
Jean's Confession

Within moments we appeared within the entrance of Xavier's Mansion. Illyana was joyfully hugging my right arm as students turned to look at us before going back to what they were doing. My wife now began to run through the school searching for Piotr. My smile was massive as i watched her antics, it seemed that my declaration during our sessions wasn't enough and that this official proposal was more permanent in her mind.

'I don't care as long as she is happy...'

I started to walk behind her calmly, my En spreading out in front of her in search if Piotr. When i finally felt his presence it was in the bathroom so i quickly retracted my senses and teleported next to Illyana.

"He is in the toilet... We may just have to wait."


After a few minutes of waiting outside Piotr finally stepped out. He was wiping his hands with a piece of tissue that he promptly threw into a trash bin (Garbage bin for me and my Australian readers).

"Ah sister! Emelia, what bring you here today?" He is voice was ecstatic and very fast paced as his Russian Accent came into effect. Illyana laughed and exuberantly presented her left hand for his inspection, his facial expression becoming confused as she did this.

"What are you showing me? Wait, is that ring?" His tone morphed from confused to astounded as he quickly began looking between Illyana and I as if to confirm his suspicions. I nodded.

With a speed i hadn't seen him muster before he scooped both of us into a huge bear hug before letting us go and doing a little dance... To be honest when i first saw this intimidating man i thought that he was a very stoic and masculine figure, he still is but he acts like a little kid when he gets excited.

"Это замечательно! Вы должны сказать маме и папе."

My Omnilingual skill kicked in when i heard his words and now i began to understand Russian. He had just said: 'It is wonderful! You must tell mother and father'. This skill was getting more and more handy!

"Да, я хочу познакомиться с вашей мамой и папой. Мне хотя бы нужно представиться отцу, чтобы получить его разрешение..." (Yes, I wish to meet your mother and father. I have to at least present myself to the father to gain his permission...) This was me speaking it back to them. I decided to speak in Russian and now that i had just showcased that ability Piotr was blown away and much happier.

"Mother and father will love her! She is especially eloquent and sophisticated in her speech, that'll impress father at least. Now come with me and tell me all about it sister, Emelia if you wouldn't mind I'll taker her away for a bit for a conversation?"

"Sure. I've got someone to meet anyway." I waved them off as Illyana looked purely happy at today's events, Piotr feeding off of the emotions of his sister the whole time. Knowing that i had some time spare i decided to go find Jean and ask her about her decision. 

I took off down one of the many hallways and spread my En out fully into the mansion. I could feel her below the mansion working on a few of the people that were rescued by the X-men in Alkali Lake. It was so long ago... Before i could get distracted by my own thoughts I teleported behind her, stunning the woman on the bed as her eyes widened and she started to move backwards a little bit. Seeing the reaction Jean immediately turned around in a huff, her eyes shooting metaphorical daggers at me. This staring continued until she registered that it was me, then her face gained a red hue as she looked back towards the patient in embarrassment.

"I-I'll be a minute Emelia... This lady needs medical attention."

Sensing her shyness and embarrassment a warm current flowed through my heart and into my body. 'She's way too cute... For a thirty year old she acts like she's twenty, maybe it's the Phoenix force?' Using an ability i hadn't ever used, {Heal}. In a flash of holy white light, the wounds that had covered the woman's legs and pelvis were all disappearing as pink skin replaced the open wounds followed soon by perfectly normal skin. She was back to normal. Jean flinched back during my actions but was absolutely astounded by the ability i had just used.

"Sorry to hurry you lady, i just need a private word with the doctor."

"N-no issues, thank you very much for healing me..."

Before i could respond the lady, blushing bright red, left the room in a whirlwind, a literal one. 'Crazy... Anyway.' I turned back towards Jean who was red from neck to hairline, it seemed she was way too shy.

"Jean, i wanted to talk about your answer to our proposal to you... Have you given it any thought?" 

At my words she refocussed her eyes on mine, her fingers playing with each other as she nervously moved from one leg to the other.

'She's very different to the Jean from the original story, yet again she was never lesbian in the actual story so... Can't really complain that much... Maybe she's a submissive? Let's test that out.'

"I-i h-have but it w-was so sudden, i-i ma-y need m-more time..."

I walked towards her calmly and slowly, her response being to step back further and further until her back hit a wall. As she showed some worry on her face I lightly slammed my hand next her head on the wall, a slight dent in the metal material barely recognisable. I leaned in until our lips were almost touching.

"Jean... You don't understand do you?" She shook her head constantly as I heard her heartbeat speed up to what seemed 100km/h as her eyes were stuck on my lips.

"I gave you the option to freely come into my arms but now, you are hesitating so much, I'll just take you anyway."

Instantly i moved forwards and locked lips with her. She attempted to push me off with her physical strength but failed immediately as i started slipping my tongue into her mouth, wiping it over her beautiful white teeth. She lightly moaned into my mouth as she slowly lost the will to resist, her body relaxing as i sneakily moved my left hand to hold her by the waist.

Minutes passed as our kiss became sloppier and sloppier, only stopping for some small breaths before continuing. Eventually we broke it off as she was now fully reciprocating and had her arms hanging around my neck.

"You'll be mine, just like Illyana is... And you have no say in that."

'I kind of want to give you the choice but your wayyy to hesitant and shy... Huu, women can be complicated.'

[Your one of them you know...]

'Ara ara, what was that? You want to listen to Dora again?'

[Nope, i'm good, i said nothing big sis!]

'Good, I'll put some more effort into finding you a body to occupy, like Vision. Wait, will i still have the system if that happens?'

[Yes you will, I'll just be able to externally do things on top of manage the system. I think.]

'It doesn't matter now anyways, i want to enjoy my time with Jean right now and then I'll go meet Illyana and Piotr's parents before making an item for me and Illyana that allows us to travel through Multiverses safely without and possible damage.'

[🎶Spacemannn, Spacemannnn, I always wanted you to go Into space, man!🎶]

'Haha, i remember listening to that when i was playing Stellaris on my Computer.'

"P-please, i want to be with you both! I can't stand being a third wheel! It hurts so much to see you both together and not me being there with you!" She looked hurt and in pain as she started to cry somewhat, her emotions crashing out of her. 

'Uhoh, not good, Phoenix Force?'



[An ode to the Phoenix:

🎶Fuck you bitch

You broke my heart

Fuck your friends

For tearing us apart

Fuck your dog

Hope he never comes home

Fuck you bitch

Hope you wind up alone🎶]


Bam, sorry for the late upload, got busy playing Palworld... *Cough* Anyway, i hope you enjoy the chapter!

For the Songs: 

Spaceman- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCbAEkfXSDE&ab_channel=Micha%C5%82Urbaniak

Alan Walker, Fuck you Bitch- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9Dx2S9BtRM&ab_channel=WheelerWalkerJr

I do not own these, thought I'd state it!


Thanks for all of the power stones and support! Please continue to donate power stones for me if you like my work, it really helps me gain motivation and keeps me wanting to give more chapters.

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Special Thanks to these fine people for the Power Stones:





























Thanks to you all!

Alex_Simmondscreators' thoughts
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