
Rebirth of the Global Banker

When 39-year-old financial genius Ethan Blake is tragically killed in a car accident, he finds himself reborn in a fantastical world as an 18-year-old with a second chance at life. In this new realm of magic and mystery, Ethan unlocks an extraordinary cheat code: the Global Bank, a powerful system that grants him unparalleled financial prowess and magical abilities. Ethan's path crosses with Princess Seraphina, the third princess of the wealthiest family in the kingdom. At 16, Seraphina's life has been far from a fairy tale. Used as a pawn in her father's schemes to expand his empire, she dreams of freedom and true love. Ethan and Seraphina's worlds collide as they form an unlikely alliance, determined to defy the odds and take control of their destinies. As Ethan navigates his new life, mastering the Global Bank's capabilities, he must protect Seraphina from her father's ruthless ambitions while unraveling the secrets of this fantastical world. Together, they will challenge the established order, fight for justice, and perhaps, discover a love that transcends worlds. ---- Tags and content warnings are mainly to give me creative freedom later on. This is my first real novel, so go easy on me. Any feedback is more than welcome, of course.

LJDRLwanen · Fantasie
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33 Chs

The Awakening of Delios' Gift

*Year: 18900, Month: 15 February, Day: Thursday Morning*

The first rays of sunlight peeked through the curtains as Rolan shook me awake. "Ethan, we have visitors," he whispered urgently.

"Who?" I mumbled, still half-asleep.

Before he could answer, I suddenly realized that Rolan was in my room. 

"Wait a minute, why are you in here?" I asked, annoyed.

He stood up from my bed with a mischievous grin. "Come on, don't be grumpy. I have good news," he said, pointing towards the door with a thumbs up and a smirk on his face.

"Who could arrive so early in the morning?" I pondered aloud, just as I was concluding my sentence. Suddenly, Delios' voice reverberated within my consciousness. 

"They have arrived," he announced. "Get ready, Ethan; the most formidable individuals from across all realms are downstairs." His words carried a palpable excitement that resonated within me, signaling the imminent challenge ahead.

I gestured for Rolan to leave the room, indicating I needed a moment alone. Getting up from the bed, I headed to the bathroom purposefully. While I prepared myself, a deep voice resonated in my mind – Delios, revealing my new abilities. Yet, there was a sad truth hidden in his words.

"Ethan, we must talk about your new strength," Delios' voice softly echoed inside me, addressing the serious issue at hand. "Unfortunately, you're not yet ready to handle the full force of my gift."

Confused by this news, I asked, "Does this mean I can't use your power anymore?" My question came as I dressed myself, a simple task contrasting with our important discussion.

"So those that mean i can not use your power anymore?" I asked at the same time putting on my clothes.

"No, it just means you have to be careful," Delios replied, his voice reverberating in my mind like a distant echo. "Think of it as a powerful tool. Used correctly, it can build empires and dismantle kingdoms. But mishandled, it can also destroy you."

I took a moment to reflect on his words. I had been given this immense power, yet I was too weak to use it to its full potential. A bitter irony.

Suddenly my line of thought was interrupted as Rolan knocked on the door. "Ethan, they won't wait forever," he warned.

I quickly finished dressing and ran my fingers through my hair, trying to tame the unruly strands. Gathering myself, I opened the door to find Rolan pacing the hallway outside. His usual charming smile was replaced with an anxious frown.

As we descended the stairs together, his hand fell onto my shoulder in a reassuring squeeze. "Remember Ethan," he murmured, looking directly into my eyes, "these are Delios' lieutenants we're talking about. They are not to be trifled with."

In that moment I nodded. "Dont remember your one of them too." I said as I took the lead towards the dining hall where the other 6 lieutenants were waiting for us. 

Entering the room, six imposing figures encircled a wooden table, exuding power that filled the space. Their intense gazes bore down on me, a mix of unease and excitement swirling within me. 

Thalor Aquilus, the 6th Rank Lieutenant, exuded an ethereal aura that matched his deep blue eyes, hinting at unfathomable depths. His voice resonated like a gentle tide as he addressed me, "Ethan D. Crimson, a pleasure to finally meet you."

Zephyr Arkwright, the 5th Rank Lieutenant, stood with silent confidence emanating from his lean frame and piercing green eyes. "Ah, Ethan," he remarked with intrigue dancing in his words. A faint rustle in the air hinted at the power of his formidable wind magic.

Liora Voss, the 4th Rank Lieutenant, commanded attention with her authoritative presence and shimmering silver hair. Her stern voice underscored the gravity of my newfound powers as she spoke.

Ignatius Emberflare's fiery red hair cascaded like flames as he acknowledged me warmly yet cautiously with his golden eyes holding a mix of warmth and vigilance.

Aric Thorne—the esteemed God of Blades and 1st Rank Lieutenant—locked eyes with me in a silent salute that conveyed volumes about his expectations for my strength.

As I absorbed each lieutenant's introduction, feeling the weight of their responsibilities now resting on my shoulders, a serene voice cut through the tension. 

Isolde Ravenshield stepped forward gracefully, her long silver hair cascading like moonlight behind her. With piercing blue eyes radiating kindness and strength, she introduced herself calmly but firmly.

"Welcome, Ethan," Isolde began with measured wisdom in her tone. "I am Isolde Ravenshield, your ally in this journey. May our paths intertwine seamlessly towards our shared goals."

In response to their greetings and sensing an opportunity for camaraderie among us all, I straightened my posture and met their gazes one by one. "Thank you," I said resolutely. "I am Ethan D. Crimson, leader of the Crimson Army. I vow to uphold the responsibilities that come with this title and stand alongside each of you in unity."

As I was about to finish my sentence, Delios interrupted me and said, "Ethan, I have a surprise for you." As he spoke, a new status HUD bar appeared before my eyes.

- Status Info Bar -

*Level 1*

*HP: 2500:2500 

*Mp: 4500:4500

*Exp Needed for next level: 400

Inspecting the newly revealed stats, I murmured, "What is this?" Delios' voice resonated within me, explaining that these stats were crucial for my survival and growth. Despite the overwhelming power at my fingertips, I was currently too feeble to wield it effectively. Delios emphasized the need for leveling up to unleash his godly abilities in full force.

Concerned, Rolan gently touched my shoulder, asking, "Are you alright?" Startled from my internal dialogue, I reassured him with a brief nod. Closing the holographic display of stats with a decisive gesture, I addressed Delios within my mind, "We'll revisit this later."

Moving forward with purpose, I settled at a sturdy wooden table. "Let's delve into business," I began formally. "I've gathered you all here for a crucial reason: to restore the Crimson Army to its former greatness by harnessing your powers." My tone conveyed determination as I laid out the path ahead for us all.

"Firstly, we need to clearly define the hierarchy," I announced, glancing at each one of them in turn. "With Delios' blessing, I have been chosen to lead, but I cannot do this alone. Each of you possesses unique strengths and abilities that are essential for our success. I propose a council where each of us has a voice."

The room fell into silence as they absorbed my words. Liora Voss was the first to respond. "You sound confident for someone who just unlocked his potential," she challenged, her violet blue eyes glimmering with curiosity.

"I am confident in my ability to lead and in our collective strength," I retorted calmly, maintaining eye contact. "In fact, I believe our combined powers can help us rebuild the army and reclaim lost territories."

Zephyr Arkwright raised an eyebrow, silently indicating his interest. Recognizing these signs of their curiosity and tentative trust was my first victory. "Let me shed some light on my plans," I continued, revealing an interactive map of our region.

"We face enormous challenges but also opportunities," I stated while pointing at various strategic locations on the map. "Our immediate focus should be strengthening our defenses and securing crucial resources."

As I elaborated on our economic strategies—including leveraging the Global Bank system to manipulate Gilla—I saw Rolan's eyes light up with unspoken support. This was crucial; his faith would encourage others to follow.

"What if you fail?" Thalor Aquilus asked calmly, not doubting but merely acknowledging the possibility.

"I won't," I responded without missing a beat. "I can't afford to." Determination echoed in my words, filling the room with a sense of renewed hope.

The morning meeting concluded with a sense of optimism. It had taken us hours to get through, so I called the maids in to assist the lieutenants in settling into their newly prepared rooms. As soon as they were dismissed, everyone dispersed to unpack and make themselves comfortable. 

I made my way to my study, entering the room and taking a seat at my desk. "Let's brainstorm ways to increase our level," 

I said aloud as the Status bar appeared in front of me.

*Year: 18900, Month: 15 February, Day: Thursday Afternoon*