
crab system

James POV a screen popped up in front of one me










I wonder how strong I am I quickly pressed status with my claws


Name: James jakson

Gender: male

Race: magical crab

Level:1 0/100 exp

hunger: 100/100


strength: 1

defense: 4

Agility: 1

size: 1

magic: 3

arua: 0

vitality: 2

stat poinnts: 0


It looks like im relly weak. Hey system how do i compare to a regular human there was no reply

Ok lets look at quest now.



Starter quests

[Hunt for food]: kill and eat a living organism

[make sum friends]: Meet 2 or more crabs


Daily quests

Become the strongest: 0/100 push ups 0/100 sit ups 0/100 squats 0/10 km run


.....HOW THE FUCK DO I DO THAT AS A CRAB. god dam it I guess i can look at my skills now



rare skill

[ Appraise] lv:1 you can appraise low level creatures

-common skill

[ swimming] lv:1 you can swim

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------rare skill

[carb dance] lv:1 can confuse enemy's


-rare skill

[absorb] lv1: you can absorb E rank monsters crystal


Thats interesting theres a ranking system for magical beasts in this world. I guess i should find something to kill now. Now that i look around the are a lot of fish some bigger than others and some so big they could swallow me hole. I looked around at all the fish. I decided i would barry myself in the sand and just wait has i don't think i can catch a fish.

Hours past and it started to get dark. I was tried of waiting so i decided to go to sleep. Damn i thought my tactic was going to work i should try something different tomorrow. I closed my eyes still in the sand so my mind faded to black.

I woke up to the light of the sun through the water i would have yawned but i can't. I think i have an idea i got out of the sand and started scurrying along the ocean floor. And then a saw a small hole in the ground and and fish protecting it i quickly moved twords the fish swinging my claws at it was on guard and hit me with it's tail. It hurt but i was used to much worse i grabed it with my claws and started crushing it and soon it was cut in half


[You have defeated level 1 fish]

[you have gained 10 exp]


damn i thought i would get more exp but then again i was really easy to kill but the thing i wanted was not the fish. I went into the hole and say hundreds of glowing golden fish eggs. i started stomping, slashing, and eating all the tiny eggs when i was done i got a message of the system


[you have defeated 564 level 0 fish eggs]

[you have gained 564 exp ]


Holy shit

i like crabs

DaoistIXhVyocreators' thoughts