
Chapter 10 Doing the missions (2/2)

<AH> I'm disappointed and I have disappointed you guys and ladies as well. No mass release, my pc got fried by faulty wires that my electricity provider left and didn't fix as well as my internet router so I got f*cked badly. All my work has been lost, all my files and I'm not sure if my drives can be recovered as I don't have anything to test it with…. ...I don't know what to do anymore, all I have is my phone left to use….All I can say is that the writing quality will definitely drop for a while with slow uploads, 20 plus chapters were lost for this fan-fic but I will try to see if I can recreate them in due time. Thanks for reading this message and enjoy this chapter and the other

Shui fang got to work on the next step of the mission, the harvesting of cotton to be used to weave the sails for the design he had in mind. He didn't have to worry about as had an entire forest by himself, he didn't have to care about herbivores eating any, lowering the amount the land had in store. 

"Find them" He nodded before picking them one by one, maneuvering around the forest, as he did for part one of the mission, but he was getting more used to it, several moves at a time. As he after comprehending all of karate to the highest level, is left wanting to explore more and more of his body and use it to the best he could.  The sensation he got from just these simply task, kept replaying in his consciousness as he compared it to his previous world, the path of a martial artist

Pulling them out from the roots he gathered them into a pile that started life off the size of a basketball to that of a micro electric car in just a few minutes

{Mission Completed}

The text and voice knock on his senses, as his attention was brought to it

"Time for the rewards" He grin as he waited for new messages, however he was brought to disappointed after

{Mission #2-Complete}

{If you don't want kids you need some protection, harvest and collect 100 cotton from cotton plants and weave large sails}

{Receiving Rewards}

{Professions Acquired Weaver}

"Seriously, what?" To him this was a strange one, as it wouldn't help him that much, 'Do I even have to accept this' he thought

"System, how does gaining professions like this work?"

{Host, any profession you obtain, you  will gain the knowledge and experience of that of an entry level individual}

"Hmmmmmm, go ahead, give it to me" he muttered, as the system way of instilling professions was extremely useful, unlike humans who would take years or months to learn the fundamentals, it would take him a second with the system or a couple of days by himself but he wouldn't have experience if he did it him self as he didn't have any of the tools or materials to do so.

He could spend points in the system, but it would be more profitable to save his points to invest in more crypto.

{Installing Profession Weaver}


Waiting, he felt a slight headache, but It only lasted as long as the wind would have blown to the east if there was any in the dimension of course

"Thi-s" He stuttered, as a new found knowledge exploded in his mind, if felt strange to him, as he recalled words and concepts he never studied, images played out and transitioned in his head that he never did, yet he felt like he did for a few years.  

He glazed upon his hands, that looked a little dirty but pristine, closing and opening his pair of hands

he muttered

"Is this really beginner knowledge, hmmm it felt like I was doing this for years"

{Yes host, you received the full knowledge and experience of a beginner, more often beginners skip tons of knowledge that they should have learnt and skipped out on many tasks thinking they have advance}

"Yes, I know this, people do this all-around earth when I lived there" He mused, as he remembered quotes he read in books - What most individuals don't understand is that at the entry stages of any profession they wish to entail they first must gather as much knowledge as possible. It will prevent or limit bad practices or methods when it's time to work-. This quote although extremely useful have only been used by a few, which made Shui fang a bit sadden that a majority of earth's population wanted to live by the path laid down by the government rather than learn something new.

"Designing the ship, I have the design already in my mind, as I can recall it crystal clear." Shui Fang paid his attention back to the missions, as the ship he intended to make was a pirate ship. A pirate ship was the only thing he could build with the resources he had available and one he could with his current knowledge

"Should I use one from One piece? No, that's too common to do" He shook his head, he would just continue with the design he had in mind

Buying a sketchpad and pencil set from the system for a low cost 1 system point, he got to work on his design and orthographic blueprints.


Finally done, he smiled at his work, he designing a spectacular pirate ship, that was not only practical but also luxurious. Shui Fang was very happy with his weaver profession that he doubted before, as it will be much easily to create the sails, interior, flag for the ship and others.

{Mission Complete}

{Mission #3}

{Ever heard of the term, she overflowing like a broken dam, well you wouldn't want to drown, would you? Design and draw a ship that wouldn't sink}

{Receiving Rewards}

{Profession Acquired Shipbuilder}

"Yes!" Shui fang smirked, another profession and this time it was one that with make his shipbuilding process easier, and help him create a treasure grade ship

Knowing what he wanted the system installed, the knowledge for him

{Installing Profession Shipbuilder}

Closing his eyes, he absorbed the knowledge and new found experience, this profession specialized in carpentry but it was more advance than that he noticed with a seldom expression.

"Time for the finale, system buy carpentry hand tool set" He stretch in a refreshed manner, cracking his bones


Little bit after he got to work, he first started by cutting and carving the logs, planks laid out in sets of 4. He measures the pieces ensuring they were accurate to the design he made, coating all in which he cut, with certain chemicals that came in the set to prevent rotting before calling it a day.

The next morning, he woke up and got back to work on this project/mission as early as possible because he didn't really need to sleep for long periods of time. On this day he spent the time crafting the hull of the ship, but before he did, he had to create a platform that allowed him to push the completed hull in the sea, before building the rest on water.

Another day has passed, coming to a close at the end of the week, he finished the hull, as well as the decking, he placed the post for the sails already as well as we were nearing a completed ship soon.

Finally, on the last day of the second week, he finished the construction of the ship. In just a few days he completed a superb pirate ship, one that it would take over a dozen professional shipbuilder months to build. His angel status wasn't a joke, his perception and learning speed already made him reach professional level in both his professions in a couple of days.


Standing proud with a satisfied expression Shui fang gazed upon his ship, "absolutely beautiful" he expressed his satisfaction. A large pristine brown ship with elegantly placed white sails and brown leather draped over its rear. It took up the entire river barely left space for the fishes to swim

Image here

"I'll call it Queen's Revenge"

{Mission Complete}

{Mission #4 Finale-Complete}

{Time to survive her flood, time to prove your skills as a mechanic, build a ship, the more magnificent and unique the higher the rewards}

{Rewards- Profession unlock- Blacksmith rank 1, ????}

{Receiving Rewards}

{Profession Acquired Blacksmith rank1}

{Lightning steps movement Technique}

{Flower Sword Technique}

"A sword and movement technique, great I don't have to spend anymore system points for now."

"I am lacking a little too much. System-m"

{Congratulations to host for completing tutorial mission, host may have considered it a waste of time however the rewards that host obtained through out will enable him an easier path for the future}

"System, I don't consider it a waste a time, I got a lot of new found knowledge, experience and rewards that really would have coasted him a year of system points. Thank you for all you have done and for changing my life so I can pursue my dream" He refuted and sincerely thank the system as he felt that something was going to happen with it

{Set missions}

{Mission #1-Complete}

{Everyone needs wood some need it more than others if you catch my drift. Cleave through 10 trees and collect the lumber to the river bank}

{Mission #2-Complete}

{If you don't want kids you need some protection, harvest and collect 100 cotton from cotton plants and weave large sails}

{Mission #3-Complete}

{Ever heard of the term, she overflowing like a broken dam, well you wouldn't want to drown, would you? Design and draw a ship that wouldn't sink}

{Mission #4 Finale-Complete}

{Time to survive her flood, time to prove your skills as a mechanic, build a ship, the more magnificent and unique the higher the rewards}

{4 of 4 set mission has been complete}

{Calculating System points at 1/8 at mining capacity per mission...adding 90 percent bonus for impressing system}

{Receiving System Points}


"Nice" Shui fang laid his body with a satisfied expression, he wasn't shock as he calculated extremely quickly himself and he was pretty much used to getting shocked

"Display status"

{Name: Shui Fang}

{Race: Lower Angel-Upgradable}

{Age: 6}

{Profession: Shipbuilder (Professional), Weaver(Amateur) Blacksmith Rank 1(Novice)}

{Beast Spirits: NA}

{Tool Spirits: NA}

{Body Spirits: NA}

{Spirit Rings: NA}

{Soul core: NA}

{External Spirit Bones: 1-pair Angel wings}

{Internal Spirit Bones: NA}

{Cultivation Technique: External Body Cultivation-Progress 12%}

{Martial arts: Karate-100% (Karate Founder), Flower Sword Technique 0%, Lightning Steps Movement Technique 0%}

{System Points: 381}

{Crypto Coin: ETH-1}

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