
re: I'm a Futanari Orc(retired)

Our resident trap, Robin, is turned into a futanari orc by a twisted god! Who does that! The audacity. Well, at least he gets a second shot at life. Considering he died and all. And he's far more powerful. Let's observe his new life of debauchery & power starting from childhood!

Namesake_Of_Traps · Fantasie
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Robin's(Olsha's) Life & I Want to Hunt!

P.O.V-First Person



It's been a few hours since I was reborn. It seems I wasn't conscious or in this body yet when I was leaving my mom's vagina. The fanfics lied to me. I'm still a newborn, so my parents haven't left my side. Apparently, I'm some kind of good luck omen according to them. Oh yeah, I know to speak Orcivian, also known as Orcish by humans. Didn't have to learn it. 

According to my parents, the founder of this orc settlement was a futanari as well. So uh, yay for me. When I heard I was an omen, I was expecting the cliche "mc have a bad childhood and face slap bullies later huhu."

But it was the opposite. Let's talk about my wishes. Ok, first and foremost. I'm super strong. I broke my father's finger when I squeezed it. And the craziest part? He didn't even flinch, he just set his finger straight and laughed about how strong his son was, apparently orc regen is pretty good it was perfectly fine in a few days. Oh yeah. I'm an orc. I don't have my tusks yet, they'll grow when I'm three. But I'm an orc. I first thought I was a goblin or something, but luckily I'm not. Ohh, I think I understand what he meant by my photosynthesis. My skin is green, so perhaps I have chloroplasts, slash chlorophyll, or whatever it is that plants use in my skin. I should have asked for better requests. I'm basically a normal orc, but I have photosynthesis and sharp teeth that haven't grown yet. Even then I don't stand out much from a normal orc. The only odd thing about me is the presence of my pussy. 

Luckily, my skin isn't a deep green, it's more light. It's pretty cute. 

So yeah. That's been my life so far.

I wonder how things will go from here.

-Intermission, Time skip. 

-Length, 20 minutes.

Fuck. I'm hungry. The sun isn't enough. If only I was near the window. Nope, instead, I'm living off of light reflected by the wood of the house and the atmosphere. 

Do I seriously have to cry? I don't have much pride considering I took dick near the size of my forearm down my ass a LOT. But… I don't want to scream.

Well, my body seems to have other plans. I can feel tears welling in my eyes. Oh yeah, aren't kids basically run by their emotions? Damn. I'm not looking forward to my life.

Suddenly. My mom burst into my room. Why is she here?

"Shhh shh shh, there there Olsha. You don't have to cry. Are you hungry? I'm sorry I left you for so long." My mom said, picking me up and rubbing my back.

What is she talking about? I'm not crying. Wait, what's this rain on my face? 

Nope, those are tears. Huh, I guess I was. 


SHEESH! Look at the size of those melons! Ha, because she's green… But no seriously, they're huge. 

I do wonder if breast milk tastes good. Well, let's try it.

"Drink up baby." My mom said, raising her nipples to my mouth.

Well, Bone apple teeth.

*Sllrp Sllrp* 

Ok, there's definitely a taste there. My verdict? Too thick. It's like a not-so-bitter load. It's not all that good. And there's this thick milk taste. I hate it. 

Unfortunately, my body has different plans, yet again. I can't stop myself from sucking on her breast. 

-Intermission, Time skip. 

-Length, three years.

Finally, I can feel my tusks coming in. A sign of maturity to orcs. It's also when I first have to follow my dad on a hunt. Some weird village tradition. I've thoroughly enjoyed my life so far. My mom is amazing, and my dad is cool. They're kind of under-educated… But it's fine, they're my parents and I love them all the same. Oh, and I also have a little brother. He's two. He was born about ten months after me, I guess orcs are good at mating. Or at least my dad is. Jeez, I'd appreciate it if they didn't howl all night like werewolves.

Oh yeah. Werewolves. They exist. Werewolves of lots of races, including orcs, humans, or even elves. It's crazy. There's also vampires, goblins, minotaurs, slimes, and according to my dad, Dragons! I hope I find a dragon that is toothless. 

Speaking of teeth. My teeth are incredibly sharp. I've cut my inner lips so often it's insane. Luckily, I've begun to eat harder things, and if I find some metal, my problem will be solved soon. And, my tusks are growing from my upper gums it seems, so they won't be moving when I talk, cool. 

What's also cool is that I don't pee out of wherever women pee from. I lucked out. I still use my johnny. And, my tongue is insanely long. I can lick my eyes and my throat. The outside of my throat! Perhaps lizards and orcs share a common ancestor… Also, my mammary glands came in a few months ago. Hurt like hell. Damned god ripped me off. 

Let's see. My dad is pretty high up in the village, a general of some kind. I haven't seen any magic yet. But it probably exists. The chief is like, super strong, so we are safe from the often adventurers of whatever that attack us every two weeks. At Least we have a constant supply of women and men to use as breeding tools for the village. I haven't seen any traps yet though. How sad. 

My life has been pretty uneventful so far. Hopefully, things will get fun soon.

-Intermission, Time skip. 

-Length, two months.

It's been quite a while since I've begun to shadow my dad on his hunts. I'm getting confident in being able to actually hunt on my own. Apparently, I'm supposed to wait until I mature in the sense that I'm able to reproduce, which is at like ten for orcs. But I'm super strong now. My strength has kind of stagnated since there's nothing new to do. Maybe killing something will allow me to grow more. As for why I'm so determined to get stronger? So I can fuck without care when I'm older. 

If dragons exist I might get kidnapped by one or something as some plot by that twisted god and get dragon dicked 

I've also begun to work out. I'd hate to stunt my growth so it's just simple calisthenics for now. A few push-ups a day keeps the demons away. Hmm, are there demons here?

Anyways. Enough procrastinating. It's time to ask my dad to allow me to hunt. 

*Knock Knock Knock*

"Come in." My dad said.

And so, I grasped the door hole, orcs don't have door knobs, and pulled the door open. 

I gathered my courage, and my breath, before saying, "Hey, Dad. You know how I'm like really strong?" 

"Do I? I still 'member the day you popped my finger like a cocoa stick." Dad laughed.

"Well… I was wonderin… Could I maybe… Hunt this time." I said. I'd been working on my speech, I don't say uh much anymore, unfortunately, being around orcs all of the time made me speak with slang often. Well, that and being around Paul.

"What? Why would you wanna do that? You don gotta do that for at least seven more festivals." My dad said. The festivals in question were the festivals in celebration of my birth. The entire village celebrates it to pay respects to the first village chief. Birthdays aren't a thing to orcs. Maybe this will bring along that change.

Closed mouths don't get fed right Paul? Fuck it, they're all brutes anyways, it's fine for me to be rude right? 

With an exhale, I steel my facial expression and say, "Because I want to get my own food! And kill the animals myself. And… Well I just want to kill them and eat them." 

And it was the truth. Fighting them, killing them, and all of these new experiences, it would allow me to increase my strength, and then I can work out and draw out even more strength. The more I do now, the greater my strength will be later. Luckily orcish regeneration makes training a breeze. I should have asked for amped regeneration.

"HAHAHA, that's my boy! Just like your ol' man. Well, I was seven winters old when I went and got my first kill. Guess you're even better. A'ight. You're strong enough. If you're not? Ya just die, and that's on you. Are you ready?" My dad said, glossing over my death. Bro what? 

I was completely T-Boned by his uncaring attitude towards my potential death. Is it an orc thing or does he just not care about me?

I decided to just bite the bullet. Being all squeamish hasn't helped me at all the past few months that I've begun talking once again.

"Yes." I say simply. 

I'm definitely stronger than my mom now. My dad? Not so easy. I mean, I don't even have my testosterone and other hormones yet. And I'm super short. I can only hope to be able to beat him. 

My dad goes and puts on armor he recently stole from some humans. We always equip ourselves with weapons and or armor when we leave home, just in case. Anyways, he went and grabbed two weapons, a mace for him, and a spear for me. Orcs hate swords for some reason. They use literally everything but swords, mostly heavy weapons.

We made our way outside, my father was quiet, it was odd. But it gave me time to think.

Maybe I should slow down. I'm not in a rush. Children orcs are stronger than untrained human adults. Hell, my mom is stronger than the weaker werewolves. I'm not in any danger. Push comes to shove, I have to eat werewolves. My teeth are incredibly sharp after all. 

Hmm. Maybe I should eat my spear? I mean, if my tusks grow long enough, I could use them instead. But if they break… Yeah, I'm glad I drank all of that milk when I could. Maybe I should ask mom for more. I mean, she is pregnant now… 

On that note… What the god said to me as he teleported me away is still on my mind all of these years later. Some guy was fucking his mom and he loved it. Absolutely sick. But… I might've gotten a milk fetish from my mom when I was a baby. 

On the note of that sick god, I'm still angry about no longer being a cute trap. But when my breasts grow in I'll be fine. I mean, I wasn't the straightest ruler in the shed, but even I liked tits.

Yeah, I'm definitely going to go by female pronouns. My hair is pretty long, and I'm super girly now. My dick almost feels out of place. Almost. I could never forsake my long John.

Hmm, now that I think about it. This village is shit. Hygiene doesn't exist, I'd be having a panic attack if it weren't for my immune system and digestive system. I can literally eat maggots and be fine. But I'm not. I'd rather starve. 

Hmm, can I survive off of the sun and cum? That would be helpful if I got kidnapped or something in the worst-case scenario where I can't escape. I outlive their lifespan, or I just vomit on them. My stomach acid IS super strong… Could I use that as an attack? 

My own Kamehameha…

Haha… I need friends. 

I continued similar thoughts until finally, we arrived at our hunting place. The forest of names.

My father finally decided to speak up.

"Son, here you will earn your battle name. You will be here for three sun falls and three lunar kisses. Good luck." Is all my father said before patting my shoulder and just walking off. Orc culture is weird.

Well. It's time to eat trees.