

Alex a person living in modern earth has died and reincarnated into the world of shinobi he never wanted this all he wanted is to lazy around and enjoy life but the fate is cruel as the selected world for him became world of shinobi where the strong survive and weak perish as he exactly knows that let's see what he do

Killerarrow007 · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

Sasuke turns rogue Naruto conflicted

Alex was right now sitting in the place where shion arranged him all the girls know something is wrong but did not ask if he wants to tell them he will so they did nothing

Alex was looking in the sky and sighed now sasuke must have turned rogue so it has begun


uchiha falls

right now two people are fighting

Naruto:I will defeat you and prove you are wrong and being you back to the village

as he was in tail beast mode

sasuke:why why you can never understand my pain you don't even know your brother feels how the hell would you know how I feel it's something I must do go back Naruto if it means I loose my body to orochimaru to become stronger so be it

naruto snaps and says that's the very reason iam not willing to let you go I already lost my brother I will bring him back in future i cant loose you too you are also like my brother

Sasuke looks at him now he understood why Alex left without saying anything it's because he can never let go of his family and friends but it's something he must do so

as Naruto and Sasuke make a final move

Sasuke shouts chidori

Naruto shouts rasengan

as they both collide Sasuke wins and tells good bye my friend

after that kakashi came and took all people back

...after some days

Naruto woke up and saw that he was in konaha as he cried he failed yet again he can't find his brother and he lost another friend who he thinks as his brother

kakashi:you woke up

jiraya was also there he looks at him and sighed and thinks it's just like him when he lost orochimaru

Naruto asks why sensei my brother and Sasuke left without saying anything to me

IAM not surprised by it, Sasuke left because of his revenge but your brother I don't know but he seems to have planned this from the very beginning

jiraya who heard this thinking the time he met Alex he shivered at the thought of the meeting when he met Alex he was anything but normal

meanwhile kagura who is listening also said nothing all she was tasked with was learning medicine and go back to her daughter and Alex as well as train the plan Alex has given her

jiraya seen the no care attitude of kagura and sighed and decided to tell about Alex but only about the meeting but not powers

Naruto I have met your brother says jiraya

Naruto was shocked he immediately caught jiraya hand and screamed where is he?

you can ask her as he pointed towards kagura

for Naruto she is always a mystery to him she suddenly came to him and told that he will be taken care by her as she is his aunt

Naruto was shocked to find out he has another related person so he treated her like his mother

now even kakashi was shocked

kagura looked at jiraya who has turned his head like it doesn't matter to him and sighed

Naruto all I can say is yes Alex has sent me here I only came to receive teachings from Tsunade sama and second is to take care of you .your bother has nothing to do with konaha he won't come back at least this is what I know he didn't tell me anything as he already planned for me to go here so I don't know anything about his whereabouts he told me to tell you one thing if jiraya sama leaks this matter

brother it doesn't matter iam already gone and if anyone wants to bring me back your hokage must move directly with all the kage level shinobi in leaf you all are too weak to even stand beside me so don't even bother

this is the exact words your brother said to tell you

Naruto clenched his fist and thought I will show you both I will become powerful and drag you back to village and ask you why(note: he just want to be like family and live here but he left him not in a bad way)

Naruto your brother also told me to tell you this you don't owe this village anything our clan already sacrificed it all as only few of us are left and your new hokage was not bad at least better than previous one so if you want to be hokage learn everything .everything is important learn as many skills as possible so you can keep up

Naruto cannot understand why his brother said it wasn't he mocking previously

but kakashi and jiraya understand what he meant he meant to become stronger as soon as possible they don't understand why

Sakura who was hearing all this crying because Sasuke left and Naruto and her friends are injured and she is useless

Naruto looks outside and thinking what are you doing brother


achoo it seems like my bro is thinking about me

it seems like we have no other choice kurama is there a way where we can release her without you sacrificing hmm about that