
Reborn in MCU to be the Invincible Ghost

#marvel, #mutants, #multiverse travel This is my first story on Webnovel hopefully you guys will like it I got the inspiration of this fan fic from another novel in the app called fanfic ideas. this story is about a guy who is brought into the multiverse of marvel by one above all to add a little spice to the boredom of one above all and Loki the god of stories. after experiencing the same type of story every time one above all gets mc from real god to see what fun changes he will make to the plot. Mc gets a system when he dies at the hands of a certain big tin can and goes on to become the invincible ghost. follow the journey of the mc as he faces the challenges that shape him to who he is.

Rebelcombat_1 · Filme
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30 Chs

Chapter 7: Mom nearly got arrested.

 Chapter 7: Mom nearly got arrested.

But from the situation I am afraid the parker couple has already made the serum that got them dead and it is only a period of time before the ones after them come after us and I am getting anxious so much so that I can't sleep till late in the night.

The next morning my mother received a call from the parker couple who has apparently informed my mother about their discovery and the fact that the government is trying to get their hands on the serum they made.

 To which they had promptly destroyed the serum, all the test reports and all the test subjects as well for which they are getting chased every where and she should also keep a low profile and hide somewhere otherwise she might be forced or even be tortured to reveal the process of the experiments we used to do.

But a sad thing is that even though the they destroyed every piece of experimental subjects they forgot to destroy the main specimens which are a group of uniquely reared spiders from whose genome they were able to study and make the serum so their main request is to, if possible, destroy the spider's at OScorp.

After receiving the call mom looked very solemn after mumbling about something being impossible, she hurriedly left towards the study and put some flammable fuel on the file she had once given to read then burned it down as I looked at the file burning, I knew shit had hit the fan and we are goanna be chased soon as I watched her put the lab coat and OScorp id in a hurry.

 I am sure she was going there because she has something to do with the spiders and I don't think I will like what she is going to do there and if she destroys the spiders then there will possibly be no spiderman in the future which is very bad no very, very bad as without a friendly spider protecting the neighbourhood many characters like daredevil, Luke Cage, black cat and many more might get killed and they protect the public and without them I don't believe that characters like a certain red tin can a popsicles and even a flying bird might go on to help the public as they were shield's reserve for big events like the New York attack or even other attacks or major events.

So, I am sure to get mom to not destroy the spiders as those spiders also created Spider Gwen after spiderman so they are an indispensable asset for my future plans and I believe that peter's parents didn't destroy the serum they created instead they injected it into Peter as peter didn't just get spider powers because of a spider bite it was probably the serum they injected into him that made him adapt the spider DNA perfectly without side effects.

As everyone else got one or two side effects from the spider bite for example Spider Woman didn't get the biological webs or the healing factor well it depends on whether they injected it to him or not as except Toby Maguire spiderman not anyone else got the biological webs and after thinking about it I am not sure anymore but the spiders need to live.

As I was thinking about mom went to the door and just as she opened the door, she saw some people dressed in black standing at the doorstep she hurriedly closed the door and ran towards me picked me up and told me to run and hide in the closet she will deal with the men standing at the door as she was saying we heard loud banging at the door.

She hurried towards the door and I just hid and looked at the door then there was a loud hitting sound followed by my mom's scream and then there was no other sound I am a kid and I am clear I can't handle them even if I train for another twenty years so I hid in the closet and looked at the door anxiously.

When many people entered the room, I was hiding in and searched everywhere. When they were searching everywhere I was inside the closet and thinking someone will come to save us I don't want my mom be in the hands of who ever they are even it they are the military I don't want my mom to be in their hands and I so want my system had activated earlier.

I feel like I got scammed pretty bad till date I don't think I got any special ability to survive this type of situation even if you say you have a good memory you have to be alive to use it perfectly and I don't believe the ones entering my room to leave me alive or they might even make me their lab rat to make my mother provide them with all the knowledge she has about Mr. and Ms parker's research I so want at least Deadpool to drop out of somewhere to save us. But he is the last fu***ng character I want to see as he probably had not become Deadpool in my universe and there is no hero at this time period except the x- men but they only act when a mutant is in danger but I am no mutant.

As I was thinking about which hero might be able to save me, I heard someone open the closet I am hiding in and I saw it was one of the black dressed guys he looked at me and said "hey guys look here there's a shivering worm in the closet should I kill it or is it useful later."

A reply came from the door that said "just knock him out and bring him with us he might be useful in extracting information from that woman."

And just as I dread he will hit me there was a sudden gunshot and my face was splattered with blood.

I shivered even harder as I remember the pain of getting shot but my fear vanished as quickly as it appeared as I resolved myself to fight back in case of who ever that was came for me.

But to my relief the one who appeared is a guy in red suit. Who else could it be if not for Deadpool.

He looked at me and said "are you jay a white-haired old man paid quite the sum to save your ass kid so get up quickly and get your ass moving I have to go back you know so hurry up"

I looked at him and thanked the one above all for sending Deadpool in time otherwise I don't know what would have happened to mom.

As we were moving out of the house some other black clothed men came from the door to which Deadpool shot them dead in one shot and moved along to the road. As we were entering the car parked next to the main door of the house, I shouted for him to save my mom to which he just sighed and said "I am not paid enough to babysit kids so might as well take his mother with him."

After saying that he kicked open the door of the car and went out after some time there were many sounds of gun shots then a blooded Deadpool came to my view carrying my mother.

After that he just put my mother in the back sit and drove away on the road, he asked me where to go and I just said anywhere if fine as long as we don't get bothered by the black clothed men any more.

He just looked at me and said you will get recognized even if you hide at the end of earth the only way to hide is if you temporarily change your facial features and not use any of the previous electronic devices or contact any of the people you know well you are just a kid so you might not understand what I am saying so you better tell your mother when she wakes up.

With that we went around the country and arrived at an abandoned warehouse where he left us and left, I took my mother inside and waited for her to wakeup and discuss what to do from there onwards.

After waiting for an hour or so she woke up and after waking up she looked around and after finding me nearby she holds me tightly and cried.

And after some time, she calms down and after looking around she asked where were they were and if they were really kidnapped to which I interrupted her mid-sentence and told her that an uncle in black came to the closet I was hiding in opened it and pointed a gun at me then an uncle in a captain America cosplay came and saved us but he was only dressed in a red costume with two swords in the back and many guns he saved us from the bad uncles and left us here he also told me to tell you to not contact anyone you know otherwise those bad guys will come after us again and he also said to wear a mask or change our face when we go outside.

To which my mom looked at me for some time and asked did he do something to you?

I answered no he didn't do anything and just left

She then asked me really

Then I said yes mom but what does change your face when going out mean and also why can't we contact anyone else and can't I go to school anymore?

Then mom looked at me took a deep breadth and said "no you can't go to school any more at least this year but don't worry I will think of a way you don't have to worry about anything you just leave everything to me. My first quest is to earn money enough for regular survival then we will think about everything else later and your first quest is to learn as many books as you can you said you have a perfect memory right then lets first go and get you signed up for a library now. But before that you have to promise me that you will only leave the library if you are hungry or if it is the closing time of the library."

She then holds me tightly and said lightly "don't worry everything will be ok"

And I just nod at her and inwardly I know that I have to fast forward my plans in my previous life I was a young master who just knew basic business management and still I managed to open many companies though not exactly me it was my subordinates.

I still contributed and I also learned the business functions of many large international enterprises from them and even if I don't know anything I know the basics of how to manage a large multinational corporation and their marketing strategies if given time to learn I will definitely be able to successfully make something that will make me earn billions and also get us over the crisis.