
Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons

Overlord_Bloodfall · sci-fi
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The New Daemons of Carnage Birth of the Succibi and the Observers

(Chaos God POV)

Location the Bed Chambers

After passing a lovely evening? in our bed chambers with me expressing my love and adoration toward Chi and Kiira we fell asleep together in our bed.

I was happy that Chi and Kiira got along even with Kiira teasing, flirting, and trying to get us to fuck to much of Chi fluster and studdering I promise my darling Succubus Queen wife-to-be that once Naulles has fallen to me, we hold are dark wedding that I've promised Chi and now her we'll have or moment of pleasure and love, this appease her and our night was spent snuggling under the burgundy covers of our grand bed.

After that I've awakened my loves for it was time to create new neverborn that would further tip the scales to our favor and I have an idea of creating another beast that will truly decimate not just the Eldar, but their dark future cousins, and also the future immfamous Raven Guard of Corvus Corax I had some inspiration from a game series I've enjoyed not at much of Games Workshop but with their ability plus what I have planned my daemonic legions shall be not only amongst the strongest faction in the grimdark world but also feared.

(General POV)

Location the Nethervoid, open area

The Chaos God accompanied by his beloved Queens, Chi Aahtahg the Dark Druid and Kiira Blakenroze the Succubus Queen who has created clothes for herself after which greatly suit her but admiration shall be later as her beloved Lord and Husband-to-be gesture her to go on and begin as she knows exactly what he wanted stretching her wings she flew to the maroon skies of the Nethervoid as the air made her short long sleeved jacket flap in the surge of the wind she stopped ascended and started working to bring fort and create her daughters, to create a new kind of daemon exclusive to herself and faithful to their Dark God, Goddess, and Queens.

Kiira started call fort her daemonic powers, as the energies of the Warp surged, bended, and obeyed her commands as these chaotic energies clashed and convert to her will, as she also tore a piece of her essense to model these new daemons as these energy started crashing onto the violet earth of the Nethervoid, several hundred female figures started to emerge from the warp surge.

After she finished and quickly landed beside Chi and the Chaos Gods the three rulers of the daemonic realm of Nethervoid watched as the lesser daemons known as Succubus or Succubi stretched, moan and bended.

These succubi upon opening their magenta colored eyes they dropped to the ground and kneeled to them as their masters, Kiira design them all to physically be similar unbelievably beautiful and sensual daemonic agents of Chaos and Lust, the differences were in some traits while all had either purple or black or a mixed of both colored hair they're all styled differently few have the same type of hairstyle.

Each of these succubi had different styled of horns and number but unlike their mother and queen, they are wingless possessing sharp-claws and fangs, and a tail their meant to be a fast moving daemons and also deadly assassins taking some inspiration from the Succubus lore along with some of Slaanesh's power they're able to produce an allure to mesmerize men, their hypnotic powers and capable of corrupting or assassinating targets across the Materium made them invaluable to the Chaos God of Carnage.

Impressed with his second queen/wife-to-be's work he gave her a deep kiss that greatly excited the Lesser Succubi, as we broke our I gave a command to Aillia to register them and also begin spawning them until he can make a place for them in the Nethervoid along with my Stalkers, and Void Wraiths because my castle fits my Knightmares, Aillia confirmed my order with a <At once my Lord. Also your Quest Completions/Notifications have increased.> I nodded to Aillia's update, as I commanded the succubi to go to Castle Oblivion to wait and serve them as more than daemons but also handmaidens this order made these hundred excited and happy as they make their way towards Castle Oblivion, as the Chaos God stopped a succubus of black short hair and two curved horns telling her to come to him as he used his Ascension Skill on her, placing his massive clawed gauntlet over her pouring more warp energy into the lesser daemon.

This Succubus that was ascending to a high daemon by the generous power of the Chaos God she became much more beautiful and her sensuality was enhanced, her hair started to turn maroon in color as her eyes turn violet and a third eye sprouted from her forehead along with wings and the tail became similar to a pendulum her weapon and now with Psyker like ability he finished as the Hell Seductress was born to take command of lesser succubi and act as Kiira personal handmaidens/guards but also captain units for daemonic invasion to the Materium grateful to her God she bowed returning to make her way to Castle Oblivion, Kiira loved and appreciated her gift and newest daughter jumping on her beloved and giving him another searing kiss, Aillia informed him she had already registered the Hell Seductress and was about to spawn several but the Chaos God told her to make a few this high daemon will be earned not spawned normally she understood and did as command.

Now it was the Chaos God turn to create a new daemon, a great beast of carnage he bended the warp to do his bidding to create these beasts, adding a part of his emance essence to grant these daemon power and form which he was inspired by both the tyranids ohh sorry not tyranid zerg unit capable of detecting invisible and hidden enemies plus the add ons he has planned, as a couple of bloated floating creatures of violets and burgundies with some short tentacles on the bottom while a hard spiked scarapece on their back, front a large slit mouth with several long fangs poking out the lips, when it open its mouth revealing a massive eye these are his Observers using the powers of the Immaterium to sense and see all beings that possess a presence in the Warp despite the size of said presence, and to detect the "Shadow of the Warp" the tyranids in the future these tentacles detect pheromones and movement nothing escape the Observers, and also he granted them both Psyker capabilities and warp-ray attack his flying beasts are his anti-stealth enemies as they floated around them the Chaos God dismissed them as once again his cute and highly devoted and competent advisors once again telling him she has registered the Observers and shall begin to spawn them in number he laughed to himself as both his Queens hooked themselves on one ofbhis arms, Chi the right while Kiira took the left resting their heads on his arms soon Naulles shall belong to Chaos, and the Eldar shall experience fear almost to that his future sister Slaanesh.