
Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Give me some ideas or references for the future plot of the story! If you wanted to read 15 Chapters ahead and more, be sure to check my Patreon!!! Go to https://www.patreon.com/Tang12 >English is not my main language as you all will see >Will try my best to make the story enjoyable and can not promise that everyone will be happy as let's be real not all can be pleased >The early chapters will be a bit slow-paced for the continuity of the story From, Author ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lie Fan was a Normal High School student who loves The Three Kingdoms History, He already plays all of the three kingdoms games and read the Romance of the three kingdoms. When he was walking home from school he encounters a very strange necklace in the street, when he takes the amulet he was reincarnated to the three kingdom era which was 17 years before the beginning of the yellow turban rebellion “Finally I can change the course of history!” Follow Lie Fan in his struggle to rewrite history with the help of a system

Tang12 · Geschichte
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520 Chs

185. Lu Bu and Chen Gong Meets Zhang Miao

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Hou Zui told them to hurry up and prepare for their mission and then left as fast as they could. Yang Hong and Yang Dajiang then saw Hou Zui turn his body and leave them, at this time they knew that Yuan Shu was controlled by a man who was cunning and evil and cared for his own benefit.

Yang Hong: "Dajiang this has become more dangerous if we don't stop Hou Zui, Lord Yuan Shu will go down to a road of no return!"

Yang Dajiang: "You knew it very hard to change Lord Yuan Shu's decision since his inferiority complex to Lord Yuan Shao whoever opposes his idea would resent them."

Ywng Hong: "Hah... I hope that Lord Yuan Shu will have his eyes opened by something to see that Hou Zui is a dangerous man, let's prepare for our assignment."

Yang Hong and Yang Dajiang prepared some tributes and their entourage for protection heading toward Kong Zhou and Lu Kang, They departed from Runan 3 days after they were assigned the mission by Yuan Shu.

Far away from Runan, in a Camp near Puyang, it can seem from afar a big army numbering about 45,000 men stationed in that camp, with a banner with the name Lu being raised.

This is Lu Bu's Camp after he journeyed far from Luoyang to Puyang, Lu Bu and his army became somewhat of a thorn for the Lords of the Central Plains, as they had to be vigilant with the arrival of such a big army.

Cao Cao asked his advisors what should they do to Lu Bu, as he could become a threat to him as Lu Bu now was wandering Yan Province. Xun Yu suggested that he raise his army, and be vigilant toward Lu Bu.

They don't need to provoke Lu Bu, as it can bring enmity and 45,000 veteran soldiers are not an easy task to eliminate, especially with Lu Bu at the helm and his generals also a force to be reckoned with.

Guo Jia on the other hand insisted that they attack Lu Bu, as he could become a big threat when they attacked Yuan Shu. At the same time, Yan Province was also still infested with Yellow Turbans, so their forces were split to handle Yellow Turbans, guard the border, and be prepared against Lu Bu.

Cao Cao knew this, so he agreed with Xun Yu and told his men to be vigilant, while also waiting for Lie Fan's reaction to Lu Bu's whereabouts.

Cao Cao didn't expect that Lie Fan already knew about Lu Bu's whereabouts for a long time, so Lie Fan never reacted to Lu Bu's whereabouts.

At this time, Lu Bu was sitting inside the main tent where he was accompanied by Chen Gong and Zhang Liao. Chen Gong informed Lu Bu, that they have lobbied Zhang Miao for so long, and now is the time to persuade him to join their side.

Lu Bu: "Are you sure Chen Gong? Cao Cao and Lie Fan haven't even shown their movement to attack Yuan Shu."

Chen Gong: "Yes it's the right time, as after we persuaded Zhang Miao we need to persuade some more people, like Xu Si and Wang Kai who controlled some minor areas around Puyang and Jibei."

Lu Bu: "I see that we do as you said, when will we go and meet Zhang Miao?"

Chen Gong: "We will meet him tomorrow My Lord at his residence in Puyang, Zhang Miao has begun to resent Cao Cao due to his being relocated from Chenliu which was prosperous to Puyang which suffered Yellow Turbans occupation before."

Lu Bu: "I see then we will need to prepare well, Zhang Liao prepare some expensive pottery we managed to pillage from Wang Kuai's before we head here."

Zhang Liao: "Yes My Lord, I like to suggest that tomorrow you bring me and some of our best warriors a your guard as we never know what will happen."

Lu Bu nods his head and agrees, even though he feels it's unnecessary but since having Chen Gong at his side, and without the influence of beauty, Lu Bu listened to Chen Gong's teaching well.

Chen Gong also asked Zhang Liao to prepare some old wine as gifts, as Zhang Miao loves to drink, and Lu Bu's alcohol tolerance, could help him befriend Zhang Miao easily.

Zhang Liao cupped his hand in agreement, and then left the tent. Chen Gong then said to Lu Bu that they would need allies, to face off against Cao Cao and Lie Fan's attack after their plan was successful.

So he proposed for Lu Bu to have an alliance with Yuan Shu, a marriage alliance where Lu Lingqi would wed Yuan Shu's son as only Yuan Shu had the manpower to face off against Cao Cao and Lie Fan.

Lu Bu was surprised by Chen Gong's suggestion, he slammed his hand to the table in front of him and rejected Chen Gong's suggestion. For him, Lu Lingwi is the apple of his eye, and no one is good enough for her.

Chen Gong knew that Lu Bu would react like this, so he persuaded Lu Bu to calm down and advised Lu Bu that they needed this alliance, as with the number of soldiers Lu Bu had and the soldiers that would join their side, the combined soldiers of Cao Cao and Lie Fan are more than what they would have.

At this time, allying with Yuan Shu could help them immensely, and only by marriage could they attain a solid military alliance with Yuan Shu, as with the reputation Lu Bu has right now, it's very hard for other Warlords to agree to ally with Lu Bu.

Lu Bu stayed silent for a while, and finally he agreed with Chen Gong's suggestion. But he needs time, as he needs to discuss this with his wife and then inform Lu Lingqi of this decision.

Chen Gong agrees with what Lu Bu said, as he knows that in this world the only one who can truly influence Lu Bu's decision is his family.

The next day, Lu Bu and Chen Gong accompanied by Zhang Liao and 10 soldiers ride toward Puyang. When they arrived at Puyang, they immediately headed towards Zhang Miao's residence which was located in the northern part of the town.

Zhang Miao himself welcomed Lu Bu and Chen Ging at the front of his residence, Lu Bu and Zhang Miao have met several times thanks to Chen Gong. They have pledged friendship, and Zhang Miao takes this as a friend gathering.

Lu Bu and Chen Ging were welcomed with a lavish banquet, they drank and ate merrily while watching courtesans dancing and listening to music. Lu Bu also gives the gist he prepared to Zhang Miao, which makes Zhang Miao happy and they drink the wine on the spot.

Zhang Miao: "Haha Lu Bu you are truly different from the rumors circling outside, or maybe it's because of Chen Gong that you have changed!"

Chen Ging: "Lord Zhang Miao is jesting, My Lord is actually a very easygoing man but he just fell with bad crowds of Dong Zhuo and his retainers so that's why those rumors keep sprouting left and right."

Lu Bu: "Haha! Some of what Brother Zhang Miao said is correct! I actually don't ever care about diplomacy except for the banquets, but Chen Gonh taught me that sometimes it's important to do so!"

Zhang Miao: "It's good that you have Chen Gong, Cao Cao is a stupid one for letting Chen Gong go, even though he has many excellent advisors under him now, I don't know if he ever remembers you know Chem Gong."

Chen Gong just smiled at what Zhang Miao said, and Zhang Miao knowing that some of his words could cause some problems between Chen Gong and Lu Bu decided to change the topics.

They continue to eat and drink merrily, and when tireachches late afternoon they find the banquet. Zhang Miao who was drunk told Lu Bu and Chen Gong to stay at Puyang tonight and to talk tomorrow.

Lu Bu and Chen Ging agreed with Zhang Miao's request, so they were escorted toward their room by the servants. Zhang Liao and his guards take turns guarding their room.

The next day, Lu Bu and Chen Gong meet with Zhang Miao at the main hall fi his residence. Zhang Miao asked the two of them what brought them here to visit him.

Chen Gong then told Zhang Miao of their true intention, that is they wanted to invite Zhang Miao to join Lu Bu's side to control Yan Province from Cao Cao's hand.

Zhang Miao was shocked by this, and he refused saying that he couldn't betray Cao Cao as he was his friend. Chen Gong then asks, if he was Cao Cao's friend then why he was relinquished from Chenliu and didn't become permanent Governor of Chenliu.

Zhang Miao becomes silent after hearing what Chen Ging says because it's the truth, Cao Cao received help from him and even received Chenliu from him. Then after taking control of Yan Province, he was relocated from Chenliu to Puyang.

He feels betrayed, as he should have been receiving the best treatment as he has sacrificed many things for Cao Cao, and now this is how he was repaid. What Zhang Miao doesn't realize is, that he was relocated because Cao Cao trusted him and his abilities.

Lu Bu at this time joined in the conversation, he told Zhang Miao that he promised that he would become the Governor of Chenliu when he took control of Yan Province from Cao Cao and maybe become the Governor of Yan Province in the future when he managed to conquer more province.

Zhang Miao hearing this began to enter a dilemma, as he was faced with the choice of his own future and loyalty to his friend.

But when he turned his head and looked at Chen Gong who was also Cao Cao's friend, he knew that his fate could be similar to his if he chose to be loyal to Cao Cao, which is slowly forgotten.

Chen Gong seeing that Zhang Miao is slowly being persuaded, says that they have planned to have an alliance with Yuan Shu to help them.in taking control of Yan Province and facing the combined army of Cao Cao and Lie Fan, so this is his only chance to pick his side.

Zhang Miao hearing this was surprised, as he knew that Yuan Shu had 400,000 men whom he recruited this past year. He heard this when Cao Cao held his court before he was sent to Puyang, knowing that his future was better with Lu Bu he swore his allegiance to him.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Three Heroes Who Defeat Lu Bu

Age: 25 (192 AD)

Level: 15

Next Level: 1.588.000

Renown:  605

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 9)

SP: 371.700


STR: 906 (+20)

VIT: 578 (+20)

AGI: 563 (+10)

INT: 567

CHR: 93

WIS: 489

WILL: 377

ATR Points: 0

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