
Reborn in MCU to be the Invincible Ghost

#marvel, #mutants, #multiverse travel This is my first story on Webnovel hopefully you guys will like it I got the inspiration of this fan fic from another novel in the app called fanfic ideas. this story is about a guy who is brought into the multiverse of marvel by one above all to add a little spice to the boredom of one above all and Loki the god of stories. after experiencing the same type of story every time one above all gets mc from real god to see what fun changes he will make to the plot. Mc gets a system when he dies at the hands of a certain big tin can and goes on to become the invincible ghost. follow the journey of the mc as he faces the challenges that shape him to who he is.

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Chapter 11: the craze of face book

Chapter 11: the craze of face book

After a few weeks the craze of face book became apparent and many people started using it though it is only available for pc and many people who have no access to the internet can't use it. Its hype is unmistakable and as it is only available for computer every computer it is connected to becomes its host and contributes to a much smoother experience and as every computer it is connected to serves it like a server there is no particular way to trace it to its source which also changes every day as the big companies' servers work together to shoulder the load of all the people using it simultaneously.

At first, I programmed it to change to a different server every week but then changed it to every day as it will be unnatural if only in one week of the month company people worked so hard there are dozens of companies with servers and even if we switch in between them every day it is no problem to sustain the total no of pcs connected to internet in the whole America.

And for those companies whose servers can't sustain the whole burden the program will automatically connect with other servers who will help shoulder the load together and the virus program also decreases the chances of being found out.

With that many people have started using face book and have started sharing their favorite music and videos with each other and now that has become a dilemma as where to store the data though they can temporarily store the data in the servers it is risky as these servers are only for the app to maintain the stability of the app not for storage. And storing things in the server means you can easily be found out.

This problem could have easily been solved if a certain old ant would have agreed to have helped me but he had clearly denied. All I want is a mechanism no it can't even be called a mechanism as I only want a very thick SSD though not available now, I can make one small storage server both using SSD and an HDD though I have to get access to the silicon chip factory of stark to make an SSD that suits my requirements.

After which I have to continue making them till, I can fulfil the requirements of the server but for now I have to use the net as storage for all the data and the same data will be erased if sent twice meaning they think they sent their file but in reality, the same file is being circulated around until you haven't made any changes to the file as any tampering makes the file different.

And this process can only slow down the excess data problem but it will definitely be a huge problem if not solved quickly but for we can manage as people haven't fully realized the functions of this app and only share pictures videos and songs, I think I should add something like messenger to the side as well. So that they can contact their friends or face book friends with it.

And it will be very safe as any one can only have one messenger account for each phone number.

After many days I uploaded the messenger function to the face book app and many people happily choose to register their phone numbers and make a messenger account.

And after many days of working in the stark industries as a guard, as it is the only way I can get to use the server secretly and as well as go into the silicon chip factory that made chips for the various techs tony used to build and usually manufacturers his chips here and after befriending a certain chip researcher in the silicon lab I can get access to the lab a certain times in which I have made five chips till date and they are of great quality and can store approximately about 5tb of data.

But still I can't completely depend on that and I have to make more chips if only those computer companies had made SSDs, I wouldn't have to waste so many months and only make 5 SSD chips. And I have to be more productive but don't know how as I maintain a very lowkey presence only a few people know me and they don't even know my real name.

But today I found many people in repairman uniform enter the premises of stark industries and from that I can confer that they are agents of shield as the servers of the stark industries have no problem as they were personally assembled under the supervision of Tony so they are here for something and after counting I remember that today is the day the app will be using the stark servers again and I think I forgot to use a random sequencer in order to choose the server the app uses if I had done that it would not have been so easy for the shield to find out the general sequence and directly come to the stark tower in the name of server maintenance though I am happy that the counter measures I setup lasted so long and it took shield two years to locate the sequence.

Now I think is the time to implement a maintenance in servers in face book.

After thinking that I took out my phone connected it to a computer that is connected to a server and then logged in to my personal account main creator account and added the required code then run after which the whole face book app went into maintenance after which I started making the randomizer then added a special anti-hack sandbox software which will make the ones attacking the servers of the app to get into a sand box in which they will not be able to find the whereabouts of the source code of the app after that the app will load many preprogrammed viruses that once in the opponents computer will start to do different functions that will make then wish to bleach their eyes.

But the many users of face book are very unsatisfied with the sudden maintenance of the server and I got many one-star reviews in the app stores but I can't help it. But my income this month will definitely be hampered but that is not a problem as I am mostly getting about the money out of the monthly subscription of messenger and the ads in face book.

Well, I don't exactly get the money in hand as it is nearly impossible to get the money and the various government agencies doesn't trace the transaction to you that is why I have to get the money through others.

Well after thinking about it I feel bad no terrible. I earn so much money every month but I can't withdraw a penny from that and I am hearing the news of frequent clashes between the brotherhood and the x men and then there are various crimes in hell's kitchen and the arrival of a new gang or man who has apprehend many criminals to the police that were brutally beaten he is said to be a devil as he is very strong and generally leaves his targets near death but makes sure he doesn't die.

With the arrival of daredevil, I can get legal advice from him about my company.

After exactly a day I released the new version of the face book along with the new messenger. It has the new video call option only if your computer is connected to a web cam or any other camera around you.

And the results were overwhelming though the ones that came in the name of server management were unable to find anything in the servers. They had installed a virus in the public servers of Stark Industries.

Which I was able to find not because I am smart but because my virus acted against it and stopped it from copying my apps source code instead, they sent a virus pack as a gift to them with different animated pics of Deadpool without mask doing something and it will play those pics in a loop once the virus acts up.

I am waiting to see the face of that one eyed bald potato. When every computer attached to there server plays those pictures in loop.

They have been on my tail ever since I am 10 or 12 can't, they just leave me alone. They follow me every where like a magnet. How I wished those mutants will destroy those shield bastards. No not the entire shield but those that are hydra. They usually come in batches to post about mutant discrimination on face book and every where else but those bastards actually don't care about hydra that are doing experiments on mutants as well.

But here I the creator of face book am hiding like a rat as every time I meet with these shield cum hydra bastards, they straight up point a gun at my face.

How the hell do they even know it is me I have changed a lot since I was 10 but they still found me every time I go in the open and that is also why I always have to wear a mask where ever I go I am so utterly frustrated.

Though for my safety I created a very strong tranquilizer that once hit will make the one being hit go down for three days straight.

And many baseball gasses bombs that once thrown can either go boom or just release toxic gases to which only I have the antidote to but I can't always carry those but I make sure to carry at least 6 tranquilizer darts though I usually carry more as they are small and are perfect for self-defense and can't forget my gun it is the main safety measure I have and I always carry it with me and a spare mag as well.

I know I copied most of the stuff from tony stark as he did in the movie when he didn't have access to his armor but what can I say they are just so handy but a pity there is no nail gun otherwise I could have made a home-made dart gun for my tranquilizers well can't complain about that.

 This way another half a year passed but some thing has happened today I got a message from my virus that the core programming in the starks server was destroyed which is why I rushed to the stark industries complex and quickly found out the reason. Apparently tony has upgraded Jarvis again and after waking up Jarvis did his usual scan and found the virus as well as the source code but after some time the code shattered which he immediately reported to tony after which tony instructed Jarvis to find the one who put the virus in the server.

Why do I know this well they have caught me I was in such a rush to come here that I forgot the tranquilizer darts. And only came with the toxic smoke grenades so I got caught easily and part of it is because I want to get access into the stark private server and get the blue print of the ark reactor. Though it is massive I can try and miniaturize it because I want a power source powerful enough to provide energy for almost all my projects.

Well, that didn't go as planned. Tony planned to directly hack and destroy the app and put me in jail for illegally using his property for my personal uses and also make sure I don't get out easily from there.

And for violating his property I have to sell my app to him and even if I don't, he will make sure to get it from me.

I was scared given his contacts he surely can put me in jail but I too have an ace up my sleeve well. I then said I will give you 5% of the total income every year and an extra 10% if you let me use some of the facilities in your company and some cash every month if you will please and I you don't want to sign it I have a gift for you here catch it then I threw a gas ball at him then I said what you are holding can release toxic gases that will kill you in about ten mins and only I have the antidote.

After that I took that ball from him and said to him you should improve your security they let me in without checking anything and don't kick me out from my job I need it as a cover and publish that you own face book now, you know it is easy for people to believe that great Tony Stark had made something so great like face book. And people would rather believe in you than me. So, now you can showoff instead of me.