
Rebirth of the American Tycoon

"Fairness" has never existed in this world. Out of billions of people, a rebirth opportunity was given to a foolish tycoon. Since he's been reborn, he must live an exciting life. William White, a heaven-sent darling, is like a giant Amazon butterfly always wanting to change something.

Mr_Lajus · realistisch
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 Anti-Mainstream is a Disease

The farm was not a place to sleep in. The noise of various birds was driving William crazy. He couldn't understand why such small birds could make such loud noises.

Looking at his reflection in the mirror with his lion-dog hairstyle, William felt a bit speechless. He couldn't understand why he liked this non-mainstream style.

Well, actually he was thinking too much. The spiky hairstyle was the current mainstream. Not only in America, but also in Japan and Hong Kong. Frosted tips were everywhere.

"Jeeves, please arrange for someone to come and change my hairstyle later."

"Very well, young master. I'll inform Smith to come over."

"Thank you, Jeeves."

William White's breakfast was a fusion of Chinese and Western cuisine. It included his favorite Xiaolongbao, as well as fried bacon and scrambled eggs. Coffee and tea were also available.

After his parents passed away, many of the staff were let go. Those who remained were considered family. William would never dismiss them as long as he could afford to keep them.

"Young master, Smith is ready. You can start now."

"Okay, Jeeves. Can you help me look at the futures company's information? I have some small investments, around one to two million."

"Very well, young master."

Whitewood Castle was quite large, and William wasn't used to it. He felt like a ghost wandering around, and it made him feel uneasy.

"Young master, it's your phone. It's from Jason Kao."

"Okay, I'll go out and take it."

Jason Kao was his good friend and not only a high school classmate but also a college classmate.

In his past life, William had many friends, most of whom were drinking buddies. The only exception was this Chinese guy. Although he was also an ABC (American Born Chinese), he had not learned American vulgarity.

"Hey! Buddy, what's up?"

"William, how are you doing? Everyone is worried about you."

"Well, although I'm still a little sad, I'll pull myself together. Don't worry, bro, I'll be okay."

"Are you going back to school this year?"

"Not for the time being. I have a lot of things to deal with at home. I can't go for a year. Let's see next year."

"If you need anything, just let me know."

"Thanks, Jason. I will. How's life at USC?"

"Still the same, but many girls are asking about your news."

"Haha, forget it. I'm not in the mood lately."

"William, take care."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Jason Kao's family was also quite wealthy, although not as wealthy as William's. Nevertheless, they were still considered farmers.

"You should know that Chinese farms generally make money. They always find ways to get various benefits. The efficiency of using the same size of land far exceeds that of Americans.

"Hello, Mr. White."

"Hello, Smith, just call me William."

"Okay, Mr. White."

Unable to adapt to the change immediately, William White didn't mind. Since his parents passed away, the family's way of addressing each other had become a bit strange. He was now the de facto head of the family, and the accurate way to address him was indeed "White."

In his previous life, he was very repulsed by this kind of address and would even fly into a rage. But now, he wouldn't do that, after all, he had been reborn, and continuing to act like a teenager would be very annoying.

The current trend in the United States was to be edgy, and it seemed that the whole society was anti-mainstream. Private life was even more frighteningly chaotic. The most direct consequence was the outbreak of century cancer. Of course, most people didn't know about this disease yet. People were still in a state of ignorance and confusion.

"William, what do you want to do with your hair?"

"Um, could you straighten my hair for me? Raise both sides and the back as high as possible. Cut my hair as short as possible."

Although he didn't understand why, the family's young master wanted a crew cut. But Smith didn't hesitate to follow his orders. He had been serving the White family for many years and knew that the young master had a bad temper, so it was better to obey him.

"Young master, it's done. Are you satisfied?"

"Very good. Thank you."

"Do you need to wash it?"

"No, I'll go take a shower."

The warm water continuously washed his body. His brain seemed to be clearer. William felt very strange, as if his brain had really gained a lot of new information.

Actually, from yesterday until now, he had been feeling a bit dazed. He was a bit confused and unsure if he had been reborn or was just dreaming.

If it was a dream, why were these things so clear? Moreover, some memories didn't even belong to him.

Okay, although he was also a top student, he couldn't reach the level he is now. For example, if you gave him a Boeing 737 now, he could definitely figure out how to fly it. In other words, the guy who used to fly planes is gone. All of his memories have been poured into his brain.

Since God chose to bring him back, he must live better. He absolutely cannot be childish anymore.

In fact, people call him Mr. White more as recognition of his status, and hope that he can accept the family business.

After all, these people are all relying on his family for a living. If there is no reliable successor, they may lose their jobs.

"Fubo, have them bring Black Wind over. I'm going to take a walk around the farm."

"Yes, young master, I'll have them bring him over."

Looking at himself in the mirror, William felt a little proud. He looks much better now.

Black Wind was a gift from his father, although he wasn't a valuable purebred. But he really liked the horse. This horse grew up with him, and there were a lot of emotions involved.

His Black Wind was also excited today. Animals are actually very sensitive, and if you're in a bad mood, they'll sense it.

Fubo was also very happy today, seeing that his young master was able to overcome his difficulties. He breathed a sigh of relief.

As a farmer, if you don't appear for a long time, the cowboys will have various thoughts. In their view, the owner naturally needs to patrol their land. If you don't patrol, it means you don't care about it.

You can say this is sentimental, or you can say it's traditional. But the fact is so.

His old man would take time out of his busy schedule to patrol his land. This is a right and a responsibility.

William White fulfilled his mission, which made the farm workers very happy. Their young master obviously walked out of grief and was ready to shoulder the family mission. This is great because being young is not a problem at all.

This farm has been doing well all along. Although it doesn't make much money, it's already very good. You have to know that many farms are losing money severely. Being able to maintain profitability is already very impressive.

The location of White Farm is also very good. It's only a little over two hours' drive from Houston.

Moreover, the area of this farm is also very large. It's almost the largest irrigated farm near Houston.

You only need to compare it to know that a general farm with 20,000 acres is already very impressive. White Farm is close to 60,000 acres. It's basically the largest farm in the area.

This farm originally belonged to the Dutch and has a history of more than two hundred years. Initially, it was still Mexican land.

It must be said that William White's ancestors were very tough. It was not easy to keep this farm.