
Quirk and Grief!

(Read the Author's Note at the end its kinda important. Its my first time writing so if the interactions feel kinda stiff then im sorry)

----------/(PoV) Kaya Kiyoko\---------

"Doctor can you tell me what happened to him?" I asked him with a calm expression.

"Don't worry miss it's just your son seems to have awakened his quirk" The Doctor replied with a comforting tone as if he could tell the anxiety from my voice even though I had a calm expression.

"Thank god~" Releasing a sigh of relief. I asked him " Can I meet him now?"

"Hmm, He should be asleep at the moment but he should wake up soon" The Doctor said while consenting with my request.

I hurriedly thanked him and left.

'I hope Araya doesn't worry when he reaches home but why is he not picking up his phone?' While thinking about him worriedly I went to where Ryu was.

After reaching inside the room I saw him sleeping on the hospital bed, he didn't seem to be in pain or something.

Going towards him I sat down beside him waiting for him to wake up while still worrying about Araya.

Looking at his sleeping face all I felt was peaceful. I got up and went to lay beside him and caressed his head lovingly.

-------------/(PoV) Ryu\-------------

"Mother where is Fathe-" Before I could finish my words I suddenly fell unconscious.

The moment I woke up I felt a soft hand caressing my head but for some reason I already knew who it was even with my eyes closed. That familiar feeling of warmth was what no one beside her could give me.


Knowing that Mother was beside me I opened my eyes and said

"Mother?" Hearing my voice she seemed to have gotten out of her stupor.

"How do you feel Ryu" She asked me with a concerned expression on her face.

"Nothing, I think I can use a quirk now," I replied to her with an excited expression and wide smile.

I could feel some kind energy running throught out my body and I felt like I could use it with just a thought as if it had been a part of my body ever since I was born. It felt so magical to me.

'Is this my quirk?'

I Looked at mother and seeing her excited expression that seemed to say 'What are you waiting for' my lips twitched,

'Why is she jumping around as if she was the one who got her quirk'

I brought one of my hands in front of her and dazzling electric currents made of red and black colors started materialising above my palm. They looked quite eerie if I would say.

Trying to control those currents I formed them into a indescribable shape at the center of my palm, not being able to hold it anymore I released it and it shot towards the ceiling of the room leaving a scoarched black mark on it.

"AHH! Wow Ryu what a powerful quirk "

She was a little startled by the sudden release, mother clapped her hands excitedly while looking at the ceiling.

She picked me up and hugged me tight between her jiggling tits.

"c-cant br-ea-" I tried saying while trying to push her away.

While it felt good and soft, I had no thoughts of dying so pathetically and while I don't have any thoughts toward her it doesn't change the fact that I'm mentally 19 years old.

She hurriedly released me with an embarrassed expression.

While we continued our antics I used observe on myself.


Name -> Ryu Izanagi

Age -> 4 Years Old

Bloodline -> Human(98%)/Void Walker(2%)

Physical Stats--->

STR- 5 | Vit- 6 | AGI- 4

Stat Points-> 8

Abilities (Innate ability of Void Walkers) --->

1.Void Dimension -Ability to enter the Void Dimension and make the physical body intangible.(???)


System Abilities--->

  1. Observation - Allows the host to view the stats of anyone.

  2. Calm Mind - Allows the host to remain calm and rational.

Host will never act on sudden emotional impulses.


Lightning Control- Allows the user to

control lighting as if ones own limb.

    Skills--->|Perfect Aim|

|Eidetic memory| ]

Hmm besides the stat points and eidetic memory that I got through quests, What surprised me was the increase in bloodline I got from one of the rewards. But all it did was increase the duration I could stay the in Void Dimension. Eiedetic Memory would useful,very useful in the future. Even though I had to sit for hours and aim at leaves with rocks due to the side quest,the reward was worth it.

There didn't seem to be much of a description of my quirk but no obvious limitations either.

There were many abilities from the various animes he remembered from his past life he could try to imitate.

---------------/3rd (Pov)\------------

Kaya was very happy with Ryu's quirk. He seemed to be able control lightning and while it wasn't strong at the moment, but with the right amount of training she believed it won't be hard for him to reach the top rank of heroes. Since It had always been his dream and even though she herself never cared about heroes, it's a mother's duty to support her child's dreams is it not.

Sure others had lightning related quirks as well then why did she believe her son would reach the top?

There were 4 reasons for that.

First, She knew Ryu was very smart and liked to think about a lot of things, people who can understand, analyse and correct their own mistakes are very rare.

She had seen Heroes just blindly launching their quirks or fought similar to brawls and never paid attention to their mistakes and surroundings just because their quirks were strong.

Second, His lightning seemed to be incomparably stronger to other lighting quirk users, and what shocked her most was the control he had over his quirk, she herself for example was only able to freely use her quirk energy manipulation was after 6 years of hard work and to deepen her reserves and maintain it longer it took another few years. But he was already able to control his quirk to a certain degree.

Third, She had seen him sometimes play with rocks and how he threw them towards the leaves that fell down the tree, what surprised her was that every single time he was able to target the leaves accurately and he did not miss a single time. Just having a quirk for long range isn't enough, if you can't even hit your enemy then no matter how strong the quirk is, it would be useless. After all Araya himself lost some fights just because he couldn't aim properly in his earlier days.

4th, For a mother her son was always the best, no more words needed.

-------------/PoV Ryu\------------

Hmm, Mother seems to be lost in her own thoughts.

What perplexed me was the lack of information about my quirk. It just stated lightning control. But there were too many questions in my mind.

How much lighting can I use? How much lightning can my body contain? Can I absorb lightning attacks or lightning itself? Many questions like these flooded my mind.

'Nevermind I still have many years to train and adapt, Ill get the answers of these questions on my own.' I thought while also thinking of the different abilities and skills I could make using lightning since there was no specific limitation mentioned.

-----------/3rd (PoV)\----------

While Ryu was thinking how to improve and train his quirk, him and his mother were snapped out of their thoughts when her phone started ringing.

She picked it up and a voice came over,

"Hello? Is this Mrs Kaya Kiyoko, wife of Araya Izanagi?"

The moment she heard what the other party said a feeling of dread covered her whole body.

"y-Yes, who are you?" She asked with a shaky voice.

"Ma'am, Im from the police station. Please do not panic from what I am about to say." The Police offer replied in a low and soft tone.

Her whole body started trembling when she remembered how there was no news of Araya since he left in the morning. Tears started appearing in her eyes.

"Your husband has died in an accident Kiyoko-san" The police officer continued after a bit of silence worrying about the reaction of the person over the phone.

'Your husband has died' This kept on repeating within her mind. She fell on her knees as tears unceasingly started streaming down her face.

Ryu's mind went blank when he saw his mother suddenly falling on her knees and started crying Non-stop.

Jumping off the bed he ran towards her and shaked her repeatedly.

"W-what happened mother why did you started crying all of a sudden." But no matter how he asked she didn't respond to him.

One possibility immediately appeared in his mind seeing the missing person from his family in the room.

A chill went down his spine. 'NO! something else must've happened' He went into denial not wanting to believe that possibility.

He had finally experienced what the meaning of 'family' was and now he was supposed to lose that aswell.

Unknowingly tears started streaming down his face.

Before he went some kind of crazed state of mind and lose himself, the system's ability calm mind started to calm him down.

It worked, but the feeling of pain and anguish remained, he knew that the only person important to his mother was no one beside him and his father. If father was only hurt or something else she would've immediately rushed to him instead of slumping down and crying non-stop.

All the excitement from getting his quirk disappeared and only grief remained.

While he only lived with the guy for 4 years it was always fulfilling but now he's suddenly gone, never to be seen again.

Looking at his mother that was still crying, a thought appeared in him mind 'Would she leave me aswe-'

'NO!' He won't let his situation become the same as his past life, Never. He would never let anything happen to her.

He would make sure she stayed with him,


He went and hugged her.

----------/(PoV) Kaya Kiyoko\----------

While I was I still in denial that my husband died I felt something hug me. Looking down I saw the little figure of Ryu hugging me as tightly as he could.

'Yes how could I forget I still have Ryu' I hugged him tightly trying to make those depressing thoughts go away.

If I stay like this how would I be able to take care of him and make sure he grows up properly.



Sigh Im sorry i said i was going to upload yesterday but got swept up while reading a naruto fanfic i found on ff . net.

Silent Guardians (If ye guys want to read just add naruto fanfic besides this and search it).

Its about Shikamaru and Naruto going back in time and it's really interesting to see the changes they make along the way (And the gods its not yaoi)

Another Sad news, my week vacations are over and my updates will turn into what i had stated in the synopsis

(1500-2000 word ch per week). So just add this to your library and binge when theres more if u would like to.

About the development of the story, Should i tell you guys how they cope without the 'father' in the family or do a little time skip and summarize what happened during the years like i did with his past life.

Now I know that what ive written till now couldn't be considered worst but not good either, maybe its because ive never thought about it and just wrote whatever came to mind without thinking too much. So now ill try thinking more before just uploading.

Theres just too much i could create with his lightning quirk. So i have to think about that too (suggestions for the abilities related to lightning would be appreciated)

Canon of MHA should start in 3-4 chapters And keep in mind that his goal is killing all might and all for one, So he won't hesitate to do anything to complete them. So it wont follow the traditional route of going through all the canon events .

Cya guys hope to see you in the future when theres enough chs to binge.

Thanks for Reading :)

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