
Chapter 2 : Beyond Existence

[ Unknown Realm ]

A place which could not be called a place. Time cannot exist here. Space, matter, energy... nothing can exist here. But it wasn't empty. Because nothing itself is something. The best way to describe this place is as a superposition of nothing and everything. It's simply there and not.

"xxxxxAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhh_________uuuuSSSS************kkkkkkkk". An alien gibberish voice was heard.

The entire scene began to change. It started to form something comprehensible. Space, time, energy, matter... were being temporarily generated. But why?

"Interface established." The alien voice became mechanical.

The space could only be described as some kind of complex web of energy going in all directions. It didn't look random at all. There was an order to it. It made sense in a way. Just like neural connections or computer circuitry. It was beautiful.

"Detected foreign astral consciousness."

Something started appearing. It seemed to gradually fade in and converge to a spot. What appeared was an energy cluster.

"Scanning Astral energy fluctuations."

"Selecting high resonance fluctuations."

"Searching records with target parameters. Match found. Records loaded."

"Commencing Astral modification based on target records."

The energy cluster suddenly started reassembling like an overly complicated Rubix cube.

"Modifications complete."

The energy cluster did not look any different. But if someone was able to understand the inner workings then they would realise that at the core of the cluster, the nodes and connections now resemble a sword-like shape.

"Closing interface."

The cluster started stretching out and fading into the surroundings.

Finally, it disappeared.

The complex energy web began to revert to the previous alien state of nothingness.

[ Elemental Nations - Shinobi World ]

In the world of shinobi, a world which was considered fiction in another world. An orphanage located in the village hidden in the leaves named Konoha. A three-year-old boy awakens from his sleep. What is strange is that his expression looks like that of someone much older.

'That dream again. Aren't Isekai protagonists supposed to meet god and get wishes or something? If anything my reincarnation experience was similar to the ones in TenSura.' He thought.

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