
reborn in young justice

I checked my phone before I walked down the steps into the subway, couldn’t get a.. not be book original book from https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/assimilation-young-justice-si.39011/#post-8648832 can you guys add me on Instagram tops.hotta16 my Instagram work my original work

Mdot · Anime und Comics
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I paused for a long moment, caught completely off guard by Green Lantern's sudden appearance before I finally said "Uh… can you hear us?"

"Yes, I can." He replied, his posture as he floated before us unchanged.

One less complication I guess, I thought before I continued. "My name is Jacob Morgan. A few days ago I was abducted and experimented on by an alien race called Psions. Me and another prisoner have managed to escape, and I brought us back here."

Through the viewport I could see the man arch an eye brow at that. "Are you trying to tell me that you're human? Because my scans from what I think is you isn't even close."

I rolled my eyes. "Like I said, I was experimented on. I don't really know what the hell I am anymore. Look, I'm speaking English, isn't that proof enough?"

He hesitated for a moment before I saw him mouth something, and then his eyebrows rose in surprise. "Doesn't necessarily mean anything," he commented, though his tone was uncertain. "It's not hard to pick up a planet's language, even one as isolated as Earth's."

This time Koriand'r spoke. "Please, this is not the time for suspicion. For what purpose could he possibly try to deceive you, Lantern? He has come here to return home, and I am here seeking refuge. I swear to you that this is true."

Lantern Stewart was silent at that, but then he raised his other hand towards us as he pulled his ring next to his ear. I'm sure the motion was for our benefit rather than an actual need to do so, as he then started speaking without letting us hear. A full minute passed as we waited on the man before he lowered his hand and spoke to us. "This is unusual… but I guess not impossible. I'm going to escort you back to the Watchtower so we can get to the bottom of this. If it turns out you're lying…" The glow around him increased slightly. "Things are going to get very unpleasant."

I let out a breath. Given the circumstances that was probably the best I could hope for. "Thank you. So, how exactly is this going to work?"

"I'll be calling on my associates to verify your identity." He replied. "Till then you can stay in one of our conference rooms-"

There was a sudden loud rumble from Koriand'r's stomach, and as I glanced over at her she put on a sheepish smile. My mouth quirked a bit before I looked back out at the man floating in space. "If you don't mind, do you think that we could make that a mess hall instead?"


Have you ever seen a woman devour an entire rotisserie chicken inside of 90 seconds? Because I now have, and it has changed me.

Lantern Stewart and I looked on nonplussed as Koriand'r tore into her third helping, the empty plates scattered around the table proof of her conquest. I had known that she was hungry, but I had no idea that she could pack it away quite that much. I was suddenly glad that the Watchtower mess hall was so well stocked, and that the three of us were the only ones there as we waited for more of the Justice League to arrive.

That said, I was under no illusions that we weren't being watched. Aside from how John Stewart had stuck by us the entire time he pulled our ship into the Watchtower hangar and escorted us to our current location, we had always been in sight of cameras. And I was sure there were other things I couldn't see as well. Two of those senses I had gotten from the tricorder were giving me something that hadn't been there before I set foot on the space station, even if I had no idea what they were or what they meant yet.

Speaking of the Watchtower, it did not look at all like I expected it to. Rather than some kind of normal technological space station, it looked like a massive monolith that had been partially carved out of a rough asteroid. The flat side of the 'monolith' part was lined with windows before it reached bottom, and the whole thing turned back into unhewn rock. At the very least, I now knew that I wasn't in any DC continuity I was familiar with. That meant I couldn't completely rely on my knowledge of the superheroes of this universe, including of the man standing next to me.

As for John Stewart himself… well, he was a difficult read. Since I had met him he hadn't done anything threatening or aggressive, but I could tell that he hadn't let down his guard either (at least in regards to me, though I wasn't entirely sure why I seemed to bother him so much). And despite how generally quiet he had been I'll be damned if he didn't have a presence about him that seemed to fill the room. It may have been because I grew up with him being a fictional hero, but… there was something awe inspiring about being around Green Lantern John Stewart.

Though he was significantly shorter than I thought he'd be. That was a rather weird quirk for this universe to have.

I was roused from my thoughts when, in between bites, Koriand'r said "I am… confused as to what exactly this Justice League is, and why a Green Lantern would be a part of it. Is it somehow an extension of your Corps?"

Lantern Stewart shook his head. "The Justice League exists separately from the Green Lantern Corps, though this isn't the first time a Lantern has been part of more local authorities in order to do their job. In short, the Justice League is an independent organization of exceptionally powered individuals that protects the planet Earth, and the Sol system in general. Usually in the form of fighting crime and warding off catastrophic threats."

"Ah! Not dissimilar from the old Warrior Justicars back on Tamaran. A worthy occupation. But does that mean you spend most of your time on one planet?"

"Yes, but I assure you that Earth is a handful. Surprisingly large number of supervillains per capita." He grunted. "I happened to be on monitor duty when you showed up, so I saw when the scans picked up your FTL signature entering the system."

As he said that, I realized something. "Earlier you said you could tell that I wasn't physical human, even when there was a ship's hull between us. I take it your ring has some pretty advanced scanning abilities?"

"It's one the most advanced pieces of technology in the universe, so yes."

"This may seem like an odd request… but can you use your ring to tell me just what my body is?"

That man arched his eyebrow at me. "What, you don't know?"

I shrugged. "I said I was experimented on. The lizards that did it didn't exactly explain what they were doing to me. All I know is that I can now shapeshift and can eat technology." As I spoke, I shifted my left arm into its club configuration, careful not to move it in any way that could be seen as a threat.

Stewart hummed at that for a moment before he extended his ring hand out towards me, and a curtain of green light swept up and down my body. It felt… mildly unpleasant actually, and I had to keep myself from twitching as a full minute passed before the light cut off. A screen appeared in front of the other man's face, and after a few moments I saw his eyebrows rise once again. "That's… unexpected."

"Well, give it to me straight doctor. How bad is it?"

His mouth twisted a little before a green hologram popped up between us, showing something that looked squat and bug-like with a number of pincers lining the edges. "Near as I can tell, your body is made entirely out of some sort of biomechanical nanites, though you favor artificial composition by about 2 to 1.These nanites appear to communicate with each other via a distributed network model, sharing information and power across your entire body." He gave a start before he looked back at me. "Ah, a distributed system is like-"

"I'm a computer scientist, I know how distributed systems work." I interrupted, noting that this John Stewart was more technically minded than I would have thought. Though if that was an actual difference or poor memory on my part I didn't know. After a second I asked with some trepidation "So, how does my brain look?"

He shook he head. "I don't know, I can't find it." I felt my non-existent heart fall at that, but he continued. "Your nanites have formed into a number of different unique structures throughout your whole body, but I can't see any that resembles normal human neurological tissue. Hell, I don't even know if you have a centralized region for your mind, and I'm inclined to think you don't." He paused for a moment before he asked. "You said something about 'eating' technology. Can you willing shift yourself into more complicated things than simple shapes?"

I nodded as my left arm shifted again into my laser rifle configuration (barrel pointed firmly at the floor of course). The other man grunted as his eyes flicker between it and the screen. "Interesting. There are many elements of a Psion laser weapon in there, but it's heavily modified to work with your own physical composition, to the point where the design is biomechanical itself. You… ate one of their weapons for this?" I nodded. "Well, just don't think that's all you'll need to eat if you're going to keep doing this. You'll need both inorganic and organic elements to replenish you nanites."

As he said that, a thought occurred to me. "I haven't really eaten that much since this started, but I somehow feel fine, and have the power to fire my laser. So, where's that energy coming from?"

He let out a breath. "That's the really wild part. It looks like every one of your nanites is its own power source. It's negligible individually, but you're made of hundreds of trillions of the things, and they can all reroute and combine their power flawlessly."

"But, how are things as small as nanites able to generate their own power?" I asked. I didn't know much about nanotechnology, but I knew that at least back in my own world one of the biggest hurdles to nano-scale robots was keeping them powered, as they were too small to hold much of a charge.

Stewart's mouth twisted. "It's complicated, but the short of it is that they're tapping power from the space between different universes. We call it the Bleed." I tried to not let my surprise show as he said that. I think it worked, as he continued without pause. "Thing is I've never seen such a power generator this small either, or know why anyone would do it. A normal Bleed Torsion Generator can get about as small as hand if you're one of the most technologically advanced species around, but that proportionally generates far more power per mass than your own. And that's not even getting into how you'd get them all to play nice with each other, as that much warping of dimensions in such a small space tends to cause problems."

I was silent for a moment before I said "I'll admit I don't know much about various alien species and their tech levels… but it sounds like this is not something the Psions could make."

He shook his head. "They might be more advanced than most, but this is definitely beyond their capabilities."

I was about to ask who he thought could have made it, the door to the cafeteria opened, and three more people entered. I wasn't sure who I had been expecting to show, but my breath still caught at the sight of them. Wonder Woman in her star spangled cuirass, walking next to the cowl and cloaked Batman. And walking in front of them, dressed in blue with a red cape and yes, his underwear on the outside, was Superman.

I know it was a bit of a disservice to the others, but I couldn't help but feel a bit of childish glee at seeing Superman. I mean… he's Superman! I was meeting Superman! The most iconic superhero of all time! He was Truth, Justice, and the American way! He was the ideal that almost all other superheroes looked up too! He was-

He was also shorter than me.

I couldn't help but blink at that odd realization. Ok, how the hell did I seem to be taller than all of the heroes in this universe? I'm average height.

Or am I? I thought before I glanced over at Koriand'r, who had stood upon the entrance of the other three heroes. In the comics she was always very tall, ranging between 6'4" and 6'7", and after a moment's observation I realized that I was actually just as tall as she was. Huh. I guess I unconsciously made myself match her height when I shifted to my current form. After a moment's reflection, I decided that I was fine with that.

"So, you're the new arrivals I've heard about." Superman said as he extended his hand toward me. "I hope you don't mind the reception, but you have to understand that we don't get extra-terrestrial visitors very regularly."

Says the alien, I thought flatly, but I still felt a small thrill as I took his hand in kind and said "Not a problem, sir. I understand the need for caution." The words came to me reflexively, as I tended to default to polite when confronted with new social situation.

The man nodded in response as we shook before pulling his hand back before he offered the same respect to Koriand'r. "I'm sure your companion knows, but I'm Superman, and this is Batman and Wonder Woman." The two shook before he looked at both of us. "Right, well, we've had a look at your ship, and it seems that you're telling the truth, at least about where you came from."

He gave us a broad smile as he turned his attention to Koriand'r. "Where I come from we have a long history of welcoming immigrants with open arms. We may need to get you up to speed as how things work on this planet, but as long as you follow the laws of Earth I see no reason why you can't stay." His face then fell as he looked back at me. "However, I'm afraid we've run into a bit of a problem with you."

Batman suddenly spoke, his voice stern. "There have been no Jacob Morgans reported missing in New York City in the past few days, or even the past few years. Which means that you are either not who you say you are… or someone has taken you place."

The room was silent for a moment at that, and I wondered just how I wanted to response. I didn't wait very long though, because there wasn't much to consider; if I wanted to get home that was. "That… doesn't really surprise me sir. I know what I'm about to say next is going to sound even more unbelievable but… I believe that this isn't my home universe."

Koriand'r straightened in surprise as she looked at me. "What? What makes you say that?"

"Because before I left Earth there was no Justice League, no super heroes." I replied. "The International Space Station was the only human habitable satellite, and I think I would have noticed this!" I said as I guessed to the Watchtower around us.

The assembled heroes cast odd glances at each other before they looked back at me. "It is a bit unusual for you to come to that conclusion so quickly. Is your home universe more familiar with interdimensional travel than ours?" Wonder Woman asked.

I shook my head. "Only in theory, but we are pretty familiar with the concept. I mean, this is clearly not the Earth I left, and the only reasons I can think of for such a radical change are that and time travel, and I don't think…" I trailed off for a moment. "Actually, what year is it?"


I blinked. "That's… six years in the past for me."

Batman grunted. "Then barring any sort of massive reality restructuring event in the next six years, you being from an alternate Earth is the most likely assumption." A beat. "If we take everything else to be true."

I was starting to feel a little annoyed by this, mostly because I had already given them all the proof I had. What more did they want from me to know I was telling the truth? I suppressed the urge to become indignant, as I felt that always made me just look like an ass rather than getting me what I wanted, and thought about it. After a moment my eyes drifted over to Wonder Woman and an idea came to me, and I resigned myself to it. "Well, I don't know what else to tell you. I mean, you have to have a way of making sure I'm telling the truth about this like, I don't know, a lie detector or something." I said, trying to hint at it.

There was a pause before Wonder Woman spoke, her hand drifting to the lasso at her waist. "We do, we just don't use it on people unless there is dire need. Most consider it an invasion of privacy."

I pretended to hesitate for a moment before I said. "Well, tell me what it is and let me be the judge."

She took hold of the lasso and held it up. "This is the Lasso of Truth. When you are bound by it you will be forced to tell the truth, as well as compelled to answer any questions I ask. Are you willing to be bound?"

Before I could reply Koriand'r spoke up on my behalf. "This is unnecessary!" She exclaimed. "Can't you simply trust his word? If he says that he is from another universe, then he is."

I raised my hand towards her before she got further. "Koriand'r, its fine. I'm willing to show a little trust to get some in return, and if this is the fastest way to verify what I'm saying, I'm willing to do it." I turned back to Wonder Woman. "That said, if you start asking unnecessary personal questions, that trust is going to disappear fast."

She gave me a small smile. "Of course. I will keep my questions on topic." She said, and with a trained flick of her wrist the rope unfurled and the loop went over my head, settling around my shoulders before it tightened around me. Even as it started to softly glow I didn't feel any different, though part of me was still a bit worried. Please don't ask any questions that will reveal how much porn of you I've seen, please don't ask me any questions that will reveal how much porn of you I've seen…

"What is your name?" She asked.

"Jacob Morgan." I replied.

"Are you human?"

I was about to say yes when I suddenly found myself saying "I… I was. I don't know if I qualify anymore." Huh, didn't know that the lasso would keep you from saying half-truths.

If Wonder Woman was thrown off by this answer she didn't show it. "How were you abducted?"

"I don't know. I was heading in for work one morning, I blacked out, and then I woke up on a lab table." I said, and I kept going. "They put something on my chest, grey, chitinous, and about the size of my hand. It burrowed into me and changed me, converting my body into a swarm of nanties." I gestured my head a Lantern Stewart. "He can tell you more. Beyond that I… I don't know. I just want to go home."

Diana nodded, and with another flick of her wrist the lasso came off. "That is enough. He is who he says he is."

"I'm glad we got that resolved quickly, but I'm afraid that there's not much we can do for you at the moment." Superman said. "I don't think we have any means of getting you back to your home universe." He paused in thought for moment before he turned to look at Batman and asked "Do you think Doctor Fate might be able to help?"

"Unlikely. Though he has traveled to other planes of existence, as far as I know he can't travel to alternate Earths." Was the response. "I will ask to be sure, but I wouldn't rely on it."

"There's also the question of how we would find your universe even if we could travel there." Lantern Stewart added. "As far as I can tell you're not giving off any Bleed radiation, so at the very least we'd need to find the portal you came through to get its signature, and considering the time frame you've given us I'd be surprised if even remnants remained."

"But, you have 'one of the most advanced pieces of technology in the universe'." I insisted. "Surely it or whoever made it knows how to travel to other universes."

The man's mouth twisted. "The Guardians of the Universe have enough trouble with one universe, so they don't go out looking for more. They might have some knowledge that will help build an interdimensional portal, but…" He shook his head. "Look, Green Lanterns are prohibited by treaty from going to the Vega system, so I can't even go check for a Bleed signature. Any knowledge the Guardians would let me have would be useless."

I stared at him for a long moment, trying and failing to not accept the thing I had suspected since I realized where I was. Finally, I said "So, that's it then?", this time unable to keep the heat out of my voice. "There's nothing you can do? I thought your job was to save people!"

"And we don't always succeed." Superman said sadly. "We can continue to look into it, but for now…"

"And what am I supposed to do in the meantime?" I asked tersely, trying to keep myself under control. "I… just can't do nothing! I can't sit around up here waiting for something that might never come!"

Superman was about to say something else, but Batman interrupted. "Why not?" The rest of us looked at him and he continued. "We could provide you most of what you would want or need for your stay here if you were so inclined. Why isn't that good enough?"

I started to answer before I stopped, the question giving me pause. Why wouldn't it be enough? I was an introverted shut in when all was said and done. And to be honest living on a space station sounded pretty cool, even if I wasn't sure if Batman was making a serious offer. And even though (thankfully) this wasn't the Marvel universe, running around looking like I was among normal people still wasn't going to be a great time. So, why?

Eventually, I found myself saying "Because… after everything that has happened to me, what I have become, I can't just ignore it and pretend to be normal while someone else fixes it. If I have to stay here for a while, I don't want to for it to be meaningless, or even be a facsimile of my life back home. I want to see what I can do, what I can become. I can assimilate technology for God's sake, I have to be useful somewhere!"

Batman's posture and expression didn't change at that, but after a few moments of silence he nodded. "I see. Earlier Koriand'r said that you saved her when you could have run. Why?"

I blinked at the non-sequitur before I answered plainly "Because it was the right thing to do."

He was silent for a moment longer before he said. "I can understand your need to find a place world following the loss of what you know, and people finding themselves with sudden powers isn't terribly uncommon on this Earth. Normally the League only keeps an eye on such situations, but in these circumstances I believe we have a place for you to use your new talents to the fullest."

I hesitated before I asked "Are… you suggesting that I join the Justice League?"

"No." He said flatly, catching me off guard. "The League is very careful in its selection of members. Whether or not you join the League would be considered at a later date. However, we do have a set of associated members who are forming their own team."

Superman gave Batman an incredulous look as he seemed to catch on to what he was getting at. "Are you sure about this? We already added J'onn's niece."

"No, I think this idea has merit…" Wonder Woman interjected. "It will be a learning environment and let him associate with people used to the oddities of this world. And surely letting him help to protect the world is better than keeping him sequestered or simply releasing him out into the world."

Batman continued. "You will work with a team and carry out missions that I assign you, and your performance will be evaluated. You will function in a support role until I decide that you are ready for more active work. Does this sound acceptable?"

"I wish to join as well." Our heads all whipped around to look at Koriand'r, who stared back resolutely. "If Jacob is to join this team of protectors, then it will not be alone. I too do not wish to be simply idle, and working in defense of this Earth shall be how I repay its hospitality."

The various League members looked at each other questioningly, and after a few moments of silent communication Batman turned back towards us. "Very well. Do you agree, Jacob?"

I was stunned for a few moments longer before I had to suppress a few hysterical giggles. I had thought about it on the flight here, but I had been so focused on how I was getting home that I never seriously entertained the thought. I mean, yes I was in the DC universe, and yes I had gotten what might be considered superpowers but I didn't really think that childish little thought would actually happen. But here I was. Batman was offering me a chance to become a superhero.

In that moment I could see my future laid out before me, fighting supervillains and saving lives among the heroes of the DC universe. And I knew I could be amazing at it. Not just because of my abilities, but because of my knowledge. It wasn't perfect for this universe, but even just having the broad stokes would be a massive advantage. I knew secrets, weaknesses, possible history that no one knew. I knew of technology I could consume, what to avoid, who I could probably trust and who I probably couldn't. With luck and skill I could become one of the greatest heroes on Earth. And all I had to do was say yes.


Not like this.

Everyone was caught by surprise by this, but I continued before they could say anything. "Before I say yes, I need to tell you something."

It was hard to tell, but I swore I saw Batman narrow his eyes ever so slightly. "And what is that?"

This was my only chance to back out if I wanted, but I had made up my mind. If I was going to be a superhero, a real superhero, I was going to do it right. And that meant not making it about me. It meant putting myself in danger if it meant it could save lives.

It meant telling the truth.

"Let me tell you about DC Comics…"