
Real-life Gamer System

Living in our time a 18 years old boy awakens the Gamer System and along with it the system shop. With this he now has the power to do pretty much anything, maybe even become a God. But there is a problem and that is that the only way to become stronger and level up he needs to kill real living beings. So what will our protagonist do. How far is he willing to go to gain power?

Happyman42 · Spiele
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19 Chs

Chapter 5: Veil of Deception

The very same day after MMA practice Chad instead of going home or partying with his MMA friends headed deep into the mountains. Having obtained this one's in a lifetime opportunity that was the system, Chad for sure wasn't going to waste his time on normal everyday stuff.

Now he had decided to put his attention fully on to learning the secrets of the system and how he could use it to make money. Although he had already figured that most likely to get money all he needed was levels and souls. But the problem was that, how could he obtain those souls.

Living in the mountain and forest-covered state of Vermont in the USA here his best bet was hunting. He would although first need to obtain a hunting license. Or then maybe he could become some sort of a superhero. But unlike the usual heroes, he would just kill all the criminals.

Although the superhero thing sounded cool the problem was. Did he actually have what it would take to take another man's life and secondly there simply wasn't much of any crime in Vermont. To play a superhero he would need to travel something like Detroit.

Shaking all these ideas out of his head for now Chad decided to first just focus on the present. After all wasn't it that one famous dude that ones said, no plan survives the first contact with the enemy so just do it. Or something like that.

With these thoughts in mind, Chad finally arrived at an old and most importantly abandoned mining tunnel. Supposedly this place was ones a great source of Iron and some other ores. But like so many other similar places in the USA it was closed for causing too great of a risk to the environment.

Now it mainly served as a place for some brave cave explorers to enter sometimes and train their skills. Supposedly while mining operations were still going on here they had managed to strike some underground cave system that is speculated to lead all the way down to the groundwater which many people in the state use for drinking water.

Standing in front of the mining tunnel entrance Chad noticed that there were broken planks of wood in front of it that were and a sign that warned people not to enter. But other than that there wasn't much to see as the whole area was quite nicely hidden by the surrounding trees and forest foliage.

Though the planks of wood were broken he couldn't be sure if there were actually people inside or not since it had been like this for quite a long time.

Looking around for any signs of people maybe still being in there Chad noticed the environment darkening. Looking behind him towards the forest-covered horizon he could see that the sun had started to set.

Soon it would be dark and then he would be in big trouble since his phone was on low batteries and he held no flashlight. With no time to spare Chad said. " Fuck it. "

Concentrating on the spore skill he then started to cast it. Although to his wonder nothing seemed to be happening.

Not knowing what this skill did he just hoped for the beast and waited.

But after a while, as he looked around Chad noticed that nothing was happening. Frustrated by this Chad checked the skill again.

Looking at it he noticed that it was most definitely still active, but why wasn't anything happening. Little by little as some time went on Chad started to feel drained. The skill was draining his stamina and at a good rate too.

Not seeing any change Chad gave up and ended the ability. Sitting down on the moss-covered ground he felt frustrated.

But then as his ass hit the moss something green and hazy flew into the air around him. Chad's eyes widened in wonder as he watched the small green spores float around before falling back into the ground gently.

To his amazement the spores just like magnets avoided landing on him. In wonder, he pressed down on the moss-covered by spores only to see it happen again. None of the green spores seemed to be attaching themselves to him as they simply slid off his skin.

Intrigued he lay down and started to observe the spores with interest. At first, they were so small that it was hard to even see them. But soon he noticed them attaching themselves to the moss as they then began to grow.

At an incredible rate, the spores started resembling small mushrooms as they grew on top of the moss.

Slowly as the moss then started losing color the spores roots expanded past it and towards the ground.

While not dead the moss seemed sucked dry as it then seemed to be ignored by the spores. Why weren't they finishing the moss of Chad wondered.

Then in but a few minutes, the spores grew into large mushrooms and then he noticed it. All around him in front of the cave's entrance, there were countless similar mushrooms growing.

" Oh shit. " Chad thought to himself as he then started to panic. If the spores continued growing like this then who knew what could happen.

Also, he figured that having the spores right on the cave entrance was not a good thing to do. Maybe if he moved all of them inside he could close the cave up and hide this skill of his.

If the US government were to hear of some magical fast-growing mushrooms in Vermont then for sure he would be in big trouble.

Quickly Chad then proceeded to collect all the moss around the cave entrance that had mushrooms growing on them. One by one he proceeded to throw all of them inside the cave.

After throwing the last batch of mushrooms into the cave, he went Inside as well.

Entering the dark cave he was immediately greeted by the sight of the mushrooms hanging off the cave walls and roof everywhere.

It appeared that already in such a short span of time the spores had already rooted themselves in place and started to suck on the caves nutrients.

Stunned by the sight Chad decided to just stand back and watch what would happen. But as time passed he realized that the mushrooms while still growing in the cave had significantly slowed down their growth.

With this in mind, Chad started to gather up all sorts of plants and fallen trees and bring them into the cave to feed the spores. Quickly he started to notice an increase in their growth.

The mushroom already had grown to his knees height. Also, they seemed to be able to feed on anything even air, although something's would increase their growth speed more than others.

As Chad continued gathering materials from the forest and bringing them inside he suddenly started to hear voices inside the cave. Standing amongst the mushrooms Chad noticed far inside the cave a light of several flashlight moving.

Not knowing what to do Chad decided to go and hide just outside the cave entrance and hope for the best. But as the voices came closer he finally heard them.

They were speaking in a foreign language and an Indian accent. Are these Indian tourists he wondered. Then came the dreaded sound of cameras flashing and the Indians laughing.

Peeking inside he noticed two skinny-looking men with helmets and other cave exploration gear taking pictures of the mushrooms.

Desperate and not knowing what to do Chad came out from behind the corner and yelled out to the two.

" Hey you, this place is off limits! You can't be taking pictures here. Please delete all the pictures. "

Startled by Chads appearance at first the two Indian men quickly calmed down and said something to each other in their language. Then the taller of the two spoke to him and said jokingly.

" Sorry boy but in the USA we have the First Amendment. So will do whatever we want. And there ain't nothing you can do about it so leave us alone. "

After saying this the Indians went back to taking selfies with the giant mushrooms and even started to try and collect them. But to Chads and the Indians surprise the mushrooms didn't budge and simply remained still.

Seeing the Indian men's actions Chad felt trapped not knowing how to proceed. Sweat started forming on his face, his breathing thickened as he then asked.

" So what are you going to use those pictures for? "

Hearing this the taller Indian man once again turned to Chad and looked at him like he was an idiot after which he said. " What do you think? Social media of course. "

With these words said. Chad simply nodded and said. " I see, well you leave me no choice then. "

Now it had become clear to him. He couldn't let these people leave this cave. If they did so they would have immediate access to the internet after which they could upload those pictures online.

With this in mind, Chad quickly searched his system shop for something he could use that only cost one soul. At the same time, the two Indians pointed their flashlights at him as they now seemed a bit frightened by Chads words and actions.

Then after a quick search, his eyes landed on the option called. [Simple Iron Dagger.] It coated only one soul and without further hesitation he took it.

Then right there before the two Indian men's eyes, they saw an iron dagger materialize out of thin air into the teenage boys hand. Immediately the two stepped back in shock as they started yelling something in their own language.

Uncaring of this Chad began walking towards the two men but quickly found himself hesitating and feeling unable to go through with it. In his mind, it just seemed completely insane and unimaginable that he would hurt these two.

Then the other Indians voice could be heard as he said in a panic. " Hey, what the hell are you doing. If it's money you want then well pay you. Just don't hurt us, please. "

Hearing the man mention money Chads eyes turned cold as he was reminded of his goals. Remembering the rage skill in his list of skills he held in his skill list.

Chad with some hesitation and not seeing any other option out of this situation made up his mind and decided that now was probably the perfect time for him to test out this skill. Maybe it could make the process of getting rid of these men a bit more easier.

But right as he was about to activate the skill he noticed one of the bigger mushrooms behind the Indian men start to shake. The mushroom slightly expanded and grew taller, probably to the height of his stomach, although from a distance it was hard to say.

Both of the Indian men remained ignorant of the shaking mushroom behind them as they simply continued to beg and try to bribe him.

Then the mushroom simply spit from the middle and revealed it's inside inhabitants. Inside it, two child-sized green people with long noses could be seen.

" No way, are those Goblins? " He thought to himself as the two green people awoke and quietly got out of the mushroom.

In the dark, their eyes shined red, and wide evil grins could be seen on their faces revealing their small shark-like teeth. Their short pointy ears twitched with each cry of fear the two Indian men let out. They then stood up straight on their two short legs revealing their surprisingly well-developed but ugly short bodies and small dicks. Their skin was dirty and full of small imperfections. And just like their teeth their nails on their feets and hands were sharp and hideous. Overall to Chads eyes, the small Goblins seemed quite ugly to look at.

Then without warning the Goblins pounced at the two men. Immediately their sharp nails dug into the men's soft flesh. The men screamed in pain and fear but before they could fight back the goblins used their sharp teeth to bite into the men's necks.

The taller of the Indian men in his struggle managed to grab a hold of the goblin biting on his neck. With no hair on the goblins head to grab onto the Indians hands found a hold on it's neck. With force, he started to pull.

" Aaaaaahhhhhhh! " He yelled in pain as the goblins grip on his neck started to loosen. Then with a snap, the goblin came off his neck but with it a lot of meat and blood was torn off as well.

The Indian man placing his hand on his massive open wound managed to take a few weak steps before he started to sway. Suffering from severe blood loss the man's consciousness started to fade.

Despite this, he continued to walk towards the entrance of the cave where Chad stood in complete and utter shock.

But before he could get any further the small goblin after eating the man's ripped-off meat charged at the man again. With his mouth open he bit into the man's leg. His teeth dug through the man's thick cave exploration pants and into the flesh underneath.

Through gritted teeth, the man let out a pained yell and fell to the cave floor hard. As the man lay there with the goblin munching on his leg the other Indian man's throat was already ripped out as the other goblin finished him off. Then came the familiar robotic voice saying.

[Plus 50 XP]

[Plus 1 soul]

Then almost immediately after the taller man stopped moving and the robotic voice spoke out again.

[Plus 50 XP]

[Plus 1 soul]

Standing there watching this scene Chad remained completely silent until the horrific smell from the corpses hit him.

Placing his hands on his nose Chad felt utterly disgusted, his stomach turned and the urge of puking started to overtake him.

Then as he glanced at the bodies once more his eyes landed on something wet coming from the men's private parts and that's when he realised what the smell was.

The realization hit him hard as he started puking uncontrollably. Feeling weak Chad fell to his knees puking.

Wiping away the puke he looked back towards the small Goblins that were now looking at him with curiosity. Seeing their bloody faces and red eyes pointed at him Chad got frightened as he quickly got up and started to back away.

Looking at the scene before him he noticed the roots of the mushrooms start extending to the Indian men's bodies supposedly to consume them. Then around the cave other mushrooms shook and more 5 more goblins came out.

Frightened utterly by this scene he then noticed one of the goblins take a step towards him.

Seeing this Chad yelled out to the goblin and said. " Stay back you! Don't you fucking dare come any closer, you monster! "

The Goblins eyebrows rose almost as it were confused as he stopped in place and continued to stare at Chad in confusion.

Noticing this Chad stopped and tried out something else. " All of you, sit down! "

Hearing this the goblins looked at each other in confusion but soon after sat down just like Chad told them to do.

Seeing this Chad felt somewhat excited but also horrified at his own creations killing those Indian men. Though this situation wasn't good if the cops were to find out what happened here. There was still one saving grace for him in this situation.

Mainly that saving grace being the fact that it would be pretty hard to attach the goblins appearance in this world to him. Although if the Goblins were found out there was no certainty that the government and their many agencies weren't going to find something that linked him to the goblins and this crime scene.

With this in mind, Chad quickly came up with a simple plan for this problem. With one hand on his nose, he pointed to the goblins and said.

" Ok guys, I really need to get going now or else people will start suspecting something is wrong and we can't have that. So now it's up to you to get this mess cleaned up. Find their car keys and get rid of those cars. We can't leave any evidence behind that will lead people to this place ok. You need to stay hidden. If people find out about you the entire world will come looking for you and that's not what we want. Ok? "

Hearing this the goblins just nodded and started to cheer. " Yeah yeah, Yee! "

Hearing no words that he at least understood coming from the goblins he questioned them. " So you guys don't speak I guess? "

Shout's of Yee, jeee Yee. Being the only thing he could hear the goblins say Chad sight in disappointment and said.

" Yeah, I finger as much. Ok guys I have no idea if you can actually understand me or not, but please, please do not let anybody see you ok. We can't have rumours of strange green men inhabiting the forests of Vermont going around. "

Hearing no understandable response coming from the goblins Chad then turned around and left not able to stand the stench of death that had started to form in the cave.

Walking out of the cave and into the now dark forest Chad started to make his way back home. And that's when he realized something else.

Despite it being dark and there being no source of light with him the surroundings seemed clear to him. Somehow now his eyes seemed extremely capable of seeing in the dark.

It certainly wasn't a perfect night vision but he could still clearly see everything in a good 20 meters or so in front of himself.

Realising this Chad felt once more completely dumbstruck and amazed. During this one single day, so many things had already happened to him that his mind could hardly comprehend it.

For a good few hours, he ran and ran until he finally reached his home.

His clothes were covered in sweat and he felt absolutely dead tired when he reached the front door. Then he stopped as he heard the robotic voice speak again.

[Plus 50 XP]

[Plus 1 soul]

Immediately his face turned to horror as he looked back towards the mountain in the far distance and thought.

" Oh no, don't tell me that they just. It's barely been three hours how could they. No, there has to be a mistake. "

Shaking his head in denial not wanting to believe this or deal with it he decided to just ignore it for now and focus on going to bed. Heading inside his attention was immediately taken by the TV playing in the living room to his left.

Taking off his dirty shoes he went to turn off the TV and noticed his mother sleeping there on the sofa.

Dressed only in her loose one-piece nightdress that was pulled up high so that some of her underwear could be seen, Chad couldn't help but gulp down his saliva and feel something start to burn inside of him.

With her amazing curves almost fully on display, she looked absolutely stunning to his eyes. But being tired as he was his dragon didn't rise.

Instead, he gently picked her easily up and proceeded to carry her to her room that was located downstairs. Despite feeling exhausted from

To his amazement, his mother didn't wake up and simply continued to sleep peacefully in his arms.

Setting her light body gently down on the bed and tucking her in he turned around and left. But as he was about to exit the door he heard her talking in her sleep.

" No, Chad. Your so big. Don't, not so Aaaaaaahhhh. Be gentle with me. "

His whole body froze as he heard this. " No way, did she just say what I think she said? " He thought.

Turning around he looked to his mother only to see her sound asleep with a dumb, happy look on her face.

Shaking his head he thought to himself. " Nah, can't be. I must be hearing things. Need sleep. "

Walking to his room he opened the door and being as tired as he was didn't even bother to close it.

Sleepily he stumbled towards his bed, took off all his sweaty clothes and fell face first on his bed.

Then as he drifted off to sleep the robotic voice started talking again.

[Plus 50XP]

[Plus 1 soul]