
Rebirth: My Adventures with Star System

A mysterious soul lost in the universe sleeping for 10,000 years has bonded with the Star System. Exploring through world’s. Gaining star life and making a wish. Spoiler: Otome Word “Star why is the spiritual aura of this man similar to my husband?” “I don’t know host” Demon World “Star why is the spiritual aura of this man similar to my husband?” “???” “I don’t know host” Apocalyptic World: “Star I have found my husband” ”...... “Host reality check. You have not married him yet” “Hehehe” “Host why do you look scary!!”

ZarahJean · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Breaking News: The Kings Beloved Daughter Princess Violet Moon Proposes to a Commoner?

"Mother!" Shouted by the boy with ash grey hair and deep blue eyes. He was wearing a red formal uniform that has matching material and a sword hang's on his left waist. Running towards the bed with tear streak eyes opposite to his mature appearance. Holding both of her hands.

The King got angry and scolded. "You.....What do you think your doing Jade. Where are your manner's? Suddenly interrupting your Mothers rest and entering the door abruptly without announcing yourself."

"Jade what did I say to you again before?"

"Stay inside the room and review my studies "


Another voice came outside the door "Will only visit mother when her health has recovered"

A boy with scholarly aura at the age of 7 years old came inside the room. The twin brother of Jade older by a few minutes. The eldest brother named Onyx has black hair and lake blue eyes. Donning similar design of clothing with his twin but in a different blue color. A sword hangs on his left waist in addition to that he was holding a slim book on his right hand. Walking towards the bed Onyx notice a small baby sleeping wrap in pink cloth. That was being carried by their Father. Holding his curiosity first he spoke in a calm and clear voice. "We apologized for the disruption Father. We came to visit Mother out of worries. You won't blame us right Father?" Devilishly smiled and enunciated the last word slowly.

Jade also agreed and followed Onyx. He playfully smiled and enunciated the last words. "What eldest brother said is the truth. You won't blame us right?

This little devil's if it's not for Iris being present. I would have already punished this two. "You.....Fine! I won't blame you both this time. For the sake of visiting your Mother. I will give pardon to the rude behavior that you have both displayed however remember there won't be a next time. Now that you've seen her both of you should go and excuse yourself. Let your Mother take a rest."

Onyx agreed casually. "You are right Father. Now that we've seen that Mother is recuperating we will leave once we finished our small talk."

"You....." King Edward who was cradling princess Violet tries to hold his temper that was about to erupt. Before he could say anything else he was interrupted by Jade."

"Mother how are you feeling?"

"Little Jade It's alright don't worry. Mother is fine."

Both of them nodded slightly noticing the fatigue in their mothers eyes.

Onyx says "We will come back and visit you when your well Mother."

Jade who is reluctant to let go of her Mothers hands hesitated.

"Jade now that we've seen that Mother is fine we need to go. Mother needs to take a rest."

Jade nodded briefly to what Onyx has said and seriously nags her Mother with a distress look. "Mother you need to rest well don't forget to eat your supper later. You don't need to go outside of your room just stay here and take a rest. Also drink plenty of water. If you don't feel well you must honestly say it. You must stay healthy Mother." After mentioning this he look directly to his Father with challenging eyes.

The King look at his victorious eyes and did not bother with him. He place all his attention to Violet letting her sleep. Afraid that she would wake up from all the noise they make.

Jade seeing his untroubled look knitted his brow while Onyx was just looking like a bystander.

My little jade has all grown up. Feeling the warmth of concern from his son's caring words. Touching his little meaty hands as she chuckles at how cute his son has become even though he's mischievous. Well just a little I guess. "Yes, my sweet little Jade don't worry. Mother is very happy for both of your visits. Come both of you see your little sister Violet before you go.

Jade and Onyx eyes brighten and were both looking forward to meet their sister. They look curiously towards their Father holding their little princess that looks exactly like their Mother.

To be continued....