

Nate POV

After I was finished explaining everything about my life, the meeting had finally come to an end. After everyone had got up to go to their rooms or whatever it was they actually did instead of looking for new mutants every now and then.

I had been granted permission from Xavier to stay here for a while and once I had put all my things inside my new room, I began to look around and explore the x mansion. Every few minutes, I could feel someone watching me from a corner.

Well that was to be expected as there was no actual reason for them to still trust me, after learning of my origins. After a few minutes of looking around, I found a big metallic door with a huge X symbol going down both sides.

I forcefully opened the door, as it was sealed shut as if there was something that was extremely dangerous on the other side of it. Once it was fully open I was instantly blinded by a white light and instantly found myself in a battle field.

There collapsed houses, and cars on fire all around me. I was about to look around and explore this new landscape that I now found myself in until I heard a robotic voice. I turned around to see a large robot that wore a purple chest plate and a pink helmet.

It was a Sentinel.


Before I could even act, it shot extremely hot laser at me. I quickly put up a shield and watched as my surroundings suddenly went a blaze as the laser deflected of my shields and went array, and hit the surrounding buildings instantly collapsing and causing miniature explosions.

I quickly unleashed my psionic energies instantly obliterating it. I quickly flew up to see exactly what was happening and to my shock, I saw that some of the x-men more specifically Scott, Wolverine and Rogue.

Then it hit me.

This was the danger room at least a different version of it I thought to myself. It looks like, this version of Marvel was much more advanced in technology than the other universes.

I flew down towards the others, and instantly obliterated the sentinels. No matter how much I destroyed, it seemed that they never stopped coming. Getting annoyed, I quickly unleashed a wave of psionic energy which sent a large shockwave instantly destroying all things around us.

''WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING'' yelled Scott as he was clearly pissed. Wolverine, just snarled and walked away. Why was he so called towards me? Was he just being salty over the fact that my existence means that he doesn't fuck Jean in the future?

Anyway, I looked down to see a red faced Scott still glaring at me waiting for an answer. ''What?'' I said in a clearly annoyed tone, as he was clearly being overwhelmed by the Sentinels. ''You ruined our training exercise if were going to be a team you have to consider those around you and not just unleash crazy powerful attacks''.

''What are you talking about? no one got hurt instead of complaining you should be thanking me for taking care of the sentinels even if they weren't actually real''

''Then look around see what happened to the surrounding area. What if there were any injured bystanders still around?'' and then I saw it, I had caused more damage to the surrounding area as tree's were uprooted and craters from stray blasts all around me.

Though I didn't want to accept it, this bastard was right I didn't consider the safety of those around me well... hypothetically speaking I mean. Just like Wolverine, he also stormed off.

That just left me and Rogue in the room. I turned around to see her just staring at me thinking about something. This was now, becoming really awkward as 2 fricking entire minutes went by.

''How did you do that?''

''Do what?'' I said genuinely confused

''You were able to touch me, without fainting or letting out a scream. The first boy I ever touched, went into a coma for months!''

''Oh that. That was one of my abilities power negation. It lets me shut down the power of mutants'' It didn't take a smartass to see where this was heading a power like hers has the potential to reach that of omega level like Hope summers but the only problem was, that she had no control over it and she would also end up absorbing the memories of anyone she touches.

''I all ready know what you want. You want me to find a way to remove your mutation or at least help you gain control over it so that you don't kill nearly everyone you touch''

After a few seconds, she nodded her head in what seemed to be shame. ''I'll tell you when i've figured something out'' I then took my leave and headed to my room. I was walking down the hall way, until I sensed someone trying to break through my mental defences.

It was Xavier. Though I could not see him I could definitely sense him.

''What are you doing Charles'' I turned around to see that he was now coming out of hiding.

''I ALLOWED you to read my mind, don't think you can enter my mind whenever you whish'' I said in a condescending tone.

''I hope you understand it's just that I-''

''Know your place'' I said in an angry tone as I entered my room leaving him to think about his actions.


I laid in bed as it was now night time. I spent most of the time checking my mental defences every now and then as there was a chance, that Charles was using Cerebro to enhance his abilities and scan my mind without me knowing.

It was too early to tell if this was the good righteous Charles, or the Charles that has corrupted morals and always says it was for the greater good.

Looks like there were minor differences in this world. Was it because of my early appearance?

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