
Rebirth:ice queen

Lilianna Anderson an emotionless girl who does feel anything not even pain or anger dead due to her stepmother's plot, Lilly a girl who grew up in a village near the mountain also dead because her mother was unable to pay for her surgery. She woke up in another 's body which happens to be Lilianna's body an emotionless being, who doesn't even feel pain, in this new life she was given she decided to live according to her own terms and avenge the previous owner of the body in the process of becoming strong she met Ray Manchester who is ruthless and arrogant but was ready to do anything just to win her over.

Amazing012 · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 3: Chole

Chole Pov

I still can't believe the call i received right now was from my boss. It is quite unbelievable. When i read about her death on social media, i was broken from within, although my boss is special in her own way and amazing.

She still the only person we believe in my capability.

She may not know how to express and feel, but she is a kind soul, I remember when I first met her, I was just a nerd with no confident nor-income but she changed my life.

During the interview, she asked me if I was willing to change for the better cause she doesn't need an assistant with low self-esteem.

She taught me how to be brave,

She taught me how to be expressive,

She taught me how to believe in myself, even though she kept telling me that whatever I have become now is by my own doing but I knew deep down I'm nothing without her, know that she was alive and kicking is enough for me.

I got up and grab my car keys and go straight to the hospital, when I got to the hospital I asked which ward she was in and was directed to her ward when I reach the door to her ward I feel nervous, I have no idea what awaits me in there and neither do I know what expect.

I pushed the door open and stepped in, and there she was sitting on the bed with our usual poker face and noble ara.

" I want you to go and sign all the discharge formalities."

" yes boss"

I rushed out, she is still the same, I thought after reaching the gate of death maybe she will feel at least a little bit of emotion. She's still the same ice queen that I knew, but I'm really glad that she's alive. That's more than enough for me.

Lilly Pov

She act like a clown and she is weird i don't think it matters any ways, cause i know i need her she is practically the only one i know in this world worthy of my trust so i guess i just have to make due with it.

And it is not like i have any human relation with anyone in the past.

I was home schooled in my past life due to my

illness, i have always been sick and weak, which

decline me access from interecting with people,

i only have my mother with me, my whole eighteen years of living in my past life.

When the car stopped in front of a big house. I was surprised because this is literally the biggest house i have even seen in my life and now mine.

'Welcome, lilly to your very own world' i welcome myself silently.

When i stepped inside the mansion like Castle, i saw many people with suprise expression written all over their faces. They must be surprised that i am alive. Although the world may consider Lilianna an emotionless being, that doesn't change the fact that she treat everyone loyal to her right and respect their presonal space as long as they respect hers.

Looking at the masion from the inside, it looks magnificant, and every part of the mansion is painted white. Lilianna doesn't like any other colour apart from white.

I turned back, and i decided to tell them to make sure that no one found out am alive.

"No one is allowed to tell anybody i am alive for the time being," i told the old lady whom i believe is the head butler.


"yes boss"

"Follow me to my study now,"

Am glad i have all Lilianna's memories cause i don't know what i will do without them.

Immediately i enter the study, i didn't even bother looking around. i just turned to chole and said.

"i want you to stop all the projects i started and bring all the proposals i have written for each project back to me."

"yes boss"

Although she did not know what i was planning, she's capable enough to know it was not going to be in favour of James.

They need to have a taste of their own medicines.

"When is the board meeting for the ceo replacement take place?" i asked,

This is all new to me, so as the fight for power. I know you must be wondering how I managed to have the same expression as Lilianna and so confident as her and all, but this is me , this has always been who I was. I have never smiled at any other human before than my mother, and right now, I need to learn how to smile at people.

" well ma'am due to the falling shares since yesterday because of your fake death. Many investors are pulling in out, and the meeting will be held tomorrow."

"Good, buy some shares since the price are dropping, it will be useful later on, and i don't mind if you blackmail or threaten them."

"I know, boss, your order shall be carried out properly."

"Good. Also, I want you to make sure all the stakeholders are against my dad

I feel weird calling such a dispeakable, my father, i hate all fathers, but this body doesn't.

"yes boss"

" If you do your job properly, your salary may be increased."

" Thank you so much, boss. I'll make sure your orders are carried out properly."

I watched as she walked out of the study to carry out my order.

it's a good thing that I have always been a genius or else who was supposed to be able to scheme against three people who are great at scheming.

* * * * *

Ray Pov

Looking at my brother right now, I feel like killing him. Why can't they let me be? Must I get married or date one of these women before he will stop throwing them at me.

"I told you not to bring this woman to me again," I practically yelled at him.

" Ray, that was never my intention, but mother insisted. She thinks you are gay,"

"What ! i exclaimed.

This is unbelievable. My own mother thinks I am gay.

"Yes, brother, she said she hasn't seen you with any woman and promised me the latest bugati race car. If i introduced all these models to you, i had no choice, bro. I couldn't resist her offer.

"I can't believe my mother can't wait to get a woman on my bed."

Am frustrated with my mum present attitude, i need to find a solution to this and fast.

I have never been attracted to any woman before.

I am basically considered the most eligible bachelor in New york, and yet everyone believes I am gay.

Ray Manchester was a household name in New York City, and every father wanted their unmarried daughter to marry me. It can be tiring at times having almost every woman you come across throwing themselves at you. I need a break from all this, and I can't wait to free myself from my mother constant disturbance and marriage plans.

* * * * *

James Pov

The D-day is finally here my long lost dream is finally going to come true today.

Am finally going to be the CEO of my own empire and horrible mother and daughter who have been stopping my dream from coming true and are now gone for good. No more restriction, Looking at all the stakeholder right now, I feel extremely excited, Andy is, I know they are all on my side.