
Rebirth of the Global Banker

When 39-year-old financial genius Ethan Blake is tragically killed in a car accident, he finds himself reborn in a fantastical world as an 18-year-old with a second chance at life. In this new realm of magic and mystery, Ethan unlocks an extraordinary cheat code: the Global Bank, a powerful system that grants him unparalleled financial prowess and magical abilities. Ethan's path crosses with Princess Seraphina, the third princess of the wealthiest family in the kingdom. At 16, Seraphina's life has been far from a fairy tale. Used as a pawn in her father's schemes to expand his empire, she dreams of freedom and true love. Ethan and Seraphina's worlds collide as they form an unlikely alliance, determined to defy the odds and take control of their destinies. As Ethan navigates his new life, mastering the Global Bank's capabilities, he must protect Seraphina from her father's ruthless ambitions while unraveling the secrets of this fantastical world. Together, they will challenge the established order, fight for justice, and perhaps, discover a love that transcends worlds. ---- Tags and content warnings are mainly to give me creative freedom later on. This is my first real novel, so go easy on me. Any feedback is more than welcome, of course.

LJDRLwanen · Fantasie
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33 Chs

Establishing a Guild Company

*Year: 18900, Day: Tuesday Afternoon*

As Ethan and Gaia made their way through the village, they took in the sights and sounds around them. The winding streets were lined with quaint cottages and bustling shops, their windows adorned with colorful displays of goods. The scent of freshly baked bread filled the air, mingling with the earthy aroma of damp cobblestones. In the distance, the unmistakable sound of horses hooves echoed against the stone buildings. They followed the path to the guild house, its wooden doors standing tall and proud, a symbol of strength and unity for the community. Each step brought them closer to their destination.

"Here we are the guild house," Ethan said while looking up, the guild house stood tall and proud before them, its wooden doors inviting and its architecture impressive. The giant tree behind it loomed over the building, its branches reaching towards the sky. Around the guild house, vibrant flowers of all colors bloomed, adding a touch of beauty to the scene.

"Let's enter," said Gaia, leading the way inside. Ethan couldn't help but admire the architecture of the building as he followed her in. Inside, it was a bustling place with people walking and talking, either searching for new work opportunities or trying to start their own businesses.

Ethan's gaze roamed around the bustling lobby until it landed on the information desk. His steps quickened as he approached, eager to interact with the stunning woman standing behind it. Her delicate features were framed by long dark hair and her piercing red eyes seemed to hold a seductive allure. She wore a revealing blue ensemble that showcased her curves in all the right places, while still maintaining an air of professionalism. As Ethan tried to form a response, his attention was captivated by her irresistible beauty. "What can I assist you with today, sir?" The woman asked, her smile never faltering.

Gaia nudged Ethan as he turned his attention towards the woman. "I am here to set up a company," he stated confidently. "I would like to know what steps I need to take and the associated costs. Also, I will need to hire some workers."

The woman behind the desk looked at Ethan and Gaia. "First of all let me intreduce myself my name is Eliana and I am the owner of this building," she declared with a hint of pride in her voice. Ethan tried his best to maintain eye contact with her instead of letting his gaze wander over her body. "So, you're the guild master then?" he asked. "That's right. If you're interested in starting a company, there are some requirements. First and foremost, there is a 50.00 Gilla fee for creating a guild. Usually only nobility can afford it, so do you have the funds?"

With a sly and confident smile, Ethan responded, "Money is not a problem." Eliana's surprise was evident as she inwardly wondered how he could possibly have the means to pay Gilla such a hefty sum. She couldn't help but ask, "Are you of nobility, perhaps?" Her gaze rose to meet his as she awaited his answer. "No," came his simple reply, "I am just a man with a keen interest in owning my own business. And luckily, I have ample funding to make it happen without worry." As he finished his sentence, Eliana couldn't help but feel a sense of concern for him. "If I may offer some advice," she began cautiously, "you should be careful about flaunting your wealth so openly. It can attract unwanted attention and trouble from other Guild companies." Her words were tinged with genuine concern for Ethan's safety in this competitive world of business and power dynamics.

Ethan leaned forward, his voice oozing with confidence. "Thanks for your concern, but there's no need to worry. I'll create a guild that no one can stand against." Eliana smiled softly in response. "Alright, I have three types of buildings available at the moment. Two of them are smaller and more affordable, but the last one is quite big and will cost more to own." As she finished her explanation, Ethan spoke up again with a serious tone. "What's the price for the biggest space? I don't need a small place; I have big plans." Eliana was taken aback by his response, and after a few seconds of silence, she grabbed a book listing the available spaces and began detailing the cost of owning the largest building.

With a serious expression on her face, she began to explain the fees and requirements for starting a guild company in the village. "First, there is an entrance fee of 50.00 Gilla, as well as a yearly location fee of 25.00 Gilla. This will come to a total of 75.00 Gilla for the start up." As she spoke, she quickly jotted down the numbers on a piece of paper in front of her. "Next, there is the building itself. It has 20 rooms, a restaurant, and a main hall - everything you would expect from a guild company. In addition, there are 6 large warehouses in the back. Due to the type of building, it is not possible to rent - you must buy it outright for 350.00 Gilla. So altogether, it will be 425.00 Gilla." She finished her explanation with a hint of surprise at the high cost, wondering if Ethan could afford it. Even for kings or large guild companies, this amount of money would be difficult to pay.

Eliana presents Ethan with the paper containing all the necessary information. Ethan glances at Gaia and asks, "Can you take care of the payment?" Gaia steps forward and nods, saying, "As you wish." A holographic display appears in front of her eyes as she processes the transaction.

*Hud Bar Open: Bank*

Balance: 1.340.721,00 Gilla

Withdrawing: -425 Gilla

Loading, Loading, Loading, Gilla has been withdrawn.

New Balance: 1.340.296,00

*Hud Bar Close*

Gaia carefully counts out the money and places it on the table with a satisfying thud. She smiles warmly, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "This should be all of it. Please let us know when you're done processing everything so we can get down to business." Her words hang in the air, filled with anticipation.

Eliana's gaze sweeps over the piles of cash on the table, her heart racing with nervousness and exhilaration. She tries to keep a calm facade, but inside she is reeling at the sight of so much money in one place. The others sitting around the table are equally stunned, their voices hushed in awe.

Trying not to draw too much attention, Eliana quickly snatches up the money and tucks it away before anyone else can see. "Give me just a moment to process everything for you," she says, hiding her trembling hands behind the counter. "Please take a seat and I'll be right with you."

As Gaia and Ethan make their way to a nearby chair, Eliana busies herself with counting and organizing the large sum of money in front of her. The room is filled with an electric energy as they wait for her to finish, each person lost in their own thoughts about what this deal could mean for them.

"Excuse me, sir, Mistress is waiting for you at the main desk," a young woman informed them as she led them towards the front. "Thank you, you can leave now," Eliana dismissed her staff before addressing Ethan and Gaia. "I have completed all of your paperwork. I must say, I am surprised to see someone carrying such a large sum of money. Here, take this card. It identifies you as the owner of a guild company and grants you access to trading and other privileges."

As Eliana explained everything in detail, Ethan eagerly took his new guild card.

"Thank you so much. And as for my guild house, who will guide me there so I can start building it?" Ethan asked, tucking the card into his pocket.

"You don't need to worry about that; I will personally show you the way," Eliana replied as she stood up and grabbed her jacket. "Let's go."

She led the way out of the building with Ethan and Gaia following closely behind her. 

 *Year: 18900, Day: Tuesday Afternoon*