
Reborn in Valyria: King of Dragons

Jay, a simple grocery store owner son, who tragically passed away due to sleeping with his laptop, which overheated and caused the battery to explode. However, he awoke in a mysterious realm of darkness and met an entity named Chaos. After a brief exchange, Jay was granted three wishes. He chose to be born into the world of "A Song of Ice and Fire" and gained partial powers akin to Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, though using them came at the cost of his life force. Jay found himself reborn as an infant in a Valyrian family with striking features distinct from Valyrian. Confusion and heated arguments filled his new surroundings. He was later taken outside, discovering he was in Old Valyria, a land of dragons and towering buildings. The father summoned a dragon and engulfed Jay in flames, but instead of harm, Jay felt an unusual sensation and remained unscathed. The family was bewildered by Jay's unique appearance, with black hair and red eyes, unlike the Valyrians. Jay drifted into slumber, leaving many unanswered questions in this unfamiliar world.

AmouxCreationsX · TV
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45 Chs

Chapter 34:"Athens"

During his six-month-long stay in Andalos, Vahaemorys witnessed a remarkable camaraderie between the Eldians and Dwarves, unlike any other fantasy world he had ever encountered. The unity between the Eldians and Dwarves in Andalos ran deep, to the extent that they stood together to confront slavers from other Freehold cities who dared to act arrogantly in their newfound home. Their collective strength and determination were bolstered by Vahaemorys's influence, which made other Freehold cities turn a blind eye to the actions of the Eldians and Dwarves. They joined forces and collaborated harmoniously in building their new homes, utilizing the abundant wood from the nearby forest.

Initially, the Eldians were hesitant about cutting down the trees, and each time they felled one, they would perform a beautiful spirit song as a heartfelt farewell to the tree. This tradition added a unique and melodious touch to Vahaemorys's experience during his stay.

Trade activities began taking shape between the Freehold cities and Andalos, even before the construction of the new port had reached completion. Vahaemorys, in his capacity as the ruling Dragon Lord, exerted considerable pressure on the Freehold cities to expedite these trade arrangements. He recognized the importance of meeting the needs of his people and understood that a thriving trade network was essential for their well-being.

Unlike other Valyrian cities, Andalos remained open to settlement by people from all corners of the world, leading to a steady influx of newcomers. The city's strategic location and welcoming atmosphere made it a beacon, attracting individuals and families seeking a better life in this burgeoning hub.

While Andalos welcomed people from various corners of the world, the true dragons diligently patrolled the city's borders to ensure that no troublesome individuals, especially followers of the false gods and invaders, infiltrated the city. Even if these unwanted individuals managed to slip through the defenses and enter Andalos, they would mysteriously disappear without a trace, as if they had never existed.

After a month, Vahaemorys made a significant announcement that reverberated throughout the city. He declared that only the worship of the Old Gods and the Creator would be permitted within his domain. This proclamation prompted some residents who held different religious beliefs to consider migrating elsewhere, as they held their faith dear. However, others chose to remain in the city, practicing their religion in secret.

Unfortunately, those who continued their clandestine worship were eventually discovered and captured by the authorities. They were subsequently enslaved, falling under the dominion of Valyria.

When the construction of the port was finally complete, the day of the naming ceremony had arrived. People from all walks of life, both slaves and free citizens, gathered around a wooden stage that seemed to stretch endlessly to accommodate the immense crowd. Vahaemorys stood at the center of the stage, flanked by the respected elders of both the Eldians and Dwarves.

With a sweep of his gaze, Vahaemorys observed the eager faces in the crowd, individuals who strained to catch even a glimpse of him. He knew this was a momentous occasion and had prepared a speech for this very day. Using the magic of sound, he ensured that every soul in the bustling port city could hear his words.

In a calm and resonant voice, Vahaemorys began, "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed elders, and courageous workers of this future city,

Today, we gather on the shores of this magnificent port, a symbol of the unbreakable spirit of unity and unwavering dedication that flows within each of us. As we stand on the precipice of a new era, it is my great honor to address you as your king.

This port, born from the sweat and toil of countless hands, from Eldians, Dwarves, and humans alike, shall henceforth be known as Athens—a name that embodies the wisdom, knowledge, and rich culture that we aspire to embody. It is a name that resonates with echoes of history and carries the dreams of a brighter future.

Yet, a city is more than mere bricks and mortar; it is the collective heart and soul of its people. Today, I stand before you to make an announcement that shall shape the very essence of Athens. To those who have dedicated their strength and labor to forge this port, I declare: You are free. Free from the chains of slavery that have bound you for far too long.

Here, in Athens, we do not simply construct buildings; we build lives and a community. You, the valiant workers who have sculpted this city, now have the opportunity to not only be citizens but esteemed men and women of Athens, bound by our shared vision, values, and principles. Embrace the city's rules, and you shall discover a place of honor within its protective walls.

However, let it be known that the path to freedom shall not be imposed upon you. If you choose to depart from Athens and seek your destiny elsewhere, you are free to do so. Your future beyond these city walls is yours to shape, and the consequences of your choices shall rest solely upon your shoulders. Athens shall not meddle in the affairs of those who opt to leave.

Today, Athens stands as more than just a port for trade; it stands as a beacon of hope and progress—a place where diversity is cherished, where labor is duly rewarded, and where the human spirit knows true freedom. Let us together forge this legacy for the generations that will follow in our footsteps.

With gratitude and boundless optimism, I hereby declare the city of Athens officially inaugurated. May the winds guide our ships and our unity fortify our future.

Long live Athens!" Vahaemorys's heartfelt words were met with thunderous cheers and applause from the enraptured crowd, who rejoiced in unison for their visionary leader.