
Art Of War (Pt. 2)

"Only the dead have seen the end of war."

— George Santayana, 1922


As my father finally finished hugging me. I looked around the room and saw that I was still in my room except this time their were two lioness heads place probably to show my victory against the kings of the savannah.

"My son, to show how even more proud I am of you I am getting a custom made armour just for you that will of course be able to be remolded and they will be in the style of the Lions as well as the armour having the lion pelt attached to act as a cape and your prowess." My father stated while showing in his tone of voice how proud he was before telling me that he must leave soon to deal with other businesses'.

As I slowly placed my feet on the floor I stood up while trying not to put to much pressure on the wound as I know that it wouldn't have healed up so fast and believed that the best course of action for today is to relax and do what I wanted to do at a calm and slow pace. I started pacing around my room getting used to walking as when I passed out it felt like days passed but from the seems of it. It has not passed and the day was still the same.

With me coming to a conclusion, I decided to observe the features on the lioness as they should be trying to hunt a human unless they have been injured. So I looked in one of the jaws of the lioness and saw that it seemed to be missing a K9 which would of given it a reason to hunt humans as they are much easier prey when without a weapon.

As I continue to wonder about the lioness attack I left my room and made my way over to the barracks to try and practice my skill with the different weapons they have access to but my thoughts were stopped in their tracks when I saw a servant come up to me and tell me that my tutor has arrived and that he would take me there.

As I followed the servant I looked around the palace it looked quite bland and dreary except for the few carpets hung on walls or animal heads but that was about it.

" So tell me what is your name." I asked

"My name is Anysos, my lord." He replied trying to be as respectful as possible

" Where do you come from "

"I come from Babylon, My lord"

"Is it as big and beautiful as in the stories?"

" Yes it is quite a beautiful city, A city in my opinion that will never be rivalled by any other in a thousand years."

" So tell me why are here then?"

"To get calmer work and to stay away from the large overcrowded city"

" I see."

"You are here, I must leave now." He bowed before leaving

I looked at him leave before entering the room and looking around to see that it looks like a class but with one desk and nothing else but a few books lying around here and there.

"Greetings, It is finally good to see the student who ill be teaching for the next 10 years. You may call me Anoshiruvan " I heard the man now identified as Anoshiruvan speak in a calm voice that sounded oddly similar to master Oogway.

I just left that to a coincidence. As I looked at him I nodded and proceed to take a seat.

"So may I know what I shall be learning about today?"

"You will be learning about the different strategies to battle and how to keep your soldiers happy and strong."

"I see." I nodded

Anoshiruvan proceeded to explain to me how the armies were structured and how they were meant to be used. Such as the cavalry be best used as hit and run and killing off the enemy soldiers that try and flee. To use the archers to keep the opponent busy trying not to get killed by a random arrow. To then proceed to use the infantry as a distraction to get cavalry and mounted archers behind the backs of the opponents to cause as much devastating damage as possible. After he explained to me the uses and weaknesses of each type of soldiers he then proceeded to tell me how to keep the soldiers happy and loyal to you.

First thing that you must do is make your soldiers work hard for you to make them see who is the leader and after they have accomplished their hard work give them a reward to please them. That is how to keep them happy . This strategy is also quite efficient in making your soldiers loyal as if you give a speech to them on how if they continue to work hard that you will gift them with things of similar quality. They will stay loyal.

The lesson continued with him telling me how to position troops accordingly to terrain and how large the enemy army is. Such as if the enemy army is large in cavalry to always set up on hills as it gives more range for my archers to shoot and if there is a river to set up my troops behind said river and make the enemy army come to you as the water or the hill will slow them down allowing your troops more advantage.

However, he continued his lesson by telling me that not all battles have to end in blood shed if I had someone spy in the enemy army and be able to become a general. It will allow more opportunities for me as the army could mutiny against the king they fight for but that will only work if the people hate the king.

Sadly, the lesson slowly came to a close and he told me that he will start to teach me about the gods after the next day. As I left, I saw that it was dark I took a bath quickly and proceeded to my room why I went to sleep


That is the end of the chapter for today.

Word Count: 1039

This chapter drained me as I had to remember multiple different things about war and tactics but as I see the way this chapter came out I am quite proud

Ending my enquiry here,


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