
Chapter 2 small gift?

It felt like time was at a standstill as I woke up in darkness. The cold neglectful feelings of nothingness surrounding me it felt familiar, just leaving me with my thoughts. But it felt different, how to put this?

Though I'm surrounded by darkness I still felt my surroundings, it was cold, wet, well, it's odd, it seems this was a lake? Not even light can break the darkness in the lake, but this lake feels abnormal? The lake felt heavy, trying to move took effort. Even after knowing that I started swimming up, are wherever up was? after a few minutes I realized breathing wasn't problem.

losing my sight to survive suddenly in a unknown place reminded me of the voice I heard before passing out, saying "I'll be punished". This just maybe one of my many punishments?

As I'm surrounded my thoughts I kept swimming a moment later I 


voice spoke out sharp to me." Yes you are correct." looking around instinctually but suddenly pausing remembering I'm blind, I couldn't help but ask what was that? As if hearing my confused voice and thoughts the voice spoke out clearer.

"I am your personal A. I or you can call me your 2b I'm your guide system." The was voice spoke off be my guide. Though a helping hand wouldn't hurt, it's not like I can see it anyways. As if having nothing to say agreed. This odd but, um okay for now with what I can work with? The guide system or 2b theres one question that still stands, um how are you gonna to guide me if I can't see. I don't think I'll be able to do anything on my own? As if the voice understood what need to be done sayed "In advance, a shop was built for this occasion. A set amount of points will be set at ten SP as your current budget." Not expecting to get a lot with ten SP I asked, i do I have options? The 2b replied back with "would you like to see it?" My question was purely out of curiosity, not expecting to have options with such a low budget. So answered yes, please do.

[2b System's Shop]

Skill points: 10

In shock I couldn't help but be flabbergasted on how expensive some these stuff where in the shop. In shock I wasn't able form a word but on

huh? 2b sensing there's a problem asked "what is the problem?" Getting out of my shock I told him well, um I can't afford anything here. 2b understand his mistake shorted the skills prices form low to high. After doing that there where only a few small skills in the shop I can afford. But there's only one thing that stands out I'll buy and that Echolocation its affordable.

[small info]


Skill: Echolocation

[10 skill points]

Details: your third eye given to you. allows you a visual ability to identify any object within thirty meters rang.


Understand I would be going anywhere without it metaphorically and physically guess I'll take. these new eye's I'll take it.

[Purchase made]


Skill point's remaining: 0

Skill obtained: Echolocation


Well, let's test my new skill's out?

The world around me started lighting up for a moment give lighting to my surroundings. The light covering everything faded giving outlines of my surroundings a small change in the darkness.

As I moved small ripples followed. The floor appeared like water as every step I made it rippled. These ripples carried on covering the whole room, small dots appeared mostly bug's. But the most eye-catching things are the waves every step I they appear and disappeared at a certain distance. Every time I move more they appear guide me and disappears the further they go.

The wave's goes over everything giving me a thirty a second view of the objects. it's like a stain only lasting for thirty seconds. The more I move around the place I realize that I'm in a cabin with five rooms.

In one of these room's, I found myself some shade's which I tried on. An now their mine. Yeah yeah I know it's stealing but who cares the place is abandoned anyways. I explored around some more avoiding everything my way when making my through the cabin in the end I reach a table.

On this table, I can see a red aura surrounding a card with it seems to be gloves and a picture. So I picked them up.

[ Twisted's starter pack.]


2b: you've obtained a card and your balance in the human world is:

10mil lien

2b: you have obtained MMA gloves.

MMA glove's stats:

Attack: 300

120% critical chance doing double the Attack


After reading all what picked I realized there was no mention of the photo I picked up. 2b not hear or caring mentions to me "you've unlocked a voice message would you like to hear?" Out of curiosity I answered yes, please?

A familiar unknown voice spoke out of joy "hey kid my higher up's thought it would be good to give you something. So we gave you spending money in that world. We don't know how money work's for you humans. So, enjoy it while last you? Also I'm the who gave you a gift it's them gloves next to the card hope them and that's all kid?"

Out of annoyance of the voice calling me a kid I decided to let it go slightly mumbling, I'm not a kid but thanks I guess. I decided I'll put the card in my pocket and wear the gloves. As I try to put on the glove's I felt something?


This feeling?

It's like I'm wearing a suit made just for me I didn't even noticed Let me check it out? feeling around

the suit I realized its a tailor-made suit I'd even feel a tie and jacket.

Why am I wearing a business suit you may ask I don't know I was never on a suit?

But that's for another time.

It's best to take off the jacket it and wear as comfortable as possible so a cape for now can do. Time to venture out into this new world. As I left I can hear birds sing and bugs moving it's a bit wired.

[System alert]


Active curse's

Curses: 4


Reverse sloth sin

Knowing when your family member is near.

Get 100 rep


Okay, thank, never need to knew that but now I do. But what's a reverse sloth this may become a problem, anyway best to be careful in the long run of this reverse sloth curse thing but first 2b show me my stats



Lv: 1

HP [6500 / 6500]

Exp [ 0 / 100]

Rep [0/ 100]

Stamina: infinite

Attack: 500 [boost:+300]

Def 600

Critical Chance: 50% [boost+120%]

Res: 200


it actually worked um huh, Well, that's cool what is the most common monster's power in this world? As 2b searched he game a answer "the most common monster named Grimm's are named Beowolf." Needing more answers so I asked what are their stats?

2b: Beowolf's stats




Rank: H

HP [200 / 200]

Attack: 100

Def: 250

Res: 10

Exp 1

bounce: 1 rep


I guess the most I can handle 1 right? their was a long pause on till 2b answered "200 or more." well okay I'm in a forest so I'll find some of them and up that to the test with my skill's on them.

if u reading this first time some parts dont make sense, well it shouldnt. im rewiriting the story, some chapter and line may change and be edit or intotal rewriton . :}

Lz1creators' thoughts