
Reborn As A Villain

Lan Ming Yu was a teenager, abused from young till now to the point where he have just taken all of the abuse with a blank look on his face. Suffering from blood loss while still being beaten up by his stepfather, his dull grey eyes stared up at the ceiling. Laying in his own pool of blood, the tips of his fingers started becoming numb, feeling as if he was paralysed in such a state, the young boy could only close his eyes and succumb to his fate. "No one...is able to bully me now...." But who knew? After he had died, he was reincarnated into the world of Ancalen, where he is known throughout the land as the gruesome and fearsome God Of Death? "Ah....why the fuck...?" Was people too afraid of him that they have already given him such a name? He doesn't even leave his residence for shit's sake!! After all, those who spread the words about him, only said the same thing. "Beneath those midnight hair, a pair of eyes as bright as crimson blood shine like rubies."

WeiMoZhiEr · Fantasie
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7 Chs


The five days trip back to the Kingdom of Ancalen soon started, the group leaving the region of Darkyeon and back into the forest leading back to the Alfhiem capital. As the army rode their horses at a slow steady pace, so was Claude as he held onto Guquan's fur, walking beside the group though keeping a distance between them as he could no doubt sense their hostility towards him.

Well more like they were staring daggers at him to watch whatever scheming moves he had probably planned up his sleeve. Claude sighed beneath his hat veil as he plucked a handful of berries from a bush that Guquan had walked by. Plucking a few he fed the Skound before he himself ate a few.

That said, how in the world were there killings by his land yet he got no news about it? Greness would have noticed something going around in the lands around Darkyeon. Unless it was hidden away and only aiming for certain people to hear of it?

The Reaper frowned.

If that was indeed the case, in the end, he was the scapegoat for whatever the results they're looking for. Claude didn't like where his thoughts were going so he only laid down on his back as Guquan continued walking at a much more steady pace, as if he had sensed the more solemn emotion of his master.

The man only sighed as he decided not to think too much about it and proceed to take a nap.


The journey was far too peaceful to the elves' liking. With their pride in the way, the prince, general and the secretary did their best to not turn their head to look at the Reaper. However they gave in under the pressure of the temptation to do so once they felt the peace was too overbearing, snapping their heads to the side to look at Claude.

However much to their surprise, the Reaper himself was in a state of relaxation. Laying with his back on Guquan's back, an arm rested underneath his head as he looked up at the sky, his veil hat slightly tilted. With the elves' sensitive ears, they managed to pick up the peaceful and rhythmic breathing, meaning that Claude was asleep.

It made them all flabbergasted yet at the same time all the more suspicious of the Darkyeon born individual. If the Reaper could sleep so peacefully in the presence of enemies, is it because he has the capability and the power to wipe them out if he wishes so? As the group continued to be worried, Claude has long kicked all otherworldly worries out of his own mind. Really, it was just a wasteful of his energy, and might as well preserve it for more productive and practical things, shouldn't he?

The journey continued until evening came, the sun could be slowly setting down towards the horizon and it wasn't long before darkness came by in an hour or two. And that was when the peace was no longer tranquil and the chaos or havoc the elves seem to be anticipating finally arrived. However, it wasn't from Claude himself. Rather, it was from the forest itself. The forest is home to many things, mythical plants and creatures, prey and predator. Home to all lives that lived within it. And said Forest is home to the large Whirling Centipede. As its name mentioned, it's a large creature that threatens most of the creatures of the forest, an A grade level monster with the ability to swirl its body and drill towards its victim like the power of 100 torpedoes.

Why am I suddenly talking about said Centipede here? Well, because said creature is now hurtling through the forest, screeching loudly like a banshee as it crashes through the trees and towards the direction of where the elven group is. The sound of its millions of legs crawling against the surface of the forest floor was heard like multiple little wooden taps against tiled floors. Due to the mage that was in charge of scanning for any enemies in their surroundings, the group was able to escape being crushed to mashed potatoes.

Claude was surprisingly yet not surprisingly had been asleep until the crashing impact was heard, Guquan leaping away from the spot where the Centipede's tail had landed and writhed on the ground. The chaos was enough to make Claude stir awake with a small yawn, a hand holding the top of his straw hat down to keep it from getting blown away by the Centipede's drilling crash. He blinked owlishly from beneath the veil and turned towards the screeching sound. In the midst of his awakening, the elves had already engaged themselves, including the prince, in combat against the creature.

Claude was a little surprise watching the prince throwing himself into combat. Come on, with the facade earlier you can't really blame him for thinking the prince was actually a ninny right? Right?! Claude quickly shook that thought away from his mind, his eyes narrowed onto the target. The horses were already led safely away by a soldier so their transportation was still guaranteed, but their lives? Not sure. Dark shadowy tendrils soon started to rise from the shadows behind him as the man watched the ongoing battle, his bejewelled red eyes gleamed brightly beneath the veil. As the tendrils grew and crawl from below of his robes, one grew towards his arm and he grasped it lightly, instantly withdrawing a black katana from the shadows.

Holding the blade by its hilt, he turned it, letting the blade reflect the light before he disappeared into black mist, bursting into said shadowy gas. Guquan seemed to have gotten an unsaid order as the Skound soon took off into a direction, leaping into the air and intercepting the Centipede's tail from whacking into Nathaniel, standing before the red headed elf with a protective stance as he growled at the creature. Nathaniel was given little to no time to protest when the screeching was once heard and he, to his utter dissatisfaction, had to bear with his pride to work together with the Dark Creature. Guquan adapted and integrated well with the elf, clearly not held down by petty feelings, worked on the defense while Nathaniel was the offence.

Seeing how the two were able to put aside their emotions to work together, Claude was naturally satisfied before turning his attention back onto the battle. Pointing the blade towards the creature, he shifted his foot before he disappeared into a swirl of black mist, like black dust slowly falling to the ground. Once the first dust particle landed on the ground, he reappeared from below the centipede's rising head, shooting up straight like an arrow with his blade by the side of his head. He then thrusted the katana forward, stabbing deep into the centipede's neck. Claude pulled the blade out and was pulled back down by the shadowy tendrils, avoiding falling victim to the centipede fanged burrow mouth.

He was quick, like a flash, almost making the elves' keen eyes unable to keep up with his speed. Lucian saw how he disappeared into the shadows and frowned, wondering if that was how the Reaper got away with all the murders he committed. However his train of thoughts was soon cut short when his hands instinctively raised his sword to block the centipede's mouth from devouring him when it came charging at him head on, pushing his feet against the ground back by a few metres and would have been more if the Skound has not leapt in and crashed into the side of the centipede's head. A swirl of black mist formed above the Centipede and a pair of red was seen glinting like shining rubies as Claude appeared once more. His pair of eyes became a trail of light, almost like a shooting star as he dived down and stabbed his sword right at the top of the creature's head, earning another deafening screech of pain. The monster thrashed and threw its head up, throwing the Reaper off but Claude only backflipped into the air.

He then turned his katana, its blood stained blade still reflecting the light before he fell and stabbed the blade into the body of the centipede from the top, backflipping the second the tip of his feet touched its body. He repeated this motion and stabbed another five more times at consecutive spots trailing down the long body, the last not too far from the tail before he leapt off and landed at a distance.

"Stand back!"

He ordered the elves and they were more than happy to oblige with it, though their pride did slightly hurt from receiving orders from an enemy. One of the elves was a bit stubborn but it was dealt by Guquan who bit the back of his armor and dragged him away. Seeing that there were no people around the thrashing centipede, Claude then raised his blade. The side of it faced him before he turned it, now the back of it was facing him while the sharp edge was facing the monster. His pointer and middle finger were pressed together as they touched the back of the blade, his red eyes gleaming like passionate hellfire as his lips parted and the chants were heard.

"By the blessing of Vermillion, this humble servant calls upon your blessing, allow your power to flow through my veins and to my blade where I shall pass on your judgement to those that sinned. Let the pain erupt from all Seven Points, each sin shall be vanquished."

The chant activated seven magic circles of intricate and complicated design under the Centipede's chin, above its head and on the five points that Claude had stabbed earlier. They rotated slowly above it as shadowy tendrils came from it and slowly connected itself between the circles and the wounds.

"Let this judgement beseech you for in the name of Claude Vermillion, you shall vanish— Torment of the Seven Sins!"

With the last word said, the spell activated, red and black electricity seen curling around the shadowy tendrils and the Centipede let out a blood curdling screech, thrashing even wildly as thorny limbs erupted from the wounds, dripping in the monster's purple blood and black blood from unknown origins, tearing apart the creature from the inside and engulfing it as the limbs tore out and wrapped its body, preventing it from escaping. It kept tearing apart, splattering blood everywhere that it even got onto Claude and the elves but Claude kept his stance, his red eyes unblinkingly stared until finally, the monster no longer struggled and laid limp on the ground. The limbs also stopped attacking once there were no more movements, only reaching up and moving from side to side mechanically. Claude then turned the blade, the side now facing him before he set the blade down, sheathing it back into the shadows where once the tendrils wrapped around it, the blade dematerialised and fell like black sand but disappeared once it touched the ground. The limbs and the magic circle disappeared the same way, leaving behind a rather intact centipede's corpse with only seven stab wounds and other wounds from the elves' swords. Even its insides were fine as if it had not just been torn to its death. The elves could only stare in horror at the Reaper but he didn't seem fazed nor did he seem to pay attention to their reaction.

"Well.... I'm sure this hunt can be exchanged or traded depending what we bring back to the capital, right?"

"Even the way you kill is fitting of your reputation."

Claude had just finished his suggestion when Lucian spoke up, causing the black robed man to look at him from beneath his veil with an unreadable expression. Claude didn't know what to answer, seeing how he was innocent through and through and yet even his actions of saviour were deemed as a weapon of killing and massacre. He really didn't know what made this elf persist in pushing the title of a murderer upon his head.

"I only did what I did to help you, Your Highness. As I have said, I have never been a murderer."

"Such lies coming from a vile mouth. Who knows? Maybe you even planned this to confuse His Highness!"

Nathaniel rebuked him, his hatred was burning in his eyes and Claude knew better to speak more so he kept quiet. In their eyes, he was already bathed in a sinful light. So he rather not say anything and let evidence dictate his true innocence. Seeing that the Reaper was not arguing back, the elves secretly took it as their victory before they got to work in collecting the Centipede's parts, cutting off its legs and getting its scales to be exchanged for rewards later at the adventurers guild office.


Guquan was voicing out his frustration at the attitude his master was receiving, pawing at Claude's robes but the man only looked down at the Skound and used a hand to pat the creature on the head, giving it a playful ruffle at the end before he went towards the Centipede and harvest his own part of the kill, collecting the scales into a pouch. At first he took it slowly one by one but when he saw how the elves did not stop him, he collected more in a relaxed state. At least they did acknowledge that he did help them. Claude then tossed the five pouches of scales into a shadowy black portal, most likely his storage space before he fished out his blade once more and started cutting the limbs of the centipede. At first the elves thought he was harvesting the parts but who knew that Claude just snapped one part of the leg and tossed it into his mouth, crunching it upon biting into it like it was some sort of snack. He then proceeded to cut off a joint, revealing tender white meat underneath the gruesome looking scales. Guquan has long spat out a green fireball out of his mouth, burning the pile of sticks he had gathered earlier on, the orange flame dancing brightly.

"What are you doing?" Lucian asked as he raised a brow at the Reaper's action, a little skeptical as he looked at the rather inviting raw meat held in the other's hand. Claude has turned to look at him upon hearing the question and so he only lifted the meat higher to show the royal as his response.

"I'm about to cook this, most creatures in this forest are edible. Delicious even."

His statement earned blatant, disbelief stares mixed with disgust from the elves and the Reaper long expected such a response and only held the meat higher, causing the eyes of the elven kin to shift briefly towards it, their disbelief was morphed into skepticality while the disgust slowly fade away from their eyes. Seeing the mild changes, Claude seemingly nodded as if he had already done his job in convincing them and turned around, going towards the fire and proceeded to roast them over the flames after setting up a rack and skewering the meat. The elves also went ahead to set out their food rations, distributing it among them and doing their respective task in collecting wood and roasting some raw chicken meat they had brought with them. They no longer paid the Darkyeon individual any attention, going on with their things before a sweet and hunger inducing, delicious smell caused all of their heads to snap towards the meat that Claude was cooking. The natural oil of the meat was sizzling against the white, tender meat, the heavenly scent of it wafted in the air and the breeze brought it over to be descended upon the group. Even Guquan's tail was wagging crazily from side to side as he pawed so hard at Claude's knee the man almost fell over to his side.

"Patience, Guquan."

The black robed figure lightly reprimanded the creature and this earned a loud, dissatisfying whine from the creature that was now turning in circles, nudging his head against Claude's hip. The Reaper soon had an irk mark on his forehead and he raised a hand to lightly karate chop on the head of the Skound. That seemed to have discouraged the Dark Creature from bothering his master as he then sat down beside the fire, staring intensely at the meat, unmoving. It wasn't long for the meat to finish cooking and Claude took them off the rack and quickly cooled one of the meat down by blowing at it before he placed it on a large piece of leaf and placed it down for Guquan to eat. The Dark Creature immediately pounced on it, biting out a large chuck of the white meat with his jaw and hungrily snacking it down. The Reaper also sat down on a fallen log that was situated by the fire and proceeded to have his dinner, lightly lifting up the veil of his hat and biting down onto the meat. Since his side is facing the group, the veil still conveniently covers his face from their view. While eating peacefully, Claude was however unaware of how the elves' pride that prevented them from agreeing with the vile man and proceeding to eat that delicious meat.


Soon dinner was over and the moon had long graced its celestial presence in the star filled sky. Nathaniel was helping with clearing up the area before he had gone into the tent where the prince was residing.

"Have you seen where the Reaper is?"

That was the first thing the Secretary heard when he stepped into the tent, the Prince having already removed his armour and setting it on the armour stand and was now in the process of getting ready to set off to have a bath. The forest had a few natural hot springs that weren't too far from where their campsite is and indeed a much more heavenly choice than bathing in a wooden tub. The Prince soon turned on his feet, his body now facing his secretary as he awaited an answer. Nathaniel blinked twice before he quickly bowed his head and answered.

"I have not, Your Highness. But the barbarian's mount came back from somewhere not too long ago and is now sleeping by their fire. I can only assume that he might be somewhere."

Indeed he had seen Guquan coming back from the forest and proceeded to curl up by the fire while still in adult form. He had maintained a few feet of a distance between them when he inquired of the whereabouts of his master. Who knew that the Skound actually ignored him and even barked and snapped at him when he persisted, only causing him to withdraw and go back to tending to the Prince.

"Then it should be fine if he will be back."

"Huh? Your Highness, are you sure it's wise to let the barbarian roam about unsupervised?"

"Our job would be easier if we catch him red handed. Besides, he seems persistent in wanting to help us in the investigation. Who knows what sort of dirty tricks he can come up with and that would only add more evidence." Was the Prince's answer as his face maintained a serious and almost cold expression, he then gave a sideway glance to Nathaniel. "Come on, I need a bath, I can't stand the stickiness of the blood."


Claude himself was having the time of his life in one of the many hot springs. He had long known there was a hot spring nearby and had eagerly come over right after he finished the last bit of meat on the skewer, tossing the stick aside before he bounded straight into the forest with Guquan following him frantically from behind. His set of new robes was placed on a rock neatly hidden from view and ensured it won't fall into the water. Placing his hat on top of it, he then removed his dirty clothes and set it aside before he pulled out a red ribbon, simply rolled up his hair and tied it up with it. He didn't waste any time either in getting into the spring, letting out a sound of pure satisfaction as he did a few laps in the warm water. Nothing beats having a warm bath under a starry night sky as well as fresh air of nature. Now this was pure bliss.

It wasn't long before he found himself just sitting in the water, the ribbon now thrown onto the pile of clothes as he let his hair fall across his back and into the water. He slowly sank in a few times to get his whole body fully submerged and fully cleaned before he finally sat properly and just let himself be submerged in the water till only his shoulders and head were exposed. Claude sighs softly, the sound of crickets being the only accompaniment in the silent night as he looked up to the sky, his bejewelled red eyes glimmer in the darkness like astounding rubies. He was nervous as was he anxious despite his calm demeanour. He was troubled by the fact that he truly had no backer nor anyone who can support him. He knew he only had power and he was fearsome as the Reaper but he did not have trust and that was where he was worried. He is worried that his voice may not be heard no matter how innocent his heart may be.

"Ah....why must I be born as an antagonist with such a power.....even being born as a farmer or even a blacksmith was already fine....."

Well, there was no use worrying about the course of his birth since he came to the world 20 years ago, he was able to live well with his current family was more than enough of a blessing for him. Now to the matter at hand, he could only be confused as to who would venture so far near the Darkyeon border to commit such heinous crimes in his name. Why and what was the motive? He found it utterly ridiculous if the reason was to frame him and get rid of him as he was known to be a dormant monster so that could be crossed out from the list. But since the Crown Prince himself came....was it related to the royal family then? Most likely. But then, if the royal family was involved... ah, Claude is already getting muddle headed.


The soldiers had gone to different springs to have their bath while Lucian and Nathaniel went to find another one for their own privacy and luckily for them, they did find one to settle down. However they didn't think there was already someone in there. More like Lucian had to grab Nathaniel by the arm to get his attention before nudging his chin towards the direction of where that person was. Of course, they didn't even know it was Claude himself.

Claude's back was facing them when they saw him so all they saw was long black silky hair and the exposure of smooth lily white shoulders that had a blush of red at the round of it. Not that the elves were captivated by the sight of such little things, no no not at all! Even they won't admit it! But this made them puzzled. Other than them and the Reaper, who else could be in the forest? Their thoughts first linked towards high level adventurers but even for only one to appear seem unlikely, and with such slender physique too. Unless they were a mage or they had a group camping not too far off from them. Nathaniel decided to confirm the identity of the person by calling out.

"Who are you? State your identity and reason why are you alone out here."

At the voice of the elf, the figure turned around, his hair swirled gracefully around him in motion in the water as his face was now in full view of the two elves. Peach blossom shaped eyes, plump soft lips and delicate yet sharp eyebrows with a heart shaped face. Two bejewelled red eyes stared back at them and the two elves gaped in disbelief.
