
Creating an avatar

A/N: Sorry to those who were expecting it but im not going to be focusing this chapter on planet life as im not going to be the kinda guy who stupidly speeds up the evolution process.

Juno: It had, been a few years since I had created life on the planet. Well not really, things like fish, and actual living beings, I meant micro organisms. Like the only living things, present on my planet were things like Bacteria and these microbes floating around the bottom of the ocean.

It had, been getting very boring without anyone to actual hold a conversation with let alone look at, to give me a sense of security; it looked like I still had a mind similair to that of a mortal even though I have, lived for centuries now. It was time, for a trip....again.

But this time, I would have liked to draw less attention to myself, I mean it would be alerting to others if they saw beings, known for creating and destroying life since the dawn of time. How would I do it? I didn't want to have to have a time limit, to how long I could also stay away from my planet.

I mean, I didn't want to, become the next ego and become a mad celestial. I sat down into a crossed legged position and started drawing all the cosmic energy, that I had been emitting into the planet, back into myself. I knew that, at this point the planet could also survive without the need of my power to keep it running.

Over the years, I had further greatened my telepathic abilities to a point where I managed to create my own mindscape

(I should have done this from the beginning sorry readers)

Juno: Huh who tf was tha- anyway

, I first focused on my shape and form, I had considered to make myself look like an engineer from prometheus, I mean who wouldn't want to be a 9 foot being who are hailed as the creators of humanity, but I was better than that, then I realised, who would want to look like a bold headed pale looking bug.

I first shrunk my body to the size of a human, and then focused on my skin, I gave myself coca tanned skin and gave myself golden eyes. Like any mans dreams, I gave myself a nice clear six pac with no flaw. I opened my eyes and could see that I could see everything like normal since my rebirth.

I flew up to the atmosphere taking in view, on my way up I for the first time felt the breeze and muddy scent of my planet. It was kind of, nostalgic. I was taking in the view and relaxing for what felt like I haven't done in centuries. No. I sensed something. An anomaly. I looked to my right and I could see dozen's of what seemed to be black dots. It was the

HORDE( no forget this last paragraph I've included too many fights I need to focus on what he does next)

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