
Reality Warper in MCU

A man gets transmigrated in the MCU with the mother of all the superpowers REALITY WARPING English is not my first language so read accordantly I do not own anything except my OC

superman1265789 · Filme
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17 Chs


Well, when I entered the portal I was expecting to find monsters or demons on the other side, and that I would have to fight for my life right away

I certainly did not expect to find myself in an alley where there are two teenagers

I feel embarrassed to think I was afraid

However, it is better that I know exactly where I am, and to do this I ask the two teenagers

" Excuse me, can you tell me where I am please? "

As soon as they heard my question, the two teenagers turned to my side and were surprised to see me

The black-haired teenager was the first to answer me

"Er ... this is Manhattan"

Mhh the fact that it has the same name as the city of my universe means that this universe is more similar to mine than I thought, which will make my experiment easier

But there is one thing I noticed looking at the two teenagers well and that is their clothes

Clothes that I remember well because they are clothes that were fashionable in the 90s

Curious I ask

"Can you tell me what year we are in?"

The two teenagers look at each other before the teenager with brown hair answers me

"It's 1992"

Hmm it could be an advantage that I fond myself in this era

However, I don't have time for this. I have to find an isolated place and conduct my experiments

As I was about to leave, however, I am stopped by the voice of one of the teenagers

"Wait, you are a mutant, aren't you?"

Hearing the question, I turn around and it was the brown-haired teenager who spoke

"A mutant?"

I ask confused

"Yes, like the X-Men, you have superpowers"

But what the hell is he talking about

"Sorry I don't know what you're talking about"

The brown-haired teenager seems confused by my answer, but all of a sudden he seems to have understood something and then say

"Ah don't worry we don't hate mutants in fact my friend here is a mutant"

The teenager who until then had remained silent hearing what his friend said about him said

"Well actually I'm not exactly a mutant Mike"

Mike answered

"Oh come on, that thing you can do makes you a mutant, we already talked about it"

After which started a conversation between the two about whether or not the teenager with black hair was a mutant, before being interrupted by my question

"Sorry if I interrupt, but what exactly is a mutant?"

I asked addressing the two teenagers who stopped by, and then Mike said

"You don't know what mutants are!? Where did you live under a rock?"

Hearing Mike's surprised tone, I say trying to sound sincere

"I'm not from these parts, where I come from there aren't mutant"

Mike becomes surprised by my answer to then say

"Okay let's say we believe you, Mutants are people who are born with superpowers for example the X-Men are a team of mutants"

Wait, this is the description of the Inhumans

Confused I ask

"Are you sure they're not called Inhumans?"

The black-haired teenager, hearing my question, makes a strange face and then says angrily

"I knew there was something strange about you, at first I thought it was because you were a mutant, but now I understand you are one of those who discriminate against mutants"

What is he talking about- Ahh I realized that he believed I was insulting the mutants by calling them Inhumans

"I think there was-"

Before I can finish, however, I am interrupted by Mike

"No, we don't want to hear the words of bastards like you come on John"

Having said that, the two teenagers left

Seeing that they left, I decided to fly using my suit to find an isolated place

Wow, this is the first time I fly with the suit, and the feeling I am experiencing now is indescribable

After I got used to flying I started to increase the speed, but while I was flying I noticed some kind of jet that was landing and out of it people came out wearing a strange suit

But what struck me most was the fact that three of the people who came out of the Jet have blue skin color

I stopped to observe the strange individuals and see if these were the famous mutants

I was interrupted by my thoughts, by my instinct telling me to run away immediately

I sought the danger that my instincts were warning me, the danger I found in the form of a red-haired girl

As soon as my gaze landed on her, I understood why my instinct told me to run away because even though from the outside she might seem harmless, I was able to perceive an enormous strength inside her

While I was there observing the girl trying to understand exactly what she was, I did not notice that the group of mutants was approaching her trying to talk about something, and since I was far away I don't hear them well

But I could hear the sirens of the police cars approaching when all of a sudden the cars crashed into a sort of barrier that if I had to guess was the girl's doing

Enraged by my inability to do anything, I didn't notice how the people inside the cars were alive

To prevent the girl from doing any more damage, I flew towards her and landed in front of her with my back to the group of mutants who were surprised at my sudden arrival

The red-haired girl said annoyed

"Who are you?"

As I was about to answer, I was beaten by a voice from a man in a wheelchair

"No stop, don't hurt her she is not in control of her powers"

Hearing it, I said

"She hurt innocent people, and that's why I have to stop her before she does more damage"

But even saying this, I don't think I have much hope of victory even if I could use my reality-altering powers

But I can't back down