
Reborn as sasuke uchiha(dropped)

this is my first ever book so expect grammatical errors and a lot of mistakes! i balance updating between football practice and school I am a highschool student that may take hiatuses some times I may not update for weeks or I may update everyday and please be deathly honest with criticism I wanna improve but note I lack experience

amarril14 · Anime und Comics
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27 Chs

First round of the chunin exams

As I wake up and do my daily task I get dressed and then I head towards the building address from the paper as I get to the building I notice I am the first there as I wait for my team about 10 minutes later sakura finally arrives then naruto arrives 2 minutes later as we enter the building we go to the room they told us to go to and when we enter we see a bunch of Konoha shinobi and a good amount of sand ninja and a handful of sound ninja's

"Psst Sasuke these guys are scary" naruto whispers to me as we look for a spot to sit

"Yoho it's been a while since I saw you guys!" I hear someone say as I turned behind me I see team 8 Hinata Kiba and Shino "oh it is you dogbreath!" Naruto loudly says back "SASUKE KUN" I hear as a blonde missle runs into me and climbs onto my back "ino get off of Sasuke-Kun!" Sakura yells as team ten arrives "tch" I say as sakura and ino get into an argument same as naruto and Kiba I ignore them As kabuto arrives I move away from him and I tell everyone he is suspicious as I move away from him and everyone else does but he still comes towards us as naruto ask him what he wants I ignore what they're doing and I wait for ibiki to arrive as the sound ninja attacks kabuto ibikii comes through the door "hey no fighting in here!" Ibikii yells a bit angry as he explains the first round of the chunin exams and how it will go he walks out of the room as everyone prepares to head to the first round as i and my team are walking towards the first round we get intercepted by lee most likely here to fight me

"Are u Sasuke Uchiha?" Lee asks curiously "hn" I respond boredly "I challenge u to a fight for sakura's love," lee says with fires in his eyes as sakura shivers in the corner 'how the hell does he do that I say in my head as I ignore it and I walk in front of my team "fine I need a warmup match anyways," I say with a smirk because unlike cannon Sasuke im more than ready to fight lee as me and lee move to the center of the room he charges towards me incredibly fast as I activate my Sharingan. He goes for a leg sweep that I jump over as I do my iconic roundhouse kick he blocks with his forearm I kick flip away to gain some distance and I take the initiative as I charge towards lee I go for a faint to the left which he falls for as I hit him with a right hook spining his head around I kick his back making him stumble as I quickly go to get him in a headlock but while hes stumbling he suddenly goes for a kick that I see fron a mile away with my sharigan 'i see he allowed me to hit him so he could go for a hidden lotus' i think as I move to the left then I grab his outstretched leg and I throw him into the air as he is sailing through the air I jump up and I go to kick him out of the air and into the ground he again blocks me but my kick had enough force to knock him to the ground making dust pick up as I charge towards the crator he most likely is in I go to kick his downed form but I am stopped by guy

"While I can see u two were sparring I can't have u harm my student before the first round of the exams," the guy says as he gently lets go of my leg lee gets out of the crater and they have a heart to heart moment were lee says he will never lose again blah blah blah ad they are talking I head towards my team so we can go to the first round

As we reach the first round guys' team arrives s minute later as ibikii explains the rules of the first round and how we need to answer the questions on the sheet in front of us without cheating 'i see just like in cannon but unlike cannon, I won't struggle with this whatsoever sakura and naruto should be fine as well I think as he tells us to begin I use my Sharingan to copy the guy in front of me by mirroring his hand's movement I answer the question on the page

(40 minutes later)

As I hand my paper in I think about how the forest of death is going to go 'i should allow Orochimaru to give me the demonic hickey it will be a good power boost in dire situations and I need to allow the cannon to flow so I don't affect the timeline' i think as me and my team head towards the second round of the chunin exams.

Once we reach the second round the same as cannon happens naruto spouts off he gets his cheek cut and Orochimaru and Anko go to lick his blood I ignore Orochimaru staring at me like a starving lion staring at its prey as I pay attention to the rules with the sun and moon scrolls ext as we head towards gate b "naruto sakura stay together or this fan go bad" I say as they nod at me and we head inside the forest of death

Another short chapter u may be like author-san why are the chapters so short well im busy at the moement i have highschool orientation in two days and i have football practice as well so i cant make super long chapters because im pretty occupied at the moment but i willupdate daily and if i dont update daily the next day after the day i didnt upload i will upload two chapters

amarril14creators' thoughts