
Reborn in Danmachi as a dragon kin

The embodiment of reincarnation gave me another chance after life screwed me over. My new life brought me to a world where gods walk amongst men, monsters roam and lots of beautiful girls. From legal loli goddesses to Demi human furry Milfs. Join Draco on his journey in Danmachi to level up to the pinnacle and revive his race with a harem. Mc looks like the Dragon from monster girl doctor anime. Just that a guy instead of girl with curved horns, black scales and no wings. Disclaimer: I do not own the Danmachi series except the characters I created as this is a slight Au fanfic. Warning: This fiction may contain things such as Murder, thoughts of suicide and some dark descriptions of events. Release schedule: Monday to Thursday. Will post 4 chapters a week. To read up to 21 advanced chapters of Danmachi and 5 of Journey through fictional realities. Feel free to visit my pat3on to donate. www.patr3n.com/Hungrymushroom.

HungryMushroom · Anime und Comics
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127 Chs

Chapter 124

Curious to know what was still attacking me, I decided to create a small hole in the ice dome to see what was happening.

As I had suspected, the noise caused by the Iguazu's attacking the dome had attracted nearby monsters. While it was a relief that all the Iguazu's were dead, I now found myself facing a new threat.

Without hesitation, I immediately engaged in combat with the other monsters in the vicinity. Skillfully using my claws, I fought with strength and precision, gradually eliminating each menacing creature one by one.

Finally, the area fell into an eerie silence, signifying that I had successfully defeated all the monsters around.

With the battle won, I now had to face the tedious task of gathering the valuable drops left behind by the slain monsters.

The rocky floor was strewn with various monster drops, and I could not resist the temptation of collecting them all.

Refusing to leave any loot behind, I diligently filled my dungeon bag to the brim, barely squeezing in the last few pieces.

I knew that with 24 more floors until I reached the surface, I had to be strategic in my loot gathering, as there wouldn't be much more space left.

With my bag now bursting with monster drops, I embarked on the journey towards the surface. I decided to avoid unnecessary conflicts with any remaining monsters, conserving my energy and only engaging in battles with opponents I couldn't avoid.

Having spent numerous hours hunting these creatures in the past, I was well aware of their strengths and weaknesses, allowing me to dispatch them with minimal effort.

As I ascended through the floors, the atmosphere grew steadily darker. The crystals that illuminated the surroundings took on a dimmer glow, indicating that it was nighttime on the surface.

Although I estimated that it was likely the night of the following day, it was difficult to discern the exact time.

Upon reaching the 18th floor, I decided to take a well-deserved break before continuing my journey to the surface.

Soon I found a comfortable spot to setup camp. The serenity of the area provided a moment of respite, allowing me to set up my tent and rest for a few hours.

I procured some meat and spices, albeit at a slightly higher price compared to the surface, and settled down near a crackling campfire.

As I sat there roasting meat, I couldn't help but reminisce about the past. It dawned on me that this was the first time I had camped alone on the 18th floor.

Memories flooded my mind, recalling the time spent with the Astraea familia during our expedition. Lost in thought, I stared into the flames, reliving those moments.

However, my reverie was abruptly interrupted by the sound of a breaking tree branch. Alert and cautious, I scanned my surroundings, prepared for any potential threat.

"Who's there?" I called out, hoping to ascertain the source of the disturbance.

A familiar voice responded, dispelling my initial apprehension. "Relax, it's me," the voice said. I recognized it immediately.

It had been a while since I last saw this person, and their presence had slipped my mind.

"Ardee, it's been a long time," I said, surprised yet relieved by her unexpected arrival.

"Hmmph, so you still remember my name," Ardee replied, infused with a hint of displeasure.

I tried to explain, "I have been really busy—I"

Cutting me off, Ardee sighed, "It's fine. I understand. I've heard you've changed a lot. I can see why people would think that now." She scrutinized my features, her gaze betraying a mix of curiosity and concern.

"Yeah, everything happened so suddenly. Where have you been?" I asked, genuinely curious about their whereabouts all this time.

Ardee's tone softened, "It's a long story. Let's catch up. We have some catching up to do, my friend."

"Sorry," I apologized sincerely, realizing how unintentionally distant I had become after the whole ordeal with the Evilus.

Saving Ardee had been my primary objective, and once achieved, my focus had shifted swiftly to the next task at hand. Time had slipped away, eroding my connection to her.

Ardee nodded understandingly, "It's alright. I've managed to keep myself occupied. Let's not dwell on the past. For now, let's enjoy this moment."

I cordially offered Ardee a seat beside me on the log upon which I had comfortably settled.

"So tell me, what's been going on?" Ardee inquired, her curiosity evident in her attentive demeanor. And so, I began sharing a plethora of riveting tales recounting my exhilarating adventures.

Listening with rapt attention, Ardee appeared genuinely captivated by my stories, at least until the more incredulous aspects unfolded.

"Wait, what? You fought a green dragon and a Goliath at level 2?" Ardee exclaimed, her astonishment palpable.

With a hint of nonchalance, I simply replied, "Well, it sort of happened." I then proceeded to elaborate, explaining how, during that particular encounter, I was wholly engrossed in combating these adversaries, allowing no distractions to impede my progress.

However, I conceded that the subsequent floors proved to be considerably more arduous, likening the relentless onslaught of multiple mini monster rexes without respite.

Ardee, still clearly struggling to process my daring feats, interjected, "What floor have you managed to reach? I heard you had recently reached level 3." Displaying the evidence in my outstretched hand, containing a monster drop from a bloodsaurus.

I nonchalantly disclosed, "I am currently returning from the 29th floor. However, I reckon it'll be quite some time before I venture back there."

Exasperation lacing her voice, Ardee muttered, "Sigh, you're still as ridiculous as ever." Curious about her own exploits, I inquired.

"And what have you been up to?" Ardee began recounting her experiences, starting with the somber task of burying numerous members of her familia in the wake of the evilus incident.

Understanding the gravity of her loss, I offered my condolences, having endured similar tribulations within my own familia circle.

Expressing gratitude, Ardee continued, "Thank you. Well, following that ordeal, we launched a recruitment campaign to replenish our ranks. Subsequently, we organized a lengthy dungeon expedition, with the team spending a bit more than a month in the dungeon".

Impressed by her dedication, I remarked, "Seems like you've been keeping quite busy." "Indeed," Ardee affirmed, before detailing the current pursuit of evilus remnants alongside the Freya and Loki familia, particularly in light of the incident that transpired on the 27th floor.

Curious to know more, I inquired about the specifics, albeit conjecturing some details already. Ardee replied, "I don't possess all the facts, as my sister merely informed me that the evilus enticed adventurers onto the 27th floor, culminating in their tragic demise." Nodding in understanding, I murmured, "I see.".

Ardee concluded, "Unfortunately, evidence fades swiftly within the treacherous confines of the dungeon. Thus, it becomes exceedingly difficult to ascertain precisely what occurred, unless we apprehend the culprits responsible for such heinous acts."

Engaged in pleasant conversation, we whiled away an hour or two, discussing various topics of interest, until Ardee's other responsibilities necessitated her departure.

Left to my own devices, I eagerly savored the succulent meat I had been roasting over the crackling fire. Once sated, I made the decision to retire for the night, although a sense of unease lingered, knowing I lacked someone to keep lookout.

Consequently, my sleep was fitful and filled with restless awakenings, though I managed to glean some much-needed rest.

Upon awakening, I dutifully packed my tent, dungeon bag and commenced my ascent towards the surface.

Prior to departing, I ensured the Goliath had been slain, for I could not leave without confirming its demise.

Gimme them stones. Feel free to read ahead on pat3on and donate.

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