

Alex a person living in modern earth has died and reincarnated into the world of shinobi he never wanted this all he wanted is to lazy around and enjoy life but the fate is cruel as the selected world for him became world of shinobi where the strong survive and weak perish as he exactly knows that let's see what he do

Killerarrow007 · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

Going to star village and land of demons

After jiraya left I know staying here is a mistake and told pakura and Karin to pack things up and after making everyone was ready to go we continued our journey towards star village and later

after a month damn how far is it kurama it's so tiring you know maybe you should take over my body iam too lazy for this

brat it's not my turn I will play around when I wanted anyway don't be too lazy move your ass and at the side both pakura and Karin are giggling I don't get it they both seem to be bickering back why the sudden change chh women how troublesome men can never understand them

what actually happened pakura wants Alex so she drew a line that she is his girlfriend

Karin got angry and says that she was one sided love so there is no way that she is going to loose him

like that they both started bickering somehow they became besties it's really a miracle Alex thought inwardly he doesn't know whether they survive this war so he doesn't want to get hurt too bad so he closed his heart even though he was flirting with them he was also flirting everywhere they went in towns and villages both pakura and Karin got mad and they beat him up somehow it bonded them so Alex toned down his flirting

pakura:Alex where are we going

ohh we are going to village hidden in the stars there we got one more recruit he doesn't want to waste Time he wants to absorb the chakra of star as it was neutral and kurama has cultivation technique for it so he want to absorb it so and leave little amount so that the village can also cultivate and give them cultivation manual it's not as great as kurama manual but it's only a grade below it and satisfies all conditions if he recall the TV series the village of stars didn't come to great war as it belongs to other clans but still it also involves their lives not that they can help much anyway he can only absorb because due to unlimited amount of chakra so he was very sure of it and gain another perk it purifies his chakra and he also want to see the changes as they made their way towards land hidden in the stars

we are here says Alex both pakura and Karin looks at a village not as great as suna and konaha but still it's nice and looks peaceful so now as they still don't know how to operate they are not in the vicinity so it's also a type of sage mode so he was eager to get it

At night all the group has successfully infiltrated the area and Alex got his hands on it and it took 3 hours for kurama to integrate it with it's chakra and has gained star effinity there is still so much star chakra in it but he let it be as he cannot be too greedy so now his main mission recruit natsushi as he clearly remembers her lair so they all went to it

he enquired about her in the village as there are certain things changed due to alternative reality so he want to gather as much of info as he can get to his surprise natsushi exists but she does not have a son and just so happens that the pair got into fight before their marriage so they broke up and she became vilan of that village

sigh such troublesome character this manual is more than enough for me to exchange it with her help may God bless me saying his prayer he went into the cave silently he told pakura and Karin to be watch out

as he slowly entered the cave he didn't see anyone but his instinct told him someone was behind as he doged the attack after that he turned around and to see a beautiful mature women as I almost whistle at her comming back to my senses I looked at her and she looked at me and asked who are you

Alex looked at her and asked hey lady it's rude to kill people just because they entered your territory so what if you killed some innocent boy at my age

she dialed down her killing intent and asked who are you what do you want

Alex looked at her and said jeez it's not like iam gona kill you or anything but iam here for you so how about let's chat for a bit

after sometime they both sat down and drinking tea

natsushi looked at him and asked so what do you want from me

Alex looked at her and said calmly IAM really here for you and in return you will get this

as he throwed a half manual he had at her

after seeing it tears began to fall down her cheeks she looks lovely thought Alex and coughed and said it's half manual and I want you to relocate the people of this village to lands of uzumaki when I rebuild my clan and if iam alive anyway it's not safe for your people anyway so what do say natsuhi interested in the proposal .your clan will do anything for it of course as for why I want you you have highest possiblity to become kage level shinobi so I want you in my team as you will only get stronger I can guarantee it as for another details I can only tell you if you want to join in the team let me tell you this you will not regret it even a bit in future I can promise that .we will leave this place within 2 days I will wait for you to handle all the matters here so that we can move to next location I cant stay in same place for long time so all of it entirely depends on you saying that he left natsushi there and went outside to meet his team

so how did it go asked Karin

don't know gave her a choice it's up to her said Alex

so what now asked pakura

well after this we go to land of demons for next recruit as I have someone to stop from messing with things up she can help me

another she both of them said in unison they still didn't see natsushi she is also a beauty

Alex saw that something was wrong and asked what about it ?he was still clueless although he flirted with them he never thought they would fall for him. as he learned about flirting from his previous life movies and TV as he was clueless on receiving end of it as he cannot read them he can't even tell they were jealous

he didnt put it in his mind as he still have more important things to do right now he was thinking whether he must take neji huyaga as he can be watched in the team but also have cons as he cannot be trusted he may become a spy for the team while he was thinking

inside the cave natsumi is also thinking about what he said it's true being in this area there is more chances of being hunted down by the beasts and also she needs that manual so badly children from their village are dying she couldn't bear to stand it anymore as she weighted entire village and her life she without hesitation she accepted Alex deal she needs some time to make the preparations as she need to convince them and also Alex remaind her to do it openly as they will remember who is the boss so she did as he said and after 2 days they have gotten ready to travel again during this time Alex gave her some techniques and told her to practice on the way as they made towards land of demons to exactly priestess shion as she is a valuable asset only she can tell whether he fucked up or not as they travel toward that dirrection