous paths of politics and power. Morality and righteousness would become mere tools to manipulate, as they embarked on a journey of dominance and control.

Evelyn's loyalty burned like an eternal flame, untethered by the constraints of right and wrong. She was ready to follow Clive to the ends of the earth, to embrace the darkness that lay within their shared ambitions. In him, she saw the potential to reshape the world, to carve a path of their own making, and together, they would defy all expectations.

As she observed the unspoken bond between Clive, Anabella, and herself, a sense of purpose and determination surged within Evelyn. She would serve her master faithfully, for they were kindred souls united by a hunger for power and an unyielding desire to make their mark upon the world.

Man, I love writing a kind of yandere Anabella. It's so much more fun writing a dark or gray character than it is to write a hero. In this, Anabella kind of treats Clive the way she did Olivier, but in the case of Olivier, she kind of had to carry him, but she recognizes Clive's talent from such a young age and thus has decided to take the role of a guide and helper. Plus does anyone remember what the curse that petrifies bearers when they channel aether is called? I' also thinking of making it so that Joshua was never born. Not sure about it yet. Plus if you guys have any Ideas for the story, put them in the comments.

Quarettecreators' thoughts