A rebellious boy and his class president. What will happen next?
The following days, Lu Zi Xuan kept finding handwritten lesson notes under his desk.no one. Would ever do it for him, so he began to suspect that they were for the wrong person. Until one day, he found another stack of lesson notes, with a beautiful card on it, saying "The notes are for you".
Who would have placed them? He want around the class asking, but everyone denied it. Anyways, since someone wrote it, he read it, and found out that it recorded all the topics tested for each subject. Hw began to cherish it and revised it everyday. He was kept in the dark.
One day, Lu Zi Xuan exited the staff office...
As he walked past the classrooms, he saw a shadow near his desk. Thinking he might solve the mystery of the lesson notes, he hid behind the door, observing the person. He realised that the girl placed a thick stack of handwritten notes under his table. When she turned around, Lu Zi Xuan saw her face clearly, it was Mo Zi Ying! Eh has never expected that his class president would write him lesson notes.
Ever since then, he cherished it very much and would revise them numerous times Everyday. When he got back his exam results, he scored 93 over 100 marks, ranking in the TOP 10 of the class and top 20 of the whole level. This result shocked many, including his classmates. Who would have thought the most rebellious boy in the class would score this high?
Only he knew the reason behind his scores. He wanted to thank Mo Zi Ying, but did not dare to talk to her face to face about this thing, therefore, all he could say was stuffed deep down in his stomach. The girl he loved so much, the girl that helped him so much, yet he did not dare to talk to her face to face...
One day, after school...
Lu Zi Xuan was walking along the sheltered pathway they met 4 years ago. But the sight in front of him caught his eye. Mo Zi Ying was walking in front of his with another boy... He was really devastated at the sight, the girl he loved so much, was with another boy.
"No! I cannot let anyone else be with her!! I need to work harder to chase her back!" He encouraged himself. From that day onwards, he put in more effort in everything, wanting to do well in everything and surpassing his previous past. He was working for the girl he loved for 4 years...